IM CASABA SCORES French, Campbell Club Post Mural Victories French Hall bested Merrick Hall, 42 to 35; Nestor Hall triumphed over Sherry Ross, 31 to 18; and Campbell Club swamped the Yeo men. 52 to 11 in “A" basketball ac tion Wednesday. Paced by Loyd Lewis and Jerry Ross. French Hall got the jump on Merrick and was ahead 23 to 13 at the half. Merrick fought valiantly in the third quarter and clipped the French lead to five points. French's height advantage was too much, however, and they went on to win, 42 to 35. Lewis led the winners with 14 points and Jack Viskov hit 11 for the losers. French (42) (35) Merrick Highlander, 6 .F.4, Bond Lewis, 14 .F. 7, Leland Johnson, 7 .C. 11, Viskov Bell, 6 .G. 8, Hastings Vavlat, 1 .G. 1. Veron Subs; French; Ross. 8: La Mear; Barker. Merrick; Mutschler, 1: Steiner, 4. Nestor Hall Grabs Tilt from Sherries Nestor Kail combined their back board power and the poor free throw shooting of Sherry Ross to coast to a 31 to IS victory over the Sherry Ross five. Both teams got off to a slow start, with a G to 2 quarter and 10 to 4 hqlf, both in Australian Runner Tries at Records MELBOURNE UP) — Australia's John Landy plans to make an as sault on the world's record for the 1 one mile and two mile events this weekend. Tomorrow night he plans to try for the two mile record at Geelong. 40 miles south of Mel bourne; and on Saturday, Landy will attack the mile mark at Mel bourne. favor of Nestor. Bruce Sjoland managed to keep Sherry Ross's hopes alive by hit ting ten points, but the fact that they missed six straight free throws attributed to their loss. Jerry Hamilton hit ten counters for the victors and played a fine defensive game as well. Nestor (31) (18) Sherry Boss Xobrign, 2 .F.0, \\ ilson Ginger, 2 .F 0, I-ally Morgan, 6 .C ... 2, Baltimore Walberg, 5 .G 10, Sjoland Bourns. 2 G 4, Kleeman Subs: Nestor. Hamilton, 10; Johnson. 4. Sherry Ross, Hickok, 2. Jones, Hoyer Lead Campbell Clubbers Campbell ran up their biggest scoring spree to date in their win over the luckless Yeomen quintet. The handwriting was on the wall for the Yeomen at the end of the half when the scoreboard read 16 to 4 in favor of the Campbell Club bers. Campbell (52) (11) Yeomen, 19 .F . C. McKemore Monte, 0 .F.4. Burcli West, 13 .C. 0, Biedel Fergeson, 2 .G . 0, Holt Hoyer, 18 .G 0, Odernian Subs: Campbell: Irvin. Yeomen; Gubrud, 1; Hudson; Goode. SPORTS FARE Thursday. Feb. 5 3:50 Court 40 Philadelphia House \-. Coun* 3:50 Court 43 Phi Delta Theta B v>. Theta Chi B 4:35 Court 40 Beta Theta Pi B vs. Lambda Chi Alpha B 4:35 Court 43 Sigma Alpha Epsilon B vs. Kappa Sigma B 5:15 Court 40 Sigma Chi Bvs. Kappa Sig ma B 5:15 Court 40 Sigma Clii B v>. Sigma Xu B 5:15 Court 43 Phi Gamma Delta B \>. Delta Up>ilon B Collegians Head-Over-Heels About Comfortable Arrow Shorts “Any way you look at it, Arrow shorts are tops for com fort,” collegians say. Special tailoring features (such as no chafing center seam) assure free and easy comfort in any position. Wide selection of styles, fabrics and colors nowr available at all Arrow dealers. ARROW ym-->► — SHIRTS • TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS Rebounding, Ball Handling Top Duck Practice Sessionj Vandals Hold Edge in Height By Rick Tarr Emerald SporMwriter Coach mil Itorelu-r put the .Duck eagers through a varied list of drills \\ ednesday iu an attempt to polish up rough spots h e f o r e taking on the Idaho Vandals this weekend. ND Standings Washington . 8 0 .. OREOON . 4 •* .500 Idaho 5 5 .500 Oregon State ■* >_■ -400 \\ ashingt»n State 1 • ■1-5 A rehound tlrill was at the top of the li-.t as the tail Idaho i team usually takes control in i this department. Individual defensive assignments were work ed on as well as getting the hall down court against a full court press. The OSC pi css gave Oregon plenty of trouble last weekend. When the ball handling got a little sloppy, Borcher ruefully re called the series split with Idaho four weeks ago in Moscow. "Hawes to Falash; Wegner to Falash; Holland to Falash; I can still remember that!" Borcher was referring to the many times the ball was stolen by Idaho's six foot junior guard, Bob Falash. Idaho Coach Chuck Finley will bring a sharpshooting pair of guards to McArthur court in Tom Flynn, 6’2’\ and Bruce Mc Intosh, 0'S”. Flynn was out with a bad ankle suffered in pre season play when tile Webfoots invaded Moscow but is buck in the lineup now. At the forward spots will be Dwight Morrison