Need Delegates For Model UN Berkeley to Host Annual Conference The University of Oregon has been invited to represent a United Nations country at the “Model United Nations" conference at the University of California, April 15 through 18. Prospective delegates should contact Bob Maffin or Eaton Field, seniors in political science, who will choose the eight member dele gation. Maffin may be reached at 3-1b27 and Field at 4-8845, Maffin said William Williams, history de partment. and C. P. Schleicher, po litical scie nce, will also accept ap plications, Maffin said. The country to be represented will be chosen by the delegates. Campus Calendar Noon Yeomen 110 si' Middle drove H.S. Ill SI' •Spanish Table 112 SU Keg. Traffic ft. 113 SI' .8 pan. M ont.'s l ac tea (Jerl. 2nd FI 8:30 SU I5il 331 SI 4 pan. .Mystic Sale ( It III SI 0:30 Newman Cl 110 SU 7 pan. Ktudtr t Traffic Ct. 113 SI 7:30 Itoss I/cet 201 SU Alumni Assn Comm 315 SC 7:45 Ilillcl Meet 112 SU C VI XSTKOl'HK Beaux Arts Ball Friday the 13th THURS., FEB. 19 EUGENE ARMORY CONCERT. 8 to 9:30 DANCE, TO 1 A.M. I UO to Host Seven Schools In Annual Oratory Contest The University forensic department will play host Tuesday to the seven schools participating in the annual oratory contest and a fire side chat Initiated this year under the sponsorship of the Intercolleg iate Forensic Association of Oregon, Herman Cohen, forensic adviser, announced today. Awards for both events will be marie on a competitive basis, Cohen said. Each school is limited to one entry in each field. World peace is © Campus Briefs © I'rlday Ik the lust day to join the YWCA, Recording to Barbara Keelen, membership chairman. Memberships may be purchased from house representatives or at thi^ Y office in Gerlinger hall. Women must be members to vote ; in the Y elections later in the month, Miss Keelen said. * * * © There will be a Student Cour t meeting tonight at 7 in the j SI for all students with citations which haven’t been paid in the Stu dent Affairs office. Room number will be posted. * * * O Committee chairmen for the Phi Theta Upsilon Mystic sale will meet at 1 p.m. today in the Stu- i dent Union, according to Doreen Geinger, co-chairman of the event I tne general topic selected for ora tions in the contest and the dis cussion of the domestic state of the nation will be presented by the fireside group. The fireside chat is an experiment in presenting a pan el discussion with each speaker presenting an extemporaneous speech on the general topic. Schools attending the conference include Oregon State, Linfield, Wil lamette, Lewis and Clark, Univer sity of Portland, and Northwest Christian college. O Today at 5 p.m. is the dead line for petitions for chairmen of the annual WRA carnival to be held Feb. 28. Petitions may be turned in to Mary Wilson at the Delta Gamma house or to the cage at Gerlinger. Chairmen for tickets, finance, promotion, publicity, booths, deco rations, the food booth and clean 11 r» tore Say It- With Flowers from Your Reliable University Florist £u q en 13th & Patterson St. e>i ftome Eugene, Ore. Submit Writings, Women Asked Women interested in affiliating with Chi Delta Phi, national liter ary honorary, may submit manu scripts now for consideration, vice president Pat Poliak, senior in lib eral arts, has announced. Initiation of new members will be held in April. Interested wom | en Who have written short stories, j plays, or poetry may submit a > sample of their work to Bernice Rise in the Student Union brows ing room. Prospective members will be asked to attend several meetings of the group, Alisa Pol iak said. The next meeting will be held Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Col lege Side. A short story “Enjoyed Together” by Sue Lichty, senior in journalism, and a poem “Two Worlds” by Sally Hayden, junior in business will be read and discussed. Chi Delta Phi is the national literary honorary for women inter ested in creative writing. CATASTROPHE Beaux Arts Ball Friday the 13th Light Up Your Valentine's Heart • With a beautiful RONSON LIGHTER $8.40 and up • With a handsome BILL FOLD ® With a graceful CIGARETTE CASE $4.20 and up. \\ itli many other tasteful gifts from Phone 4-4611 Skiers! Willamette Pass Ski Area will operate Thursdays as well as Saturdays and Sundays $2.50 ROUND TRIP Reservations - Rentals Call Hendershot's Sporting Goods 770 Willamette Ph. 4-9325 BUSSES: Leave Greyhound depot, U of O Campus, 8 a.m. — and you're back in Eugene at 6 p.m. Let's Go Skiing! (CjnlyTime willTkll... WHAT A BEAUTIFUL voice! k ' JUST LIKE abird! More People Smoke Camels THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE! Only time will fell about a promising singer! And only time will tell abouf a cigarette I lake your time... lest .CAMELS for 30 days -for MILDNESS and FLAVOR 1 THERE MUST BE A REASON WHY Camel is America’s most popular cigarette leading all other brands by billions! Camels have the two things smokers want most—rich, full flavor and cool, cool mildness...pack after pack! Try Camels for 30 days and see how mild, how flavorful, how thoroughly enjoy able they are as your steady smoke!