SAEs Rip Kappa Sigs; Phi Delts AlsoTriumph Sigma Alpha Epsilon's preci sion-like “B” basketball team fast broke their way to a 41-16 victory over tliu Kappa Sigma cr<’w. After an early tie of 2-2, the winners pusher! ahead and at the end of the first quarter led 10 to .V At halftime the count stood 23 to 10 and the third quarter score was 32 to 13. SAK (II) (10) Kappa Sigma Brittain, 5 F 1, Bushnell Savage, 6 F 6, Bowles Tennyson, 8 C.4, Ramsey „ Krieger, 9 G 3, Hooker Harden, 11.G 0, Haakc Subs: SAE Turja, 2; Sigma . Kappa Nelson, 2. Phi Delta Theta, led by Pete Williams with 12 points toppled the Theta Chi ‘'B’s" 24 to 13. Gary Jones sparked the losers with a 6-point scoring effort. At halftime, the Phi Delta were ahead, 15 to 5. Pld Delta (24) (13) Theta ( hi Albright, 5.. F 4, Hutchinson • -Morse, l.y. 0, Keller Marlett. 2 < 6, Jones Archer, 0.G. 0, Summers Williams, 12 .G 1, Babb r SNTRA-MURAL STAMDSMG5 kasrktru. Mati-hug'* include \W«!nr<*. LEAGUE 1 A I b •i Alpha KpmIoji i * I a*» 1>rlta Kj! • •;» I*i;i • Kappa K;/*:1oij LEAGUE2 A •ha T;m Oir,tl. j appa Alpha I i ia Pb» Epsilon luia ( hi Alpha LEAGUE 3-A Gumma Delta Kappa I'm ■ . < Si Kappa S'gma S»gma Kappa . LEAGUE 4-A I D It •. Theta Delta lpal',11 '! l- : ( I I Sigma Alpha Mu LEAGUE 5 A H.»!« Karr Sti-uui ('anipln-11 Hall Aiph.« Hall • I Guunia Hal I mb Hall M.-rt k H.,11 XV-twt Hall Stit/cr Hail Sherry |< «#*-. ( unplull C‘1 u!i I':., ilrlph a House < unsHors I a-«;• I Eagles LEAGUE I B I cw I'.- ■ Th. t.i I*. I’Ih Della Th.-ta I’lii Kappa I'm Lambda (‘hi AI pita LEAGUE 2-B S". riiH Alpha Epsilon Omega Kappa Sigma LEAGUE 3-B I’Li Gamma Delia Sigma I'li! Epsilon I 1 • . I P‘ lien Sigma Alpha Mu Delta Tau Della LEAGUE 4 B 1!.:lt* Kane ( Sigma 11 all ' i' S i an ( ampin!! . Gamma Hall LEAGUE 5-B l unch Hall M .rrick Mall Slit/rr Hall i Hall Slu-rry Boss . .. . LEAGUE 6-B I’i Kappa Alpha . Campbell Club I‘hi K. i*f. i Sigma * I 'hiia.lelplii a House ( i.unselois . LEAGUE 6-A LEAGUE 7-A night L Pet. ..U,t .067 .667 .TS.t nun nun 50n non Onn 000 Son OOn OUn non .000 ,5'nn .500 . .nun 0 1 Son 5no uno ' ChemscoS Society * To Dine at Oregon The American Chemical So ciety’s Oregon chapter will meet today at ti pm. in the Student Union for an informal dinner, to he attended by members from . OSC, UO medical school. Reed college and Oregon. Following the dinner a sympo sium on “Current Uses of Radio isotopes” will be presented in Sci ence 1, 2, 3 at 8 p.m. Participating ’ in the discussion will be leaders from each of the member schools. The symposium is open to the “ public. Subs Phi Delts: Holt, 3; Laird, l;Thcta Chi: Kern, 2. After a somewhat close first half, the Phi Gamma Delta “B" casaba team pulled all the stops and went ori 40 to 14. rijis (40) Miller, 3 Fruft, 2 . Hoogs, 11 Mueller, 15. Kreiek, 4 Subs: Fiji 2; Lekas, 2. to trounce the DU’s (14) DUS F 2, Redden F 0, Meclern C3, Weatherford G 0, Wadman G 0, Schuk Ruff, 1; Lausman, Sigma Nu's Bs trounced Sigma Chi, 32-12, John Hepner and Cary paced the winners with eight points each, Bob Bcrrie reported. Sigma Nu led, 17-4 at halftime. In other intra-mural play, Philadel phia house and Beta Theta Bs won by forfeit over the Counselors I and Lambda Chi Alpha. Ducks Host Vandals (Continued from par/e one) \ Totten and Bob Falash