the 6'8" junior and Bill Mather, G'2” veteran. Morrison teams up with center Hartley Kiuger, the other six-foot eight man in the lineup, to make life difficult for the opposition re Jorge Quits as Head Football Mentor at College of Pacific Football Coach Ernie Jorge has j quit at College of the Pacific. He ; apparently has a new job lined up. An announcement is expected this I evening or tomorrow. Jorges res | jgnation at Pacific was sudden and not at all expected. College President Robet t Burns had a 3-year contract ready for Jorge to sign. He's the only coach in Pacific's football history who lias been offered more than a one year agreement. Rumor has it that Jorge will take a position with a profes sional team ... as assistant coach of the Chicago Cardinals or Washington Redskins. So far, this is speculation, nothing defi nite. Graduate Manager Jerald Kir sten says Pacific is very sorry to see Jorge leave. He moved up from line coach to head coach in 1951. This past season the Tigers from Stockton won 7 games, tied one and lost 3. Then they beat Missis sippi Southern in the Sun Bowl. Graduate Manager Kirsten, inci dentally. makes clear that Pacific's football policy won't be changed by the resignation of Jorge. Pacific will continue football. It's big job now is to find another high-caliber coach. SPORT STAFF Desk editors: Mort Harkins and Sam Vahey. Staff: Bob Davis. If it's comfort you want, ask us for Arrow Shorts many styles! many patterns! many colors! Shorts $1.50 up—T-Shirt $1.25 Come in—and let us show you the special con struction features of Arrow shorts. You’ll see why the contoured seat and pleated crotch bring you the most complete comfort you’ve ever known. We have a big selection of styles in good-looking colors and patterns. See them— and stock up today! FENNELL’S 860 East 13th Street bounders. Bill Mather accounts tuj quite a few despite being -j "shorty." The injured Barney Holla hasn't worked out this week nr is probably lost to the Oiegol cause. Bob Huwcs will be call’J upon to fill in and previous \ig; formances show the position^ be in capable hands. Indian Pitcher Signs Contract;] Cut,Reported CLEVELAND UPi One of ba ball’s highest paid pitchers, BoJ Feller of the Cleveland Indiaft signed his contract today for a. < ported $10,000 cut. It's believed Feller's latest j" tract calls for about 540,000. O'', teammate Bob Lemon and IN members of the New York Van ees, Vic ltaschi and Allie Reynol are known to be near that :i£'u Other than pitchers, only fin’f Kiner of the Pirates and Stan M sial of the Cardinals, make m money. It was Feller’s 18th coni with the Tribe. The 31 -year-old fdr mer strikeout king won nine gas last year while losing 13. In a rrua jor league career that has etfl braced 14 seasons, F> Her won 2i. games. The Indians would not discus what Feller’s salary will be. but source close to the ilub raid tIT” he did not get the full 2.a per cer >ut allowed under major 1-agu law. He got around $50,000 la year after winning 22 garni.s t. previous season. SOCE Cancels OTI; No Wonder Officials of Southern Oregon College of Education have de cided It was a mistake to sched ule Oregon Tech. And Southern Oregon has cancelled the second" half of a 2-year, home and home' contract. The reason is Oregon " Tech won by a score of X9 to-^ 0 last season. Southern Oregon | admits it was a mismatch. Nobody will disagree with-* that observation. New York Leaves .. Browns off Slate Of Night Contests NEW YORK i.F) The St. Louis, Browns will not play any arc-light games at Yankee Stadium this season. The New York Yankees an nounced their 1953 home schedule today. It included a 14 game night schedule without the Browns. None of the Browns’ eleven afternoon, games in New York will be tele vised. The Yankees said their action was not a retaliatory measure against the Browns. They explain ed that their commitments with television sponsors call for at least 14 night games. Owner Bill Veeck of the Browns' has insisted on a share of television receipts when his club is on the road. The St Louis Cardinals are following much the same line al though they have reached agree ments with the Chicago Cubs and Cincinnati Reds. To make up for the absence of the Browns on the night schedule, the Y'ankees have added an extra game with the Boston Red Sox and one with the Cleveland Indians. Alan Ford set an AAU mark of :55.7 for the 100 meter free style swim in January 1945. He repre* sented Yale.