Ckm -.Cupid -Says. . . ... BE HIS VALENT INE ’ in a_ beautiful formal from YVestgate Shoppe. The Senior. Ball is your chance io really capture his heart, j And the dance will be even j -more exciting because of ; your lovely new formal. ' Drop in today and see our complete selection. Easy on the budget, too, with prices I from $21.95 to $39.95. .895 E. 13th St. Phi Delta Theta Hoopsters Score 53 Phi Delta Theta's “A" hoop 1 quintet dropped 32 points through the hoop in the second half to give them a 53-23 win over the hap less Sigma Alpha Mu five. The i Phi Delts led 21 to 13 at halftime i and just walked away from the Sammies in the second half. Gene Lewis and Pete Williams led their i comrades to victory with 12 and ; 11 points respectively. A1 Barz | man chalked up eight for the los ers. The lineups follow: I Phi Delts (531 (23) Sammies I Wagner, 8 .F. 2, Olds i Williams. 11 .F... 3, Rotenberg ! Paulus, 10 .C.. 3, AbramS I Lewis, 12 .G. 7. Cohen * Mundle. 10 .G .. 8, Barzman Substitutes: Phi Delts, Sclimer o Sherry Ross Victors In a closely played thriller. Sherry Ross hall won out over Stitzer hall by a 22-21 count, de spite last minute lay-ins by Mick elson and Blackledge for Stitzer. Sherry Ross held a comfortable halftime lead of 16-11, but the' Stitzerites closed the gap in the j last half. Baltimore of the winners ; won high-point honors for the tilt Classifieds FOP. SALE: Newly overhauled and clean appearing 1937 Chrys ler coupe. Ph. 5-2672 or inquire 2322-3 Patterson. LOST: Platinum-grey ragline: sleeve alligator topcoat at Vet's Club Jan. 31. Would fellows who attended the AOPi, ADPi, or Theta dinner see if they didn't take the wrong coat. FOR SALE: 45-speed RCA Victor automatic record player. Port able. A $47 value for $30. Call 5-0726. * MOTOR TUNE-UP AUTO ELECTRICAL 4ferfin4ufo Electric Service Phone 4-0133 • • • 7th & Charnelton Calvin, K. Martin Eugene, Oregon J. Paul Shecdy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil Because He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test "HURRM-PH"! trumpeted SheeJy, "What a elephant time to have my hair act up. Might as well break my date and get trunk!" Luckily he was overheard by a Pachydermitologist who said, "Tusk, tusk! You’ve got a messy big top from pouring those buckets of water on your head. Cet out of your ivory tower and visitjtny toilet goods counter for a bottle or tube of Wildroot Cream-Oil, "Your,Hair’s Best Friend". Non-alcoholic. Contains soothing Lanolin. Relieves dryness. Removes loose, ugly dan druff. He-Ip s you pass the Finger-Nail Test.’’ Paul got Wildroot Cream-Oil, and now all the girls tent to him more than ever. So why don't you try Wildroot Cream-Oil? It only costs peanuts -—29(T. And once you try it, you'll really have a circus. y^o/lilSo. Harris Hill Rcl,, Williams ville, N. Y. Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. Y. with 10 tallies. The lineups fol i low: Sherry Itoss (22) (21) Stitzer Baltimore, 10 ... F. 3, Lewis ! Tally, 1 .T. 1, Nordling | Reneberg, 4 .C , 3 Mickelson i Sjolund, 3 .G 2, Manning 1 Briles, 4 .G. Bergeron | Substitutes: Stitzer, Blackledge I 6, Schnelderinan 0. Phi Kaps Win Easily Phi Kappa Sigma pulled away in the second halt' to record a 31 to 20 victory over the Phi Kappa Psi i team. The game was very close in the first two periods, but in the second half, the Phi Kappas began to roll. High point men for the game were Beck and Settecase. The high point men for the Phi Psi’s were Henry and Hall with 0 points apiece; The score by quar ters was 7-6, 15-13, 21-17 and 31-20 in favor of Phi Kappa Sigma. ;PKS (SI) (20) PKP Beck, 9.F.0, Sims j Christenson. 4....F.6, Haney j Settecase, 9.C.6, Hall Hinsen, 5.G... 0, Kleinsmlth Mundle, 4.G.S. Harding j Substitutes: Phi Psi, Ball 5. Susan Campbell gained an easy victory as Gamma llall forfeited to them. Pi KA's Over Sig Eps In intramural “A" basketball ac tion Tuesday afternoon, PI Kappa Alpha walked away with a 30-11 victory over Sigma Phi Epsilon. The game was never very close, with the score standing 19-9 at halftime. Donn of the PiKA’s was high scorer for the contest with 11 counters, while Gray led the Sig Eps with six tallies. The lineups follow: I’i Kappa Alpha (30) (14) Sig Ep Patrick, 2..F.5, Olson Cillkey, 6. F .6, Gray Stingley, ti C’.Rippey Donn, T., II.G 3, Heestand Hu.stcd, 5 G.Oppligcr Forfeits The Legal Eagles were the re cipients of a victory by forfeit over the Yeomen, as the Yeomen failed to produce a full team by game time. HANDBALL Phi Gamma Delta's handball team blanked the Delta Upsilon squad by a 3-0 score in IM hand ball action Tuesday afternoon. Hale Kane Bounces DU's in Track Meet HuU> Kane took four first places in n track meet with the DU’s Tuesday afternoon to overcome their thinelad opponents, 38 to 21. A distance to 20 feet, three inches was turned in by Ben Johnson of Hale Kane in the broad jump, His teammate, Bob Kanada, also captured a first by soaring 10 feet in the pole vault. Results: Hale Kane, 38, Delta Upsilon, 21. Broad jump — Johnson, Hale Kane. 20' 3" Pole vault Kanada, Hale Kam\ 10' High jump Pete Van Dijk, DU High hurdles Norm Slevertson, DU Shot put McElrevy, Hale Kane, 37’ 7" 30 yd. dash John Wadman, DU, 1:09 seconds. 