Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 05, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    jfon The Air...
> KWAX Reporter
'I'liiH evening over People Under Comraunium, KWAX will present
.“Drama to Order,” an indictment of the Russian stage as a propaganda
devu e,’ with Earnest J. Simmons of Columbia University as producer.
,Al >. dealing with foreign affairs is Report from Europe which will pre
tent a commentary on the “American Army in France.”
► Two stories of India by Rudyard Kipling are scheduled for tonight’s
pci lorrnance of the Radio Workshop Drama. The drama, “Cavalcade”
will star Jim Blue and Gerry
peat ce.
Folksongs and Footnotes on Fri
' will offer Lou Ford commrnt
i and playing disc jockey for
■hlIc of special events in history.
Beyond the West, another
HPlay program, offers a lecture
on Taoism by commentator Alan
| - An appeal for recruits for free
„dom will be given on ‘‘Sinners
i Arise,” this Sunday's dramatiza
.tion oit- the Cry of Warping show.
England's BBC Theater the same
day w*W present the ‘‘Goddess of
the South.” The social and educa
tional -implications of religion to
day wiTl be discussed by a panel in
cluding Richard Kmcrieh, Harlan
Hatcher, president of the Univer
sity of*Michigan and Frank Hun
ger. moderator, on Modern Views
of Society and Man.
- Monday's Guest Star is to be
Uinah Shore, with Gerry Pearce
.interviewing Qais al Hadi of Bagh
dad, now a student at the Univer
sity. ^bury Castell, head of the
department of philosophy, will tell
(if “Italy, Mother of Threo Civili
zations,” on his Window in the
Ivory 'fewer series.
' Surprise Package, the most un
.nrganiged comedy offered by
KWAX, will star Al Barzman, Ger
ry Pearce, Ann Moyes and Jim
"Blue next Tuesday. Ways of Man
kind, also on Tuesday, offers the
“Case of the Sea-Lion Flippers,” a
true story of the Yurok Indians in
the regular series on ethics.
» __
Pledgings Told
By Student Affairs
Eighteen men pledged 11 fra
ternities during the boarding per
iod, according to an announcement
released by the Office of Student
\ffairs Wednesday.
Those men pledged were: Delta
Vau Delta, Dwight Parr; Phi Del
ta Theta, John Krohn; Phi Gam
ma Delta, Allan A. Hoog, Lee Ft.
Jackson, and Robert F. Kubeck;
phi Kappa Psi, Robert L. Baker
and William R Gass; and Phi
Sigma Kappa, Emory S. Richard
son, Jr.
Pi Kappa Alpha, Scott T.
Chandler; Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
William Hardin; Sigma Chi, Doug
Ruhlman; Sigma Nu, Dewey
Sceales; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Har
rison J. Bradley, Kee Briggs, K.
Bart Koeppen, Donn Sullivan, and
Thomas E. Taylor; and Theta Chi,
Richard E. Hamilton.
Campus Calendar
11 u.ni£Educ 557 111 SU
N'oon .Areli & Arts 113 SU
-Coop Bd 118 SU
3 p.m£VWCA Bridge Gerl 1st FI
6:00 House 313 SU
PE Dinner 113 SU
6:30 Cosmos Exec 319 SU
6:45 Fun Fest Exec 319SU
7:00 Rally Btl Interview
313 SU
7:30 Biology Club 110 SU
Ins Soc 315 SU
Chess Club 118 SU
Phi Alpha Delta
Gerl 3rd FI
Ricgger Asbly 801 SU
Pub Bd 337 SU
8:00 Red Cross Movie
807 Chapman
Dad knew best
What was good for his son
That's why he sent him
To Oregon” -
Dad's Day Feb. 6, 7, 8.
SU Currents
SU Users to Get
Publicity Check
Under a new policy of the SU
board, organizations wishing to
publicize coining events in SU fa
cilities must check publicity stunts
and skits with the committee
handling the event. Committee
chairmen to be contacted are Jirn
Albertson, browsing room; Dor
othy Anderson, music; Karl
Harshbarger, coffee hour forum;
; Ann McLoughlin, movies, and
: Jackie Steuart, dance.
* • •
Chairmen Petitions
Deadline Set Today
1 Final deadline for petitions for
j a special events chairman to
I handle the Student Union Creative
Arts Workshop program is today
at 5 p.m.
Petitions may be obtained in SU
301 and 310. Interviews for the
\ chairmanship will be held Friday
announced Don Zavin, vice-chair
man of the SU board.
Art Prof to Discuss ..
Cezanne Friday Night
David McCosh, associate pro
fessor of art, will give a Friday
evening coffee hour discussion on
the topic, “Some Aspects of Ce
I zanne's Paintings," in the SU
! browsing room this Friday at 7:45
| p.m. He will illustrate his talk
with a Cezanne painting which he
1 will discuss analytically.
* * *
SU Mixer Friday
A fishbowl mixer is scheduled
for Friday after the Idaho game,
according to Jackie Steuart, dance
chairman. Music will be recorded.
• • •
Sunday Singers Set
For Lunchroom Warble
Another Sunday community sing
will be held in the SU commuters
lunch room Sunday. Winnafred
May, junior in music will lead the
all-campus sing.
