Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 27, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    6 pan. Sign On
6:03 pan. Piano Moods
6:10 p.m. News Till Naiv
6:15 pan. Surprise Pa&kage
6:S0 p.m. Table-hopping at the Sl>
7 p.m. Ways ufMankind
7:30 pan. Chicago Roundtable
8:00 p.m. Campus Classics
9:00 p.m. This Time Yesterday
9:30 p.m. Kwaxworks
10:30 p.m. Emerald of the Air
10:35 pan. Softly Now
Freshman Women
Receive Party Bids
Eighty-seven freshmen women,
33 more than last year, have been
invited to attend the annual
“Smarty Party,” sponsored by
Mortar Board for all freshmen
women who made a 3 point or
above fall term, at 6:30 tonight
in Student Union 110.
General chairman of the affair
is Mary Ellen Burrell. Members of
Phi Theta and Kwama will serve.
Firesides Tonight
The Religious Evaluation week
firesides continue tonight with 15
houses scheduled to play host to
speakers. Houses are to expect
their guests at 5:30 p.m. for din- i
Tonight’s firesides and speakers
are: Alpha Delta Pi, Rev. Mathias |
Burger; Alpha Gamma Delta, Rus- j
sell Walker; Ann Judson House,1
Thomas Hunter; Delta Gamma,
George McDonough; Pi Beta Phi,
Rev. Harry Meserve; Alpha Tau
Omega, Very Rev. Georges Flor-,
ovsky; Phi Delta Theta, H. H.
Waechter; Phi Kappa Psi, Paul j
Risley; Pi Kappa Phi, William D.
Richins; Sigma Alpha Mu, Ward
Macy; Sigma Chi, Paul Wright;
Sigma hall, Father Evan Williams; '
Theta Chi, Hal C. Gossard; Sigma
Nu, Harold Allane; Wesley Foun
dation, Bill Smith.
♦ Campus Briefs
0 Petitions have boon called for
Senior Ball promotion, tickets and
decorations committees. Deadline
for the petitions, which may be
turned in to the special events of
fice in the Student Union, is Fri
day at 5 p.m.
q University symposium will
meet tonight in Villard 206 at
7:30 announced forensics director
Herman Cohen, All members are
urged to attend the general dis
cussion period, Cohen said.
0 Kwama, sophomore women’s
honorary, will meet at 4:30 this
afternoon in Gerlinger. All mem
bers must attend the meeting, ac
cording to Nan Mimnaugh. presi
0 The regular Wednesday Cele
bration of Holy Communion for
Episcopal students will be held in
the Carson hall living room this
week, instead of in Gerlinger hall.
The change has been made be
cause of the HE Week meditations
scheduled in Gerlinger. The ser
vice will begin as usual at 7 a.m.
0 Phi Theta Upsilon members
are to be at the Student Union
at 6:20 tonight in uniform to serve
for the Smarty party, president
Judy McLoughlin announced. Fol
lowing the party at 7:30, there
will be an important meeting.
Miss McLoughlin said.
0 The Pre-nursing club will
meet at noon Wednesday at Miss
Slocum's apartment, 773'2 E. 16th
St., in back of the DG house.
Members should bring a sack
lunch. Karin Peterson,' student
nurse at the medical school, will
speak on psychiatric nursing.
0 Young Democrats will meet
tonight at 6:30 in the Student Un
ion. Plans will be discussed for a
statewide convention to be held
sometime in April in Eugene, ac
cording to Charles Grover, Pres
0 Petitions are being called for
special events chairman of the
Campus Workshop program to be
held later in the term by the Stu
dent Union. Deadline for petitions,
which may be obtained in rooms
301 and 310 of the SU, is Friday, 5
Copy Desk: Sue Smith, Nan
Stone, Dave Averill, Barbara
Boushey, Bill Gurney, Kee Briggs.
For Frosh President
815 E. 13th
Ph. 5-6321
'Civil War' Cage Trophy
IT’S FULL-SIZED—Permanent possession of the
new “Chancellor’s Trophy,” a gold basket hall will
be awarded to the winner of the most Oregon
Oregon State series over an 11-year period. Chan
cellar Charles II. Byrne, above, In tlic donor of tin*
award. Tin- winner of tin* opening series keeps the
trophy for the year. I .eft, Slats tilll, and right,
Kill Boreher, opposing coaches.
Phi Kaps, Delta Upsilon, Phi Delts
Notch Mural Basketball Victories
The Phi Kappa Sigma A's downed the Phi Sigma ICappa A's 39-33
in a high scoring intramural basketball game Monday. In other
games, Sigma Alpha Mu lost a very close contest to the better Delta
Upsilon’s 16-13, and Phi Delta Theta downed Theta Chi 37-10.
The Phi Kaps, led by guard Bill Herman with fourteen points, had
little or no trouble in scoring a
39-23 win over talented Phi Sig
ma Kappa five. Following Herman
in scoring was teammate Gene
Beck with twelve counters and
Phi Sigs’ Harold Daron with, ten
points. Phi Kappa Sigma lqd 18;
14 at halftime after a close ’first
Phi Kapps (39) (23) Bil SIgs.
