Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Five Beaver Trouble-shooters Here Tonight
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Oregon Releases
Sports Schedule
For Springtime
University of Oregon and Hay
ward field will host the Pacific
Coast conference Northern division
track meet May 23—for the first
time since the war. Since 1946 the
five-team meets have been limited
to the University of Washington
stadium in Seattle and a lone meet
at Rogers field, Pullman, Wash.
The prize cinder meet highlights
Oregon's 1953 spring PCC sched
ule, released Thursday by Art
Uitchman, Athletic News bureau
chief. Coach Don Kirsch's base
nailers get the opening league
dates, April 15 and 16 with the
University of Idaho at Howe field.
Following is the complete spring
;-ports schedule for 1953:
Wed. and Thurs., April 15 and
16, IDAHO at Eugene; Mon. and
Tues., April 20 and 21, WASHING
TON STATE at Eugene; Fri. and
Sat., April 24 and 25, WASHING
TON at Eugene; Fri. and Sat.,
May 1 and 2, Washington State at
Pullman; Mon. and Tues., May 4
and 5, Idaho at Moscow.
Thurs. and Fri., May 7 to 8,
Washington at Seattle; Sat., May
16, OREGON STATE at Eugene;
Mon., May 18, Oregon State at
Corvallis; Fri., May 22, OREGON
STATE at Eugene; Sat., May 23,
Oregon State at Corvallis.
Sat., April 18, IDAHO at Eu
gene; Sat., April 25, Washington at
Seattle; Sat., May 2, Washington
State at Pullman; Sat., May 16,
OREGON STATE at Eugene: Sat.,
meet at Eugene; Fri. and Sat.,
May 29 and 30, PCC meet at Stan
Fri., April 24, WASHINGTON
at Eugene; Sat., May 2, OREGON
STATE at Eugene; Fri., May 8,
Idaho at Moscow; Sat., May 9,
Washington State at Pullman;'
Sat., May 16, Oregon State at Cor
vallis; Fri. and Sat., May 22 and
23, Northern division at Seattle.
Webfoots Boast Paper Edge
As Civil War Rivalry Resumes
Civil strife in the Willamette
valley again. University of Ore
gon's unsteady grip on second
place in the Noithern division of
: the Pacific Coast conference is
| on the block tonight and Satur
! day when the locals square ofi
j with Slats Gill's Oregon State
I college Beavers.
Frosh Quint
Slates Rooks,
Linfield JVs
j Freshman basketball Coach Don
Kirsch ran his hoop charges
through a rugged practice session
Thursday afternoon stressing Sat
urday night's encounter with the
OSC Rooks, but not leaving out
consideration of the Linfield col
lege JV’s, who play here tonight.
Kirsch pointed out that the Lin
field outfit could be tough, remem
bering the upset loss handed Ore
gon by the same team last year.
Kirsch put the emphasis on
smoothing out the fast break and
improving the ball handling in
Thursday’s drill. The team also
worked at polishing up the zone ;
Figuring out a way to stop the
Aggies’ 7 foot beanpole, Wade
"Swede" Halbrook, appeared to be
the biggest problem for the Duck
ling mentor. Kirsch, realizing Hal
brook will get some points, may
throw a zone defense in an effort
to stop the rest of the team.
The starters for the Linfield
game will be Gary McManus and
Don Porter, forwards; Max Ander- ■
son, center; and Bob Hazel and!
Dick James, guards. The lineup for
Saturday's contest will be the same
except that John Foster and Ken
Dorwin will open in the forward
O'Brien, Houbregs Ranked Third, Fifth
In National Collegiate Scoring Race
NEW YORK (d?) —- Seton Hall’s
lanky center, Walt Dukes, is still
the scoring leader among major
college basketball ■players, but two
well-known stars are bidding to
take over the top spot.
Through games of "Jan. 24,
Dukes had averaged 27.7 "pbints
per game. Ernie Beck of Penn
sylvania is second, only one-tenth
of a point behind. Seattle's little
big man, Johnny O'Brien, is third
at 27.1—only six-tenths of a point
back of the Seton Iiall star.
A hot spurt has moved Frank
Selvy of Furman into fourth place.
