Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1953, Page Seven, Image 7

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At Alpha Chi Omega . . .
Keccnt pinnmgs at the Alpha CJhi house include those of Joan Long
to Fiji Ken Huff and Doris Stcnchel to Phi Delt AJ Mundlc. Laura
Pearson has announced her engagement to Walt Cast. Walt is a Port
land boy, now serving in the army. Wedding plans are being made for
June. Harriet Booth and Chuck Scofield have announced their engage
ment and plan to be married this summer. Scofield was a Sigma Nu
at Oregon before going into the armed forces.
At Alpha Omicron Pi.. .
Two AOPi's became engaged over the holidays. Barbara Bullock is
wearing the ring of Jack Wadman, DU, and Audio Jones is engaged to
A TO Jerry Aiken. Virginia Rose is wearing the Sigma Nu pin of Bob
Bennett, and pledge Sue Galbreath is pinned to DU Craig Weatherford.
Barbara Silva was married to Bob Cool, USAF, in Cottage Grove dur
ing the Christmas vacation.
At Alpha Xi Delta
Joyce Clark was given a bridal shower by members of Alpha Xi dur
ing the holidays. Miss Clark is to be married to Joe Schafer, Sigma Nu,
rn February. Floy Louise Von Groenewald and Evelyn Wickman were
recently initiated as members of Alpha Xi Delta. Audrey La Fever
has announced her engagement to Ed Munton of OSC. A June wed
ding is planned.
At Chi Omega
Gay In Pattee has announced her pinning to SAE Bob White. Joan
Murphy and Matt Vranlzan, Phi Delt, are also pinned. Bev DcMott and
Pi Kap Fred Decker have announced their engagement. Mcrla Price is
engaged to Wayne Carothers, Sigma Chi, who is now with the United
States Air Force in Denver, Colo. A recent Chi O marriage is that of
Nonnie Lageson to Jim Vranizan, a Phi Delt graduate of 1952.
At Kappa Kappa Gamma
During fall term, Shari Long announced her engagement to Beta
Malcolm Marsh. A summer wedding is planned. Dorothy Anderle be
came the bride of Ron Cole, of Pacific university, Christmas vacation.
Ann Woodcock is wearing the ATO pin of Larry Brecht and Pat Marks
is pinned to Fiji Ben Baldwin, who is now attending Santa Clara uni
versity. Pinned during Christmas vacation were Audrey Campbell to
ATO Bill Knapp from OSC; Earlene Smith to Chi Psi Tom Tarbell.
now in the air corps, and Gerry Yeager to Beta Dick Kettig. Fresh
men pinned during the holidays are Becky Fortie to Beta Craig
Beairsto, and Anne Chambers to Marty Hankinson, ATO.
At Phi Sigma Kappa
Activity has dominated the first two weeks of winter term in the
Phi Sig house. Rush week was preceded by a warm week and weekend
‘of initiations. Frank Becman, Bob Enright and Ron Miller are the
newly initiated members. Keeping all Phi Sigs busy has been the com
plete remodeling of the downstairs of the chapter house, plans for a
house dance in the near future and efforts to set a regional conclave
of the fraternity underway. In the "hearts and flowers" line, Tom Kar
ren has announced his pinning to a mysterious beauty named "Cosey"
from Portland. . . Ron Miller followed suit by planting his brass on
Harriet Bonnet, an Alpha Chi at Willamette.
At Pi Kappa Alpha
New officers have been elected as follows: Ray Gilkcy, president;
Royce Chadwick, vice president; George Booth, secretary; Bob John
son, house manager; George Booth, social chairman; Bob Anderson,
rushing chairman. Newly initiated members of PiKA are Clarence
Suiter, Lyle Morris, Bob Rounds, Dick Swennes and Bill Ruitcr. Royce
Chadwick has annouonced his engagement to Barbara Neiger Theta !
from OSC.
At Sigma Alpha Mu
Married over Christmas was Jerome Caplan to Wilma Goldberg. !
AEPhi from the University of Washington. During the same period, A1
Goldenberg announced his engagement to Rae Sadis of Portland, while
Dick Davis pinned Sue Milford, DPhiE from the University of Cali
At Sigma Kappa
Fal term culminated at the Sigma Kappa house with the announce
ments of one pinning and of two engagements. Mary Ann Foster is
pinned to Lambda Chi Dick Hollenbeck. Jean Ann McGee is engaged to
Delt Phii Newman and Marianne Merrick to Lee Dressel from the Uni
versity of Idaho.
