Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 10, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    Organized In 1927
Dads Organization Donates Gates,
Furniture> Scholarships to U of O
The Dads’ Oaten, located at the
north entrance to the campus,
- were given both as a gift to the
1'niversity and as a public ser
vice by the University of Oregon
- Hails' organization.
Built fluting the depression, the
ales were made by Portland
W orks Project administra
lion workers, with materials be
ing financed by the Dads, The
Kites were completed in 1935,
according to K. W. Onthank, as
sociate director of student affairs,
executive secretary of the group.
Organized in 1927, the organiza
tion has had M presidents, in
- eluding Arthur Priaulx, of Port
land, who is the current chief of
ficial. University President Ben
. nett Hall, together with a small
group of interested dads, organ
ized the group "to serve in every
possible way the interests of the
sons and daughters of members
. . . according to the original
.",500 Members
Presently composed of approx
imately 3,500 members, the group
has 14 executive board officers
throughout the state who meet
quarterly to make plans for the
group. The only actual meeting
of the entire membership is during
Dads’ Weekend, when there is a
genera] discussion session com
bined with a business meeting aft
er the luncheon in the Student
Union ballroom.
In addition to the Dads' Gates,
the club has given other contri
Beaux-Arfs Ball—'Catastrophe'
Slated For Friday at Gerlinger
I he annual Beaux-Arts ball
“Catastrophe" Friday in Gerlinger
man, has announced. The ball w
holds barred" as to apparel.
Dobson said that because of the i
lose their identity as such and be
• come a “big, gay family having a
gay get-together."
Sponsored by the Associated
- Students of Architecture and Al
lied Arts under the chairmanship
of Bud Oringdulph, the ball is
" open to members of ASAAA and
their guests.
Ralph Brevic’s quartet will sup
ply the music for dancing, lasting
from 9 to 12 p.m. Frizes will be
. given during intermission for the
best costumes.
Students will be admitted on
their ASAAA membership cards.
Those wishing cards can obtain
them fiom Oringdulph or J. Car
son Bowler in the east wing draft
ing room of the art school.
Attorney to Speak
On Rosenberg Case
“The Legal Aspects of the Ros
enberg Case” will be discussed by
_ Eugene Attorney Charles Porter
at a meeting of Young Democrats
tonight at 6:30 in the Student
. Union.
The meeting is open to all inter
ested students and faculty mem
bers, according to Charles Grover,
Porter, a Harvard graduate, will
present a brief talk and then lead
• a group discussion on the atomic
spies whose life or death now rests
with Pres. Dwight Eisenhower.
Dance Instructor
(Continued from parje one)
which we can talk with gestures.
She included in the “alphabet"
* movements of flexibility, lightness,
speed, sustaining, gliding and di
Shadow movements, the dancer
told her audience, are the small
movements — not always com
• pletely subjective. “Nervous ten
sions are expressed here,” she'
_ said.
In closing, Miss Meredith-Jones
stated, “If we move at all, we re
. veal ourselves and it is well to re
member that.”
Dance is the poetry of move
ment and, while not' everyone
writes poetry, we must all be con
cerned with space and form in
. movement, she said.
We cannot seize experiences
from the outside and feel them un
til they become a part of us. We
need to find the relationship of
body to space—to “know where
you are going and how” the Cali
fornia instructor concluded.
will explode with the theme
innex, Jim Dobson, publicity chair
11 be a costume affair with "no
•ostumes, students and faculty will
• Campus Briefs
0 The Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship will meet tonight at
SU 333 at 7 p.m. Speaker will be
Father Evan Williams of St.
Mary’s Episcopal Church. He will
speak on the first chapter of
John's gospel, and music will be
furnished by the Northwest Chris
tian college quartette.
0 University of Oregon Young
Republicans will meet tonight at
6:30 in the Student Union. Ken
Knox, chairman of the Oregon Col
lege League of Young Republicans
will be present to discuss pro
posed plans for the spring retreat
of the group. All members are
urged to attend by President Bruce
Holt to hear Knox, a student at
Northwest School of Law in Port
0 The Pop concert scheduled
by the University band tonight in
the Student Union has been post
poned, according to Robert Vag
ner, band director. The concert is
now slated on March 1 at 8 p.m.