Beck, 12 .F 10, Daron
Mundle, 4. F.8, Miller
Stetlecase, 7.C.2, Backoff
Herman, 14.G.. .2, Erright
Chrisfensen, 2....G.1, Dunn
* * *
Delta Upsilon nosed out Sigma
Alpha Mu 16-13 in a close intra
mural basketball game in league
four action. Leading the DU’s
scoring column was forward Dick
McCornell with six points follow
ed closely by teammate Sam Kent
with five. High scorer for the
loserp was A1 Barzman with six
counters followed by Edwin Coh
en with five.
DU’s (16) (13) SAM
Bree, 1.F.6, Barzman
McCornell, 6.F.5, Cohen
Kent, 5.C.0, Rotenberg
Norval, 0.G 0, Abrams
Jensen, 4.G.2, Olds
* * *
The high scoring Phi Delta
Theta A’s easily downed the Theta
Chi A's 37-10 in another league
four game. The Phi Delts held a
commanding lead the entire game,
although the Theta Chi’s held
them to a 10-6 half time lead.
In the third and fourth quarters
the Phi Delts broke the Theta
Chi’s defense and rallied twenty
seven points while their opponents
Ban Johnson served 27 years as
president of the American League.
He was also co-founder of base
ball’s junior loop.
were able to score but four.
Phi Delts (37) (10) Theta Chi
Wagner, 4 5, Murray
Heath, 8 0, Krieger
I4v?2%V 1 . Badoreh
Lewis, » 1. .Johnson
Mundle, 11 0, Keller
- Substitutes: Phi Delta -'Phetn:
Paullis, 4
Stitzer Forfeits
IM Track Opener
French Hall officially opened the
intramural track season by draw
ing a forfeit win over Stitzer Hall
Monday. The event was handed to
the French team when the Stitzer
team failed to arrive.
In intramural handball action,
Delta Tau Delta won over Gamma
Hall by forfeit.
Today’s action finds Phi Gamma
Delta pitted against Kappa Sigma
in the track schedule and Phi Kap
pa Psi meets Phi Kappa Sigma in
handball action.
Easketball action slates Merrick
Hall A vs. Sherry Ross A on court
40 at 3:50, French Hall A vs. Stit
zer Hall A on court 43 at 3:50,
Philadelphia House A vs. Yeomen
A on court 40 at 4:35, Counselors
A vs. Legal Eagles A on court 43
at 4 :35, Beta Theta Pi B vs. Theta
Chi B on court 40 at 5:15 and
Lambda Chi Alpha B vs. Phi Kap
pa Psi B on court 43 at 5:15.
Tennis Meet on Tap
All University of Oregon tennis
hopefuls are urged to attend the
initial meeting tonight at 7:30 in
ROTC room 2. According to Capt.
R. A. Laurence, tennis coach, there
will be two teams this season, a
Varsity squad and a frosh oulfit.
Husky Center,
Krueger, Noe
Pace Scorers
Washington's Bob Houbregs,
sensational hook shot artist, leads
Northern division scoring with
nearly twice as many points an
his nearest competitor, Hartly
Krueger of Idaho. Houbregs has
scored 227 points in Washington's
first eight conference games for
an average of 28.1 points per
game to Kruger's 115 in seven
games, an average of 16.1.
Noe Second
Actually, Oregon’s Chester Noe
I has the second highest average,
' 17.3, but since Oregon has only
played six games his total points
rate only third on the list. Kenny
Wegner, Webfoot guard, has scor
ed an even 90 counters, rating
number five on the points list.
\1 asliington, who has played
one more game than any other
conference team, have all five
first stringers in the lop 20
scorers. W8C, Idaho, and Ore
gon each placed four on the list,
and OSC filled out the top 20
with three men.
Other than Noe and Wegner,
Oregon’s Barney Holland and Ed
Halberg, also appear in the top 20,
Holland being number nine, and
Halberg, number 11.
Unofficial statistics on the top
20 Northern Division scorers to
I Houbregs, Wash.
Kruger, Idaho .
Noe, Oregon .
Cipriano, Wash. .
Wegner, Oregon
Morrison, Idaho
Mullins, WSC .
MeCutchcon, Wn.
Holland, Oregon .
Vlastelica, OSC .
Halberg, Oregon
Rehder, WSC .
McClary, Wash
McIntosh, Idaho .
Mather, Idaho
Bennick, WSC .
Koon, Wash.
Jaiboe, OSC .
Klock, WSC .
Whiteman, OSC
I T I t Tl’
57 17 227
39 21 115
38 19 101
12 21 100
40 21 . 90
20 25 88
21 17 83
32 26 74
23 21 70
14 7 70
II 17 65
11 19 65
1 1 23 63
13 16 61
6 15 56
14 39 48
12 18 48
17 10 44
10 14 40
13 9 39