Radio Review Ex-Veep Barkley Going on Air _:_by Don Collin With the new administration (c haracterized as the “Big' Deal" . by the disgruntled) bringing in uew faces, there is a lot of Demo cratic material bobbing around, some of. which shows up on ra . dio this week. Alben Barkley's new show 1 ‘Meet the Veep” begins this Sunday on KTTGN at 3:15 p.m. Format will be the question-an ewer style. . . Adlai Stevenson on KERG 6:30 p.m. Saturday re r-iinding the Demos of Jefferson • and Jackson. - Another political show be ginning Sunday on KUGN at ' 0:30 p.m. is Lawson McCall's review of the legislature—“Sa Tem Agenda” . . . Meet the i Press moved to Monday at 6:30 p.m. A show that has shown some ' political consciousness of late is .ABC's (KEXj "Mr. President.” Shortly before Ike's inauguration il portrayed a president faced v. ith a leader who thought him gc-lf the political standard bear er of the country. Last night, Mr. President had trouble finding a general to prosecute a war. The - problems of Ike-Taft and Tru ) :an-MacArthur have plagued other presidents. After the all-campus Senior Ball had been determined to be r. 'Heart Attack" a student sug gested it ought to have been giv ■ e.* the theme "Infantile Pa ralysis." A featured presentation of KWAX Tuesday nights at 6:15 is “Surprise Package,” wrap pod up iiiul deliverd by Ann Moyes, A1 Bar/.man, Jim Blue anil any other characters dragged off the (|iiail. They sit down at 8:80 Tuesday aftcr nuo and an hour after the ques tion “Who’s got any ideas?" lias been thrown out, first re hearsal (and incidentally the broadcast) is taped for the eve ning playback. It's an extemp show that provides enough sur prises to the performers as well as tiie audience to make an interesting quarter hour of listening. If you want to hear “Surprise Package" and haven’t got an KM radio but have an old TV set around just switch to channel 0 * Situation is caused by an over lap of FM and TV frequencies. Dad’s Day committee was go ing to suggest the headline “Stu dents Have More Fathers” for the story about the high atten dance last weekend. Maybe that explains the chant about the! shortage of fathers among ref- j erees. Jack Benny visits Crosby al G:30 on KKRG. . . Korea’s president is interviewed to night at 10:15 on G. If you want to hear a comedy satire on light opera that really gives it a new twist give an ear to KUGN’s “Reuben, Reuben" Saturday at 5:30 p.m. NBC (KUGN) begins a new hour-long documentary series on penitentiaries called “Your Chal- j lenge" this Sunday at 5:30 p.m. Notes to the Editor .* On the evening- of the 5th of February, while I was in the in i' rmary, I was asked a very rnique question. It was, “What 1 do you think of student govern ment?" I made a statement , , which was published in the Feb ruary 6th Emerald. Since then I have found that my statement , r as interpreted in several dif ferent ways. The exact way that I meant it did not seem to be ore of them. 1 Through a misunderstanding . > by the reporter, my exact words were not quoted, although they were very close. 1 I definitely believed that the -• freshmen needed some help in j bringing to the public eye stu ; dents worthy of nomination. . Whether or not it has been done as effectively as possible in the past by fraternities and inde pendent groups had nothing to do with my statement. I merely meant to say that I - • did not approve of a group, any , group, which would state that it was not a political party but put out posters stating their ideas, . principles, or what ever one ( wishes to call them, which made itself seem like a political party. ' The only' difference between a political party and non-political council is often in the name. And j as far as I know, the council did nothing underhanded. Maybe the idea can be developed into a very helpful plan. Since it was new and different there was bound to be some “mud-sling ing,’' although I was never inter ested in having any part of it. (Signed) Jim Case. (One gets a different slant on things outside the infirmary, doesn’t one?