0 Phi Theta Upsilon, junior
women's honorary, will meet at
6:30 tonight in the Student Union.
All members are requested to at
tend by Pres. Judy McLoughlin.
0 Petitions for chairman of
the University Religious council
sponsored Easter sunrise service
are now being called for, accord
ing to Jane Simpson, URC presi
dent. Petitions may be turned in
to Miss Simpson at the YWCA.
0 Items for the Emerald Cam
pus Merry Go Round should be
turned into the Emerald shack by
3 p.m. today. A box for the items
is provided just inside the news
room door.
Phi Theta Mysties
For Mid-term Drop
Do you have that mid-term
slump? Then — “Have a Golden
Krispie Mystie!’’
Using this slogan, the. annual
Phi Theta Upsilon Mystie Sale will
be held Feb. 19 and in conjunction
with Women’s Day, Feb. 20.
General chairman for the affair
aS-e Marilyn Parrish, freshman in
liberal arts and Doreen Gienger,
reshman in education.. ■ • •
butions to the University includ
ing furniture for the SU Dads’
Lounge and other parts of the
Principal project currently fi
; nanced by the group is the Ore
■ gon Dads' scholarship, awarded
j annually to entering freshmen and
j based upon need and previous
j scholastic record. The recipients
are chosen by the University’s
scholarship committee.
Other grants are made to up
I per class students throughout the
year. These scholarships are fi
nanced by the surplus collected
| in dues, and an endowment fund
is currently being sponsored to
provide for future grants.
Jonas Ingram resigned as com
missioner of the All-American
football conference in January
FOR SALE: Newly overhauled
and clean appearing 1937 Chrys
ler coupe. Ph. 5-2672 or inquire
2222-3 Patterson.
Campus Calendar
] 1:50 Adler Lunch ] 11 SU
Noon French Table 110 SU
Reg. Traffic Ct 112 SU
Movie Comm 313 SU
12:15 Record Music Comm
302 SU
1:00 Adler Asbly Ballrm SU
3:00 Adler Forum
Dad’s Lounge SU
4:00 Directorate Comm 302 SU
Duck Preview Ch 315 SU
6:30 Young Democrats 110SU
Ski Quacks 112SU
Voung Republicans 215 SU
Phi Theta 315 SU
YM-YW Fun Fest
Exec 319 SU
7:00 Christian Sci Gerl 1st FI
IVC'F 334 SU
JUtitenintf, On
...On KWAX
6:03 p.m.—Piano Moods
6:10 p.m.—News Till Now
6:15 p.m.—Surprise Package
6:30 p.m.—Table-hopping at SU
7:00 p.m.—Ways of Mankind
8:00 p.m.—Campus Classics
9:00 p.m.—This Time Yesterday
9:30 p.m.—K wax works
10:30 p.m.—Emerald of the Air
10:35 p.m.—Softly Now
7th at LINCOLN
Dr. Leland A. Huff
13 W. 8th Ave Ph. 5-3725
When we check youi*
watch out, we know
it's okay!
Before your repaired watch1
is returned to you, it is
checked and double-checked1
on every point by experts,
whose personal responsi
bility is to see that your
watch is as good as new,
620 Willamette
When Grover talks to his dreamboat — something clicks
A call from Drcamboat always clicks with
Grover. And an Automatic Message Ac
counting machine has been clicking too —
clown in the telephone office — busily
punching impressions on a paper tape.
You may be interested in what this
ingenious recorder does. It keeps track of
what telephone number you called, how
long you talked, and records this informa
tion in such a way that another machine
can automatically prepare a monthly bill.
The development of this new automatic
accounting machine is the result of team
work by Bell Telephone Laboratories,
Western Electric and the telephone com
panies. Telephone people working on this
and other interesting and important proj
ects were in college just a short time ago.
Perhaps you’d like to join them.
Your Placement Officer can give you de
tails about employment opportunities in
the Bell System. Or write to American
Telephone & Telegraph Company, College
Relations Section, 195 Broadway, New
York 7, N. Y., for a copy of the booklet,
“Looking Ahead.’’
Bell Telephone System