Selvy scored 119 points in his last
four games to boost his average
to 25.5. Bob Houbregs of Wash
ington is fifth with a 25.3 average.
Cas Calls Football Meet
j Coach Len Casanova has called
a meeting for all freshman and
varsity football players, except
seniors, for Monday at 3:30 p.m.,
at McArthur court.
The Webfoots, on paper, are
tubbed to whitewash the Orange
in the series, but unfortunately
the league schedule calls for the
Ducks and Bevos to perform on
the hardwoods at McArthur
court and Gill coliseum instead.
Oregon entertains the Orange
and Black shirts at 8 tonight in
Mac court; the scene shifts to
the Corvallis castle for Satu
day's bout.
Oregon Coach Bill Borcher, aft
er a lengthy Thursday afternoon
session behind locked doors, pro
nounced his team fit and ready.
“We'll use our regular lineup,”
mused Borcher — which means Ed
► ♦
Stars in LA anil Oregon, too
'Nucleus' of Ducks
Top Defensive Center
Almost every basketball team has an old standby who has been
around for a long time and who the coach depends on as the nucleus of
Lhe team. For Oregon this year it is Chet Noe, the senior center from
Southern California.
After starring in Los Angeles piep circles, Noe came to Oregon and
set the freshman scoring record
with 2J5 points in his first season.
Chet slowed down in his sopho
more year, seeing varsity action
for the first time.
Bat last year he took over the
first string spot and averaged 12.5
points per game on a .319 average,
rhe current season has seen more
improvement as the six-foot-seven
inch regular has averaged 17.3
points per game so far in six con
ference games.
Coach Bill Borcher values Noe's
defensive virtues as well as the
more obvious offensive skill. In
fact Borcher feels Noe is the best
defensive center in the league. The
only player to solve Chet’s defen
sive game was Bob Houbregs with
his unstopable hook shot, which
no one is expected to check.
Ilalberg and Keith Farnam, for
wards; Chet Noe, center; Barney ,
Holland and Kenney Wegner. Gill
will probably start the quintet
that gave the Idaho Vandals a bit -
of trouble last weekend; Ted Rom
anoff and Tex Whiteman, for
wards; Tony Vlastelica, center;
Bill Toole and Johnny Jarboe,
guards. There is a chance that the
veteran OSC mentor will install
Jim Sugrue as a replacement for
Based on comparative Northern
division figures, the Webfoots ap
pear to be the better club. In six
league encounters Oregon had
scored 418 points to the opposi
tion's 414. roughly ah average of
70 points to 69. Oregon State has
tallied -302 digits in the same -
number of games and the defense
has allowed 342; the fourth-place
Oregon State vs. ORKdON at M Aithur
court, (iame time, X j».m.
Washing ton State vv I<iah'» at Moscow. 14a.
OREGON \s. Oregon State at ( orval’is
PCC Standings
OR KG* >.\
Oregon State
Washington State
0 1.000
3 .5'» i
4 .4_*»
4 .333
6 .14 3
3 4
entry lias tallied 50 points per con
test against .57 by Northern divi
sit)n opposition.
Most basketball coaches agree
that the homo court Is usually «.
worth a six-point advantage to
the locals so the dope chart
would tend to favor the Web
foots by I t points at Mac court
and the same club by a scant
bucket at Corvallis.
Oregon State has been one of .
the major disappointments this
season, although most experts be- .
lieved them a year away from
championship contention. None
theless the Beavers, against Wash
ington in the second game of a
series at Seattle and in a pair of
games with the Idaho Vandals,
appear to be on the way up.
Slats Experimented
Gill has juggled and rejuggled
his lineups until he settled for a
version of the two-platoon system, *
with a defensive emphasis—one
team that operates on a man-to
man set-up, the other, a tight
The Beavers are one of the
tall clubs in the league. In fact,
whether or not Gill starts Su
grue or Komunoff he will have
three men who have played cen
ter in their collegiate careers.
Besides Vlas'telica, top Beaver
seorer, Whiteman, Sugrue and
Itomanoff all have played the *
post—Whiteman last year at
OSC and Sugrue at Placer JC
in California and Komanoff at
Stockton JC.
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