Who Is This Goy? 1 '} lie name alone is enough to scare a person off. » Dr. Mortimer J. Adler. Sounds high-tone, doesn't it? And )»ij>e this. He's going to speak on "Art and Aesthetics. Might ■Hri i then be a fine opportunity for us to politely evade the dis cu -sion and spend a few extra minutes with coffee, cards or any number of other painless pleasures? Herhaps there have been times in the past few years when stub a question, to be answered honestly, would have needed a ‘ yes.” But in Dr. Adler’s case, it's definitely "no." * We think he’s one of our most provocative educators— • but that’s not the reason. It’s because he can write about ( tr.d we presume talk about) five dollar ideas in those com forting words of one and two syllables. We know he has something to say;, we’re sure we’ll understand it when he s tys it. ■And \ve*re not just saying- this to till space (either here or at the assembly). We can cite an example, his classic work in -■•Aflimtely unclassic terminology,. “How to Read a Book.” If ytv.Ve' neveT read it, you’ve been cheated. Tor in-that book. Dr. Adler tactfully tells- you tlrat you prob ably don't know'how to read.' Unihiportant? Hardly, when ,.ys« think of lfbw much of tlvis.'CO^lege^ “education” of yours ‘based ou.„readin,g» .how much of your future life will de ^Mpewd on it. . • Why cheated? Because he offers you the means to learn -Tow to read. ... 1 ' \\ e don’t -meaii to- imply that the book is just another of ■ dhe “How to . . affairs. A«ller himself describes it as a ‘'light book" about “heavy reading.” It is mudi more, in our estimation. -• It may,- foe •example,- leave you feeling- that you've so far •J>>> i for two,-three or four years of underlining books and -j4ie.«.ring- dead;facts droned from lifeless teachers—little more.! St may make you angry with yourself, or with the school. In fact we’ll suggest-you could do worse, a lot worse, than d> Doping over to the library some rainy afternoon and pun ning one of the half dozen or so copies of it off the shelf. . -V. e suggest' you read 'just the first page of it. then deciding whether you want to'go on with it or not. It you don't, and tD o it hack on the "counter "neither remembering or caring VTTr'i.t he said. then, forget we ever mentioned it—and consider •four “education” £a&$4acbiry. We think, however, tfikh you’ll find the first page will de ■tn3ud reading the second, the third, the fourth, and so on to the end of the hook (which itself is only introduction to a ‘t'r.v of “Great Books.’j In that case, we need say nothing —Dr. Adler is his"own best salesman. Try it. If not completely satisfied in ten minutes, return the unused portion of the book to the desk and your inclina tion to keep on squeeking through with as little mental effort a possible will cheerfully be refunded in full. Oh, no. Nobody can make you learn or understand one frarticfe more than you want to learn or understand. But if tftof mystic fire is still burning-, after one or two or three years *{ intellectual stupor, there’s fresh, life-giving fuel for you tin those pages. (j.H.) jHutesUna %v : f •***»• mu ...On KWAX ■V Monday * rt % 6:03 Piano Moods * 6:10 News Till Nou " “ . 6:13 Guest Stuf 6:30 Campus Interview 6:43 Here Is Spencer-Snow “ :00 Window ili.IllOlfiO Tower -- ‘ 7:30 Showtime •««—. 8:00 World in Review^! 8:13 Campus RectTttT' 8:43 News Roundup - 9:00 Cavalcade of .\luiTh~ 9:30 Kwax worKT --- 10:30 Emerald of the-Air 10:33 Softly Now " Journalist to Talk On Foreign News Jerome L. Heldring, .director of the Netherlands Information serv ice in the United States, will ex plain - -how the . newspapers of America handle f6fe~igh“ news to Oregon newspapermen at the Ore gon Rrese* conference on- oampus. The conference,• 34th in an- an nual, series,, .wifi. be. Held liiday and Satujrday, Feb. 20 and 21. It is sponsored by the school of jour nalism and Oregon Newspaper Publishers.' association. Heldring and Henry R. Luce, editor in chief of Time, Life and Fortune magazines and director of Time, Inc., will be featured speak- j ers at the conference. Luce will de- | liver the annual Eric W. Allen Me- ! morial lecture at the conference. I • Campus Briefs • Confined in the infirmary over the weekend were Phyllis Johnston, sophomore in liberal I arts, James Hughs, sophomore in business, Bob Southwell, sopho more in business, Yoshinobu Ter- \ ada. junior in art and Henry Kai uro, junior in physical education. 0 Assistant professor Herbert : Bisno of the sociology department will speak at Wesley house tonight at 8. The meeting is under the sponsorship of the local National Ass’n. for the Advancement of Colored People. Topic of Bisno’s speech is “Accommodating Lead ership in a Period of Political Crisis." A discussion will follow' the speech, and the interested pub- j lie is invited. FOR DABNEY, TREATMENT 'A' Needed: Rebirth in Local Politics ! >| By Sill Gurney The thought occurs that per il 3.ps it is nearing the time when campus politics will rise, like a Phoenix from the ashes, and plague us. ' Even now, decisions are un d >tibteAiLy F-mera'.d published Monday through Friday during the college year ’^thP™u«h 30; June 1, 2 and 3 by the Student Publi ' V cl' VV amJ “1 *»ar- 13 through 30; June 1, 2 and 3 by the Student Publi cations Board of the University of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post oflice, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 per term 'Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to •represent the Opinions of the ASM) or of the University. Editorials are written by the ditoi and thtf members of the editorial staff, Jim JIaycox, Editor Sat.lV Thurston, Business Manager IIki.kn Jones, Larry Hobart, Ai. Karr, Associate Editors +'M J-* ii——*• *“* . *** **' t *** % ^{ili.Gurxky, Managing Editor Ja< K T F. WaR!>E1:T-., Bailor" Sam Vaiiey, Sports Editor Asst. Managing Editors: Paul Keefe, Dick Carter Asst. News Editors: Laura Sturges, Leu Calvert, Joe Gardner Wire Editors: Lorna Davis, Andy Salmiti3, Virginia Dailey Nat'l Advertising Manager: Carolyn Silva Layout Manager: Tim Solidum Classified Advertising Manager: Beverly DeMott