are the guards. The Webfoots enter tonight’s game a solid eight or nine point choice over the Vandals, based on comparative figures and the home court advantage. Washington State and Washington clash in the | other division series at Seattle. Southern division teams are in active conference wise, but all have several games on tap. Cali fornia is at Salt Lake City for a series with Utah, Southern Cali fornia is on a three-game junket I in Hawaii, UCLA played Bradley and Santa Barbara earlier in the week and Stanford has a single game with Bradley tonight in San Francisco. IDAHO Su. 32 Mather (ft 2) 1- Morrison (6-8; 4 ’ Kruger (0-7) 23 Flyrin (0 2) 4 McIntosh (0 3) Idaho roster 00 5 < . VV. Totten, f; F F ( (, (, -.21 Melton, T{”23'fi'yn.., !•; Mather, f; 34 Falash, K; 41, Sather. K ■ 4- Morrison, f ; 4.3 Kruifir, c; 44 UllibrMxr, OREGON No. . (0 2) Farnam 21 (6-5; Hall»erg 16 f0-7) Noc 26 (6-0) Hawes 6 . (5-10) Wegner 8 f ; 4 Me I ntosh, g; Oregon roster 6 Hawes, g ; 8 Wegner, g: 10 St uit. f; 32 Page, g; 14 Clre-en. g; 15 Johnson, f; 10 Halherg, f; 17 Covey, g- 10 Homieman, c; 21 Farnam, f; 25 Holland g ; 26 .\ oe, c. Attorney fo Discuss Rosenberas wwneH sorter, Lugene attor ney, will discuss “The Legal As pects of the Rosenberg Case" at a meeting of Young Democrats Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Student Un^n. Porter, a Harvard graduate, will Present a brief talk and after wards lead a group discussion. Students and faculty are especially invited to attend, according to Charles Grover, president. A short meeting for members will precede the talk. The Rosennergs, v/ho were con victed for espionage of atomic se crets, leaped into national prom inence during January when their appeal for life imprisonment failed. Judge Irving S. Kaufman, who condemned them to death, then referred, their case to ex Have Dad down To let him find How 16 hours Enriched your mind Feb. 6, 7, 8. president Truman, who chose to leave the decision to President Eisenhower. Eisenhower will probably make his decision sometime in Feb ruary. e Campus Briefs — ’ — • “Accommodating Leadership in a Period of Political Crisis” will be the topic of an address by Herb ert Bisno, assistant professor of sociology, at a meeting Monday of the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo ple. A discussion period will follow the 8 p.m. speech at Wesley house, 1236 Kincaid. • Starting at 2 p.m. Sunday, KWAX will broadcast a selection of speeches that were heard during Religious Evaluation Week. Mod ern Views of Society and Man, the , program originally scheduled for ' this time, will not be heard this week, but will resume its original time the next week. KWAX can be located at 88.1 on the FM dial. © -the only leading King-Size cigarette made an exclusively different way to avoid the main cause of irritation! i NOW! PHILIP MORRIS Is available in the new KING-SIZE for longer smoking enjoyment. Remember, you’ll feel better when you change to PHILIP MORRIS. In case after case, coughs due to smoking disappear . . . parched throat clears up . . . that stale, "smoked-out” feeling vanishes! So take j our choice, but make your choice PHILIP MORRIS —America’s Most Enjoyable Cigarette! KING-SIZE or REGULAR you cannot buy any other cigarette of equal quality! 1