Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 06, 1953, Page Seven, Image 7

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    It's 'A Date With Dad' This Weekend
incr annual Dad’s Day will
bo celebrated Saturday baaed on
the theme "A Date With Dad”,
and under, the chairmanahip of
John Gamiles. Themes for the
past two years have been "My
Heart Belongs to Dad” in 1952,
reminiscent of a Mary Martin
song, and "Dad Our King for a
Day” In 1951.
The 1952 Dad's weekend was
attended by over 600 dads, and
was under the chairmanship of
Pat Dignan, current ASUO pres
ident. Mrs. La Nelle Gay New
man won the hostess contest; oth
er candidates were Mrs. Gerald
Moshofsky and Mrs. Arthur Ing
ham. Over 600 dads attended the
Dad's Luncheon Saturday, hear
ing an address by Charles D.
Byrne, chancellor of the Oregon
state system of higher education.
Byrne told the dads that faculties
and students throughout the state
system were at their highest qual
ity in history.
Priaulx Named Chief
The 1952 dads elected Arthur
W. Priaulx, Portland, as their
president to replace Owen Bent
ley, also of Portland. Priaulx will
be replaced by another Duck fath
er Saturday.
Other officers elected were Gor
don Wilson, Portland, vice-presi
dent; and Manning Barber, Ku
gene, secretary.
Named to two year terms on the
executive committee were Horace
Byler, Coos Bay; George McIn
tyre, Klamath Falls; Dr. Vern Mil
ler, Salem; Lawrence McCormick,
Medford, and Richard Jones, Port
Karl Onthank, associate director
of student affairs, remained in his
position as executive secretary of
the Oregon Dad’s, a job he has
held for the past 25 years. He be
came secretary of the Dad's club
before his daughter entered Ore
gon, often quips “once a dad, al
ways a dad.” He is a 1913 gradu
ate of Oregon.
The 1952 hostess, Mrs. Newman,
presented the J. F. C. Merrifield
cup to Pi Beta Phi for the living
organization with the greatest
percentage of dads present. The
sorority had 55 percent of its dads
on hand.
The Paul T. Shaw award for the
second greatest percentage of
dads down for the weekend went
to Sigma Alpha Mu.
Carson Wins Cup
Carson hall was named winner
of the O. L. Laurgaard ciip for the
greatest number of dads register
ed. Sign contest winner was the
Alpha Phi sorority, which pro
duced a red and white sign based
on a musical background and cen
tered around the weekend theme.
Featured for the weekend were
two basketball games between the
Oregon Ducks and the Washington
Oregon Coach Bill Borcher, in
his first year at Eugene after a
brilliant prep career at Marsh
field high school, had a hustling
band of Webfoots, but the ND
title-bound Huskies took both
games, 71-63 and 63-57. Friday
night the Huskies sped to victory
on the hook-shot wizardy of lanky
Bob Houbregs, who scored 30
points. Guard Ken Hunt and For
ward Bob Peterson hit for 17 for
the Ducks. Saturday night Hou
bregs tallied 28 points, while
Duck Center Chet Noe, who will
face the Vandals this weekend,
hit for 20.
Dad’s Weekend, 1951 style, gave
the dear old guy with the check
book a crown with the theme “Dad
—Our King for a Day”. Cynics
among the male parents could have
seen this as tacit admission that
Dad, bless his heart, was far re
moved from kingly status during
the rest of the year.
Mrs. Coral Kneeland Rose reign
ed over the 1951 weekend, and was
presented, appropriately, a bouquet
of roses by Dad’s President Owen
Bentley during halftime of the Sat
urday basketball game.
300 Attended
Over 500 fathers took part in the
weekend, which was under the
chairmanship of Dave Rodway.
They heard Dr. Harry K. Ncwburn,
University president, Chancellor
Byrne, and ASUO president Barry
Mountain apeak at the Saturday
luncheon. President Newburn ex
plained the importance of the
budget to the progress of the Uni
versity. "Mobilization may cause
houses to close next year,” Moun
tain declared, while Byrne deplor
ed the lack of adequate faculty
Officers chosen were Owen Bent
ley, Portland, president; Paul Pat
terson, Hillsboro, present governor
of Oregon, vice-president; Rev.
Wesley G. Nicholson, Eugene, sec
retary; and Karl Onthank as ex
ecutive secretary.
Members of the executive com
mittee were Stanley Goodell, Port
land; Paul Landry, Klamath Falls,
George Alexander, Salem; Jack
Foster, Eugene; Richard Jones;
Portland; Ben Dorris, Springfield;
William Haseltine, Portland; an<*
Palmer G. McDonald, Portland.
Wealfier Good in ’51
Incidentally, the weather was
good in 1951, compared to a recr
ord 34-inch snowfall shortly before
the 1950 celebration which limited
the turnout to 300 dads.
Wool and Orion
at Hadley's
IN 1952—“Our hearts belonged to I>ad,” and here Carole Tate and
Ernie liaJdini beam at a dad, the Rev. Wesley Nicholson, Eugene
minister and secretary of the Oregon Dad’s club.
1951 HOSTESS—Mrs. Coral Kneeland Rose, Mrs. Bernie Tiland, and
Mrs. Richard Smart pose for a picture prior to the weekend. Mrs.
Rose was chosen hostess and presented with a bouquet of roses by
Owen Bentley, Oregon Dad’s president.
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