PCC STATISTICS Huskies on Way to Six Records; Houbreas, Noe Have Top Marks LOS ANGELES—The Washing ton Huskies, who have yet to be defeated in Northern Division bas ketball play, are threatening a Jialf-dozen individual and team r 1 HEIL1G 4 9?!! Now Through Saturday “BECAUSE OF YOU’’ starring Loretta Young Jeff Chandler also •ISLAND RESCUE'’ with . ... David Niven STARTS SUNDAY “It Grows on Trees" with Irene Dunne Dean Jagger I also “Trail of the Rustlers" with Charles' Starrett Smiley Burnette Now Through Saturday “The Blue Angel” starring Marlene Dietrich Emil Jannings STARTS SUNDAY “On Approval" with Beatrice Lillie Clive Vrook records, according to statistics re leased today by the Pacific Coast Conference Commissioner's office. Half-way through its conference season, Washington has the lead ing scorer in Center Bob Hou bregs, who has poured in 227 points at an average of 28.4 counters a game. At the present pace he should crack the record of 265 points (Jack Nichols, Washington. 1948) in his next ser ies. Second in scoring is Oregon's Chet Noe, who also is hitting at a pace that would top Nichol's mark. Noe has a 17.3 average and is followed by Hartly Kruger, Idah'^, 16.4, and Ken Wegner, Oregon, 15.0. Houbregs, with a fat 59 per cent on field goals and Ed Hal berg of Oregon, who is hitting 50 per cen.t are well above the record of 46.7 per cent set in 1951 by LaDon Henson of Wash ington. Ken Wegner of Oregon leads the heavy shooters from the free throw line with 78.4 per cent with Mike McCutcheon. Washington, second. 78.0 per cent. Dwight Morrison of Idaho is the No. 1 rebounder with 83 in seven games for a 11.9 aver age, followed by Houbregs, 11.5, and Doug McClary, Washington, 10.5. As a team Washington is shoot ing 39.6 per cent from the floor (record. 35.8 per cent!, 73.3 per cent from the free throw line (rec ord. 68.7 per cent) and has scored 593 points for an average of 74.1. An equal performance in the sec ond half of the season would top the old division mark by 164 points. The Huskies also have al lowed the fewest points defen sively. DICK BUSEY Dr. Leland A. Huff Optometrist 13 W. 8th Ave Ph. 5-3725 ORIGINAL ENGLISH BROGUE (Not a Substitute) FENNELL’S HOT DOGS 2 for 25c at. . . Willamette at 14th Yes ... on Willamette at 14th TODAY ONLY! Willamette at 14th A big treat for you . . . from DUKE'S 2-GO Open—Noon to 11:00, Weekends ’til 12:30 Borcher Preps Team for Tilts With Vlastelica-Led Beavers TONY VLASTELICA Leading OSC Scorer Sigma Chi, DU’ Sigma Nu Win i Sigma Chi's "B" squad rolled over the Kappa Sig junior squad Wednesday afternoon by a 4G to 19 score. Bob Newburn led the win ners with a 13 point scoring effort. I Doug Ruhlman reported. In the second game of the day, Sigma Nil’s B outfit dropped the ATO's after a tight first quarter. 32 to 21, according to Don Schmidt. At halftime the contest was knotted, 10 to 10. John Dan ielson paced the winners with 12 1 points. ‘ Delta Upsilon decisioned the Delts in another ‘'B" clash, 18 to 9. The DU's hopped to an early lead and were never headed. Merrick Hall Wins Mural Track Meet Merrick Hall had little trouble in scoring a 29-12 win over the Frosh Counselors Wednesday afternoon . in intramural track action. The Merrick boys grabbed first place honors in all events as they | completely overpowered the Coun selors. Winners in the events were as follows: Shot: Pritchard, Mer.—35’ Pole Vault: McFarland, Mer.— I To” Broad Jump: Talbot, Mer.—18'6” 40 yd. hurdles, McFarland, Mer. 40 yd. dash, Talbot, Mer. | __ ATO’s handballer s beat the Kap pa Sig’s, 2 to 1, Wednesday after noon to advance to the semi-finals | of the top bracket of intramural handball. SPORTS FARE Thursday. January 29 3 :50 Court 40 Sigma Phi Kpsilon B vs. Sig ma Alpha Mu 1? 3:50 Court 43 Susan Campbell B vs. Sigma Hall 15 4:35 Court 40 Gamma Hall 1. vs. Chi Psi 15 4:35 Court 43 Merrick Hail 15 vs. Stitzer Hall 15 5:15 Court 40 Xestor Hall B vs. Sherry Ross 15 5:15 Court 43 Philadelphia House B vs. Counselors 13 St. Louis Owner Sentenced to Jail For Tax Evasion ST. LOUIS i.'Pi -The owner of the St. Louis Cardinals, Fred M. Saigh, was sentenced to 15 months in prison and fined $15,000 today for income tax evasion. And Saigh announced immediately that he will sell out his holdings in the baseball team. The 48-year-old Saigh told the couit: “This means, of course, I will • have to dispose of the Cardinals. There is no way I cah stay in base ball.” He also told the court that he had seen lesser sentences given men for income tax evasion and added: “I think yon have been too tough with me.” Federal Judge Roy M. Harper imposed the sentence after Saigh had asked permission to plead no defense to two counts of an in dictment for tax evasion and had thrown himself on the mercy of the court. The judge gave him until May 4 to get his affairs in order before going to prison. The sentence was 15 months in prison on each of two counts, but with the sentences to run concurrently. The fines were $10,000 on one count and $5,000 on another. Senate to Hear (Continued from pane one) millrace. He added that before definite plans can be made by the group, Sidney Little, dean of the school of architecture and allied arts, must be consulted. Francis Gilmore, senator at large and chairman of the honor code committee, said that she ex pects the senate to appoint a com mittee of interested students to work on a long-range four-year program to institute a partial hon ■ or code in the University. She stated that “here was an oppor tunity for those interested in stu dent government to work at it.” Slats Gill Crew Boasts Top List Of Sub Players ; By Rick Tarr Emerald Sporttwritar '1' lie Oregon capers went through a ragged workout Wednesday and as a result will have another j*o at it to day instead of laying off. 'Ihe various combination workeil on ways to stop tile (trefoil State attack. drilieret(un Slate Wu'dim^t-m Stale H 0 ] > • 3 3 3 4 .4 *•> d 4 .33 5 1 0 .15 Aero Club First For Aquamen Oregon's distance swimmers are nearly in shape for their first meet of the season against the Aero club of Portland, Coach John Borchardt stated Tuesday. The meet, which will take place Jan. 31, will be held in Portland. Borchardt said the team mem bers had been training for their 1 individual events since Monday, after working for several weeks on conditioning alone. Gordon Edwards and Yosh Ter ada, two of Oregon's top per formers, are expected to win their events against the Aero club. Last year, Edwards was high point man in the AAU meet and he stands a good chance of repeating this year, Borchardt said. Accompanying the regulars to Portland will be five freshmen. Although their points will not be counted, Borchardt hoped the frosh would gain some experience. The freshmen making the trip include: Yoji Matsushima, dis tance and sprint swimmer; Dale Bergerson, diver; Jerry Froebe, Amos Bowles and Pete Van Berk out, sprinters. SPORT STAFF Desk Editors: Morton Harkins and Sam Vahey.