160 yd. relay Hale Kane, 16:01 seconds. Football Meeting All football players, freshman and varsity, are asked to attend an important football meeting at 3:30 p.m., Thursday after noon, at McArthur Court, ac cording to head footliall coach I^en Casanova. Meadows' Derby Seton Hall Reaches Phenomenal 22-0 Mark; La Salle, Washington Quints Next in Rankina By Martin Meadows Seton Hall, LaSalle, and Wash ington remain one-two-three in this week's national basketball ratings as the season enters its last month of regularly-scheduled competition. The top-ranked Pirates stretch ed their unbeaten skein to 22 with a 74-67 victory over a determined St. Bonaventure squad, while the LaSalle Explorers stayed in sec ond place by cruising over Loyola of Baltimore, 73-61, and Duquesne, 74-66. The Explorers now have posted IS wins in 20 starts. Huskies Keep Position Washington's Huskies kept roll ing in Northern division play as they swept a two-game series from Washington State by scores of 79 51 and 69-56, giving them a 20-1 record. However, they are being pressed by the Big Ten leaders, the Indiana Hoosiers (11-2), who advanced one position to fourth by clobbering Butler, 105-70, and then hanging up their 10th straight triumph by an 88-84 count over Northwestern. The Western Kentucky Hill toppers moved from sixth to fifth after racking up three de cisive wins during the week. The hiiltoppcrs, who now own n flashy 19-3 slate, polished off Bowling Green, 71-60, turned hack strong Dayton, 88-77, and capped a successful week by breezing past Eastern Ken tucky, a team which had de feated them earlier this year. Right behind in the number six slot is North Carolina State (19-4). The Wolfpack also jumped up one spot following 91-51 and 101-71 decisions over South Carolina and William & Mary, respectively. Illini Move Up Illinois, another Big Ten outfit, climbed from ninth to seventh with a mark of 11-2. The Illini smashed De Pauw, 93-50, and subdued Wis consin, 65-61, to remain in the race for the Big Ten lead behind Indiana. Eighth-ranked Oklahoma A& 51 (16-3), despite two more vic tories, continued to encounter rough going. The Aggies got past Detroit, 67-58, and then were forced into an overtime be fore they were able to down St. Louis, CO-58. In ninth is a newcomer to the top ten, DePaul, which ran its ledger to 17-4 as it continued its comeback from mid-season set E CAMPUS - 854 E: B* backs. The Blue Demons extended their latest streak to seven as they registered an 85-43 win over E!m hurst and tripped Loyola of Chi cago, 68-43. They were rated 15th last week. Kansas State Tenth The number ten team is Kan sas State, which slipped all the way from fourth as the result of an 80-67 loss at the hands of Ne braska. It was the third loss for the Wildcats to go with 10 tii umphs. In addition to MTashington, oth er Coast squads include: Seattle 18th, California 27th, USC 29th, UCLA 35th, Oregon 59th, Santa Clara 63rd, and Idaho 72nd. Following are the team positions and records through Saturday’s contests: S-t in TIall (22 0) 26. LaSalle (18.21 27. Washing! ,n (20-U2X. Indiana (11-2) 29. Weal. Ky. (19 3) 30. X. ('. St. (19-4; 2 1 , Illinois (11-2) 32. Okta A&M (18 DePaul (17 4) 34. Kan-as Si. (10 3) 35. L.S.U. (15-U 36. Louisville (17 3) 37. Manhattan (11-2) 38. Kordhara (13-3) 39, Miami O .(13-3) 40. Xotrc Dame (12-3 41. B.Y.U. (18-3) 42. Seattle (19-2) 44. Last. Ky. (12 5) 44. Tulsa (14-5) 45. Dkla. City (13 3) 46. Penn (13-2) 47. Ceo. Wash. (10-4)48. Kansas (10-4) 49, Wake l'ur. (13-5) 50. West V.-,. (Ml Cal. (1.-6. Niagara (I0-.3) CSC (14 I) Mar) land 1 10-4) Holy Cm-, (1- •) (lolumhia 1 1! Dukc*( 12-6) Navy (12-3) UCLA (14 ) Xo. Car. (15-6.) Minn. (115) I tayton (11 9) 1lunucsne (13-7) Wyoming (15 Villauova (14 6) Richmond (13-4) Marshal! (15-2) Ceorgetown (8-4) Conn. (10-3) Temple (13 6) X.Y.U. (9 7) St. John’s (10-5) Kin Grande (29-0) M urray (15-5) A HEART-TO-HEART GIFT Beautiful Heart Boxes and Valentine-decorated Packages, filled with fresh, home-l'ashioned candies. EVERYBODY'S DRUG STORE 986 Willamette