Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 10, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    'Discount' Fires
Liquor Question
(AP)—The house alcohol com
- > ittee of the Oregon legislature
decided late Monday to introduce
ns own liquor by the drink bill.
The proposed bill would keep so
called bottle clubs and the mas
ter-locker system, but forbid any
discount or. purchases by dis
The discount feature lias been
a major point of disagreement in
public hearings on liquor by the
Prink legislation. The state liquor
commission has opposed the pro
■ posal to grant a 15 per cent dis
• count or. bulk purchases. It con
tends this would result in the
-.date's losing at least a half mil
: Iron dollars a year.
Night club operators argue that
the state would more than make
-op the loss in increased license
> ?3, inventory taxes and increased
.--ales through tourist trade.
The hill may reach the house
f! oor next Monday'
Gardner to Lead Stars
NEW YORK U& — Coach Jack j
Gardner of Kansas State will lead l
' the 1953 college all-star basketball
team in its fourth annual nation- j
-.vide tour with the Harlem Globe |
Trotters. The series will cover 19 :
cities and will open in New York |
pn March 29th
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Kappa Sigs Halt SAE Five
Kappa Sigma’s “A" intrai
nothing in aggression and littl
fought oft a desperate Sigma
! 25*to jump into solitary owner
With one game remaining ii
cellar-dwelling TKE, the Kupps
Sigs shouldn't have any trouble
finishing the regular season with
an unblemished record.
The winners displayed their best
offense of the season and also had
one of their better afternoons at
defense in toppling the also pre
viously-undefeated SAE's.
Bassett Stars
No one man stood out for Kappa
Sigma, although Bill Bassett led
all scorers with 12 points. Giving
Bassett all the support he needed
were lanky Jack Murray. Doug
Talbot, Dick Dougherty, Tom No
vikoff and Ken Sweitzer.
The losers were not to be un
derrated. however, as they put
up a battle that would be a credit
to any title contender. Smooth
working Rex Davis. ex-Milwaukie
high casaba artist, turned in a top
notch performance that was over
shadowed by none except Bassett.
The battle started off tight
and stayed that nay through the
game. Dougherty sank a free
throw to give the winning five
a short 1-0 lead. After this the
score was tied at 2 and 4 all.
As the second period opened.
SAE guard Pat Dignan drove in
for a lay-in to give the losers their
last lead. His bucket was imme
diately counter-balanced by
Dougherty with a tip-in. After the
count was again tied at 8-8, Tom
Novikoff connected on a long set
shot to put the winners out ahead
for sure.
Bassett widened the gap to four
points, 12-8, with a two handed
oveihead set shot as the third
frame started. Two minutes later.
Kappa Sigma was pulling away on
the long end of a 17-10 score.
At the finish of the period the
tally was upped to 19-14.
SAE's Rally
Bob Carlson suddenly came to
life for SAE when his mates were
six points behind, and with the as
sistance of cool-operating Davis,
managed to narrow the margin
to 22-20.
Dougherty came through with
two free throws on Davis's foul
and Novikoff added two more
points to the Kappa Sig total,
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“The Brown Front Across from the Green Front”
miral basketball quint, lacking
in field goal and toss shooting,
Alpha Kpsilon rally winning 2'1
diip of first place in League 1 A.
1 their schedule, that being w ith
while SAE was retaliating' with u
hook and set shot on the part of
Kappa Sigma settled down
and sank three out of four gift
ers in the dosing minutes to pull
the victory out of the fire.
A prime factor in the Kappa Sig
win was a phenomenal It out of
14 from the free throw line. SAE
could only complete five of 13
for a feeble .335 from the charity
SAE (25) (29) Kappa Slg
Dignan, 4 .F. 4, Murray
Carlson, 7 -.F . 3, Talbot
Hoss, 2 .C... 6. Dougherty
Davis, 10 .G. 12, Bassett
Kittredge, 2 .G. 0, Sweitzer
Subs—for Kappa Sigma: Novi
i koff, 4.
Delts Win Close One
. Another close game was reg
istered Monday afternoon as the
Delts fought off a desperate rally
on the part of the Pi Kapps to
win, 15 to 14.
With the Delts ahead, 15 to 10,
with less than two minutes left,
the Pi Kapps put together two
, field goals to come within one
I point of tying up the game.
! Delts (15) (11) Pi Kapps
, Leslie, 2 .F . 6, Greco
B. Adair, 6 .F 0, Marshall
| Gustafson, 2 .C. 4, Wooden
; Morgan. X .G. 4, Toner;
j Ricketts, 2 .G 0, Surprenant!
Phi Kaps Victorious
Phi Kappa Sigma’s “B'' squad
j came out victorious over Phila
delphia House in the other con
test. The final score was 23-13.
The winners led at halftime, Tl-3.
Jim Marshall was high scorer
for the day, racking up 18 points.
Pill Kappas (32) (13) Phils
Butler, 1 ...F . 6. Thompson
Karr, 0 .F 5, Amondson
Marshall, 18 .C. 0, Itice
Wilcox, 3 .G . 2, Do Wree
Finnegan, 0 . G 0, Holverson
Sigma Nu's Win
IM Track Meet
Sigma Nu's track team scored
an impressive 59-10 victory over
Sigma Alpha Mu in a Monday aft
ernoon intramural track action.
The Sigma Nu’s grabbed every
first place except the broad jump.