Reserves Expect
Quota This Month
A full quota of 209 men is ex
pected by the local Navy and Ma
rine Corp reserve unit by the end
of this month, according to an an
nouncement by LCDR Kenneth
Sheppard, inspector instructor.
Applicants for billets must be
between 17 and 18 and one-half
years of age an be willing to at
tend meetings each Monday night.
The course of instruction calls for
home preparation as well as class
room attendance at the weekly
drills. Annual training duty is
required of those in an organized
drill pay status. This may con
sist of a two week stint at the
Naval Training center, a two
week cruise on one of the reserve
training ships or a two week ses
sion at one of the various schools
for navy ratings.
Applications may be made at
the Naval & Marine Corps Re
serve Training center at 1520 13th
Avenue West.
Dance Theme
"Catastrophe” will be the theme
of the annual Beaux Arts costume
i ball to be held in Geriinger an
| nex Friday, Feb. 13.
Sponsored by the Associated
| Students of Architecture and Al
j lied Arts under the chairmanship
| of Bob Oringdulph, junior in art,
the ball is open to members of
ASAAA and their guests.
Dancing, from 9 to 12 p.m.,
| will be to the music of Ralph
i Brevic’s quartet.
Students will be admitted on
their ASAAA membership cards.
Those wishing cards can obtain
them from Bob Oringdulph or
Carson Bowler in the east wing
I drafting room in the art school.
♦ Campus Briefs
♦ The Oregon Life Insurance
: society will meet in the Student
! Union at 7:30 tonight. Guest
•speaker will be Lewis S. Madsen,
agency manager of the Provident
Life Insurance company, discussing
"What Do I Gain from Life Insur
i ance ?”
• I. H. Bernstein, research as
sociate of biology, will seminar to
: day on “The Present Status of the
j Neurone Theory with Respect to
the Growth of Neutral Circuits” at
: 4 p.m. in Science 314.
• Kwama will meet at 5 p.m.
i today in Geriinger hall, according
1 to Nan Mimnaugh, president. All
members must be present, Miss
Mimnaugh added.
0Wtenny-<fo- TRocatd
Compiled by Gail Savage 1
Emerald Living Organization Editor
At Lambda Chi Alpha ...
Bill Curtis, Jim Case, Howard McGinnis, Ray Post and Lynn Emrick
are newly initiated members of Lambda Chi. Earl Fowler is the new
president; Jack Cardinale, vice president, and Ron Ransom house man
ager, for the coming year. Dick Hollenbeck pinned Mary Anne Foster
shortly before the Christmas holidays and Donna Donahue AOPi is
wearing the pin of Jack Cardinale.
At Beta Theta Pi . . .
Peggy Nigard, Alpha Phi, and Jack Eorsting recently announced
their engagement, and Malcolm Marsh has presented Shari Long, Kap
pa, with a diamond ring. Dick Fettig is pinned to Gerry Yeager, Kappa,
and Paul Hales has given Alpha Phi Sharon Scherlie his pin.
At Pi Kappa Phi...
Eston Field, Tom Dolbow, John Henderson and W. A. Roecker, assist
ant professor of German, were initiated Jan. 24. The Pi Kaps have had
a surge of pinnings during the past month. John Crim pinned Sharon
McCabe, Tri Delt pledge; Gloria Jameson of Carson accepted the pin
of Bob Duffy; Dean Linder has pinned Marge Summers of Eugene,
and Lloyd Kendrick pinned Lela Hooker of Forest Grove. Dade Wright
pinned Poppie Platt, Carson, and Jim Wooden gave his pin to Sharon
Anderson, DZ. Fred Decker and Beverly DeMoit, Chi O, announced
their engagement and plan a marriage on March 22.
At Sigma Nu ...
Sigma Nu formally pledged Dewey Sceals, Jerry Nelson, Dale Pound,
and Ward Cook recently. Don Sheffer is back at the house after doing a
hitch in army life in Korea. Bud Lemons was married to Donna Herr,
Alpha Phi, during Christmas vacation. Bill Hunter and Donna Krieske,
Gamma Phi, are engaged. Sue Behneke, Tri Delt, is now wearing a dia
mond ring from Larry Hall. Bob Bennett has given his pin to Virginia
Rose, AOPi, and Elaine Long, Alpha Chi pledge, is wearing the pin of
John Hansen.
At Orides ...
Kathy Harris has been tapped for Phi Beta, music and speech honor
ary. A number of girls attended the Fred Waring concert at Oregon
State Monday night.
At Sigma Phi Epsilon ...
Twenty-five freshmen guests have received invitations to the 26th.
anniversary banquet of the Oregon chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon. The
banquet will be Friday evening, in the Persian room of the Eugene
hotel. U. G. Dubach, head of political science department at Lewis &
Clark college, will be guest speaker. Alumni representatives will be
Richard C. Williams, director of the Student Union, and Mayor Ed
Harms of Springfield.
Love is sweeping the country and Cupid
wins in a heartslide . . . especially when
he says “Be My Valentine’’ with gifts
like these ... so gay, so lovely ... So
sure-to-please! Come in and choose for
your Queen of Hearts. Then play Cupid
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