'Death of a Salesman' To Open Friday Night Arthur Miller’s play, “Death of a Salesman,” will be open at 8 p.m. Friday for a six production run, under the direction of F. J. Hunter instructor in speech. Tickets for the play, third production of the University theater’s current season, are available at the theater ticket office this week from 1 to 5 p.m., according to Mrs. Gene Wiley, theater business manager. Jim Blue, senior in liberal arts and veteran UT player, is cast in the role of Willie Loman, the salesman. Linda, his wife, will be portrayed by Jeanne Gottfredson, graduate in speech. Clarence Suiter and Phil Sanders, both juniors in speech, will play the roles of Biff and Hannv bis two sons. The pluy tells the story of a little Brooklyn salesman, with delusions of material success, who is unable to face the reality of his actual fail ure as a businessman and father. The production will run Feb. 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 and 14 and is in conjunc tion with the Festival of Contemporary Arts now being held on the campus. Committee Leaders Selected to Plan Big Duck Preview The commltte chairmen for Duck Preview, scheduled for April 25 and 2SeW H Knows wc"J 0ther,-fresher *^c' For ^echotTes U,cVa . , *9 Universil iy>j6lX£CO-£<>»yi4Cvruf AMERICA’S LEADING MANUFACTURER OF CIGARETTES