- The Ed.) In reading your article about “Webfoot Students Hail From Many Countries,” I notice that you made no mention of the many students that represent Hawaii. You acknowledge 38 sep arate countries and 37 states, yet there was nothing said of Ha waii, a prospective 49th state. You might be interested to know that there are about 70 students from Hawaii. This certainly ex ceeds the number of students' from any of the foreign coun tries. (signed) A Kamaina (name withheld by request) (Poor old Hawaii . . . always getting left out of things. —The Ed.) The Oregon Daily Emerald published Monday through Friday during the college year except Jan. S; Mar. 9, 10 and 11; Mar. 13 through 30; June 1, 2 and 3 by the Student Publi cations Board of the University of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregpn. Subscription rates; $5 per school year; $2 per term. Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASl.'O or of the University. Editorials are written bj the editor and the members of the editorial staff. Jim Haycox, Editor Sally Thurston, Business Manager Helen Jones, I.akry Hobart, At. Karr, Associate Editors liii.i. Gurney, Managing Editor Jackie Waroei.l, News Editor Sam Vaiiky, Sports Editor .A.'st. Managing Editors: Paul Keefe, Dick Carter .A'.st. News Editors: Laura St urges. Lea, Calvert, Joe Gardner Wire Editors: Lorna Davis, Andy Salmins, Virginia Dailey Nat’l Advertising Manager: Carolyn Silva Layout Manager: Jim Snlidum Classified Advertising Manager: Beverly DeMott / Special Events Petitions Open Petitions for the special events j committee may be picked up in looms 301 and 310, and turned in i at the same place. Deadline will I be Wednesday at 5 p.m. Those in ■ terested in all phases of the sub jects as well as particular aspects are welcome to petition, according to Don Zavin, vice-chairman of the SU board. Social Calendar Wednesday—Desserts Sigma l’lii Kpsilon—Pi Beta I’lii Phi (lamina Delta - Alpha Phi Sigma Alpha Mil - Alpha Om icron Pi Thursday—Dinners Gamma hall - University house Thursday—Dessert Alpha Chi Omega - Beta Theta Pi Friday—Fireside Kappa Kappa Gamma Friday—Dance Beaux Arts Ball Saturday—Dance Senior Ball f 'I Jlilieruruj. 9n ...On KWAX 6:03 Piano Moods 0:10 News Till Now 0:15 Public Health Series 0:30 With a French Accent 7 Old Books, Old Friends 8 Campus Classics 9 Dixieography 9:30 K waxworks 10:30 Emerald of the Air 10:35 Softly Now Guadalajara Summer School A bilingual summer school spon sored by University of Guadala jara in co-operation with Stan ford University faculty members will be held in Guadalajara, Mexico, June 28-Aug. 8, 1952. Offerings include art, folklore, history, language, and literature courses. $255 covers six-weeks tuiticAi, board and room. Write Prof. B. Rael, Box K, Stanford University, Calif. 'Plenty Proud' ..— © Sure your folks will be proud the day you gradu ate—and they’ll be proud, too, of a fine photograph of you decked out in that mo tar board. Make your ap pointment now. THE FEHLY STUDIO On the campus 1214 Kincaid Phone 4-3432 Was it the Timing? C i_ J one speaker's jokl WfMT Cvtc Fio WITH THE StUPENT ea'V gut tATUK AT the fACULiy CLV& 1 Six Women PledgeDuring Open Rush Two sororities pledged six women this week as the open rush period continued. Those women pledged were: Alpha Gamma Delta, Maxine Lin dros, Camille O'Toole and Mar lene Perry; Gamma Phi Beta, Bonnie Brackin, Betty Ann Dicks ami Jo Hadler. 'THE HEALING PRAYER OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE' is the title of A FREE LECTURE By Lela May Aultman, C.S., of Denver, Colorado Member of the Board of Lectureship of The AAother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Thursday, February 12, at 8 p.m. in the Church Auditorium, 1390 Pearl Street First Church of Christ, Scientist Eugene, Oregon CORDIALLY INVITES YOU Nursery facilities provided Tricks in Hearts From BURMEL'S cupid-minded collection in the best Valentine tradition ... hand printed on sheer Batiste with tiny embroidered hems. Your grand slam in hearts for wearing and giving. 50c