The Sammie's only first place
was won in the broad jump. Don
ald Olds made a flying leap of 17'
11" to capture a first place win
for the Sammies.
Winners in the events were as
Shot: Seeales, Sig Nu 39'10".
Broad Jump: Olds, Sammie 17’
High Jump.: Gent. Sig Nu—6’.
Pole Vault: Heppner, Sig Nu 9'
40 yd. hurdles: Seeale.s, Sig Nu.
40 yd. dash: Briot. Sig Nu.
40 yd. relay: Sig Nu.
Tuesday. Feb. 10
3:50 C*>:irt 4'’ Pi Kappa Alpha A ; Sigma
Phi Epsilon A
3: j ( •tirt 4.? Phi Kappa Psi A vs. Phi
Kappa Sigma A
4*33 Court 40 Phi Delta Theta A \ Sigma
Alpha Mu A
4:35 Court 4J Gamma Hall A v-*. Su*a:»
Canipbf1! A
5:15 C"Uit 4“ Sht-rrv K -s A v-. St.*./<••
Hal! A
.13 (‘ art 43 Yt •no t: A Vv I.' v ' V. A
Washington Huskies
Claim Hold on Hoop Title
; NEW YORK (.B-On Monday.
' March 9. the National Collegiate
j Athletic Association basketball
| tournament will get underway. Be
tween now and then the rivals for
the various sectional crowns will
have plertty of work. Washington
doesn't have much to worry about.
The Huskies are one of the few
teams in the nation with a
stranglehold on a title. The Husk
ies have won 10 in a row and have
6 to go in the Pacific Coast Con
ference northern division. The
teams in the southern division em
bark this weekend on another go
round with 6 conference games for
each remaining. California holds
first place by two games,
with defending champion UCLA
tied with Southern California in
the runner-up spot.
The outcome of this weekend's
1 California-UCLA seiies at Berke
ley won't be decisive but could in
dicatc whether the Bruins’ four
! years of domination of the division
is over. Last-place Stanford tilts
with Southern California at Los
In other sections, conference
leadership and NCAA tourney bids
are far from settled. Oklahoma,
the leader in the Big Seven, has
played only four conference tests
and has eight left to play. In
diana is only half-way through its
Big 10 schedule with a record of
nine straight victories. LSU is the
leader in the Southeastern Con
ference with a record of seven
straight victories. Yet, the Ben
' gals have five more conference en
! gagements.
815 E.13th
Ph. 5-6321
- By Sam Vahey -
Things look pretty bleak for
Oregon and the rest of the North
ern division teams under Wash
ington in the ND standings as far
as overhauling the Huskies is con
cerned; but there is plenty of in
terest and competition concerning
the three way race for second.
Getting back to the undefeated
Washington quint, we see little or
no hope for anyone replacing the
leaders as Northern division
champ. Only two quints, Oregon
and Oregon State bold a mathe
matical chance of winning. In
OSC's case, there is only hope for
a tie and then a victory in the
ensuing playoff.
The Seattle five currently pos
sesses a 10-win and no-loss slate.
Oregon, in the second spot, is rid
ing on six wins and four defeats;
and the Aggies, although in fourth
spot, are still eligible with a 1 and
6 record. A U of W win or an OSC
loss would eliminate the Beavers.
Any assortment of three Oregon
losses or a like number of Wash
ington wins would drop the Ducks.
Both situations are highly im
Hut Retting hack to the sec
ond place—that's where the real
race lies. It would he a logical
speculation to state that the
three teams involved, Oregon,
Idaho and OSC, might go right
down to the last game before
the runner-up s|>ot is decided.
Oregon, although it is two
games ahead of its nearest rival,
could suffer considerably in its
forth coming schedule which puts
the locals on the road for five out
of their last six games. We can
get a good idea of what a pro
longed journey away from home
can do to a good club by looking
at Idaho, who just finished a dis
astrous invasion of the Willamette
Idaho has only four tilts left
and the Vandals must win all of
these to remain in the midst of the
scramble. Oregon State, likewise,
must play an efficient brand of
ball if the Corvallis crow' is to
stay among the contenders. Add
two more losses to the six which
OSC now has, and you'll find a
team with an even .500 percentage
at the end of the season.
Win Streak Broken
One of the longest winning
streaks in Oregon State College
basketball came to ;tn end Friday
at McArthur court when the
Beaver Rooks dropped their first
contest in 26 tries to a determined
flock of Oregon Ducklings, 66 to
62. The strategy for the winners
during the game seemed to bo
“Never mind Halbrook, stop tha
rest of the team."
nils is evidenced by the fact
that behind Wade Holbrook’s 30
points, the next highest CSC"
individual score wan nine.
The winners, nevertheless, did
put an effective cork in the Hal
brook scoring funnel, especially
in the first period. Max AndersoA,
stalwart frosh center turned in a
masterful performance in holding
down the high scoring Swede and
collecting 28 points himself over
the guard of an opponent almost
half a foot taller than himself.
A record which probably never
got in the books was registered in
the Friday night Oregon-Idaho
encounter. Oregon and Idaho each
took 84 shots at the hemp, giv
ing a game total of 1C8. The pre
vious mark was 161. However, this
total was far overshot the next
night when a 191 figure went
. An analysis of the 191 shots
attempted record shows that ap
proximately five cracks were
taken at the hemp every minute*