At Theta Chi
Hal Dunham is engaged to Mary Kelly, Alpha Chi; Don Almy to Pi
Phi Janet Kregness, and Joe Almond to Eliza Gray, of Portland. Jack
Flaucher has transferred to Portland state this term. Initiation for this
term is now in progress.
At University House
The term at University house began with the initiation of twenty
girls. The house also had a record attendance of members and theii*
dates at the annual all-co-op formal, "Enchanted Forest,” Jan. 17. Dur
ing the holidays Shirley Schultz received the Alpha Zeta pin of Wayne
Audi us, Pacific university. Joanne Johnston announced her engage
ment to Delmar Aebescher, Seattle Pacific university.
London Economist To Instruct at UO
Hermann Mannheim, of the Lon
don School of Economics, will visit
the University of Oregon campus
during spring term this year in the
capacity of visiting sociology pro
Former chairman of a prison
commission in England and Wales,
Mannheim conducted follow-up in
vestigation of studies on juvenile
delinquency which had been con
ducted at Harvard.
Sponsored here by the Carnegie
fellowship program, Mannheim
will teach three courses, two of
which are seminars in. "compara
tive correctional systems’’ and
"sex deviants and the law.”
Campus Calendar
9 a.m. Kdlog Comm 334 SI,'
>foon Gamma Alpha (hi I HSU
Alpha Lambda Delta
J11 SU
Kellog Lunch J10SU
1 p.m, YM Cab 318 SU
3:00 Alpha Lambda Delta
Gerl 2nd fl
4:00 Asbly Comm 337 SU
1056 Snc Comm 213 SU
6:30 Alpha Lambda Della Banq
111 SU
ASUO Senate 334 SU
Young Hepubs 110SU
7:00 Bally Bd 214 SU
Froidi A ably Ballroom SU
IFC 215 SU
Dae Mgra 315 SU
7:30 Ina Soc 313 SU
Cheaa Club 213 SU
Condon Club Gerl lat 11
• Campus Briefs
• University of Oregon Young
Republicans will meet tonight at
6:30 in the Student Union.
• Sendee commission of the
YWCA will meet today at 4
p.m. in Gerlinger hall to hear Mrs.
K. D. Clark of the "Lane County
Fellowship for Civic Unity” speak
on "Community Service.”
• YWCA house representatives
will meet today at 4 p.m. in
the men's lounge of Gerlinger hall.
Representaitves arc to bring mem
bership money, Baibara Keelen,
membership chairman, said. Each
living organization should have a
representative present, Miss Kee
len said.
• Hours of the University read
ing clinic have been extended, ac
cording to an announcement re
leased Tuesday by the counseling
center. Classes will be held from 1
to 3 p.m. Thursday through Friday
under the new schedule.
• I’hi Alpha Delta, national
law fraternity, will hold a meeting
in the Assembly room of the Eu
gene Hotel Saturday, January 24
at 7:30 p.m. Robert F. Maguire.
Portland, will be the principal
speaker. Light refreshments will
be served.
• The University of Lausanne
Medical School in Lausanne, Swit
zerland will admit qualified medi
cal applicants, in both fall and win
ter semesters. The school is ap
proved by the American Medical
association. Further information
maj be obtained in the science of
On The Air...
KWAX Reporter
By Fronie Bromley
Emerald Reporter
European events and a campus
drama will take top interest spots
on today's KWAX programs with
Nina Oilaacuitch from Belgium
giving vacation-minded Americans
an idea of ‘ What Hitchhiking is
Like in Europe,” on Report From
Today's Radio Workshop drama
will star Sandra Price, Clarence;
Suiter, Gerald Pearce, John Bree j
and Hugh Garrabrant in the story
of a small-town doctor whose dis
covery of an asthma and hay-fever !
cure is overshadowed by a fellow j
doctor, until the small-town prac-.
titioner points out the fallacies in '
the other man's theories.
Ernest J. Simmons will present j
"Music to Order” over the People i
Under Communism show to illus- j
trate the control over artistic <
fields by the Communist Party.
Sanity is a pressing question on
Theodore Hager's discussion of the 1
subject "Are Oboeists Mad?” on j
Musician Comments today.
A thorough discussion of a hot
subject will be given by Dr. John
Ciardi of Harvard when he reviews
Dante's book. "Inferno" on the Old
Books, Old Friends program.
Friday's broadcast of “Way Be
yond the West” will feature Alan
Watts in a continuation of his talks
on Eastern philosophy with a dis- 1
cussion of Vedante. A different j
siant on philosophy is offered on j
the Folksongs and Footnotes show |
when Lou Fol d comments on rec- >
ords of love, marriage and court- .
Sunday offers dramatic enter- >
tainment in "Crisis in Avondale,” !
a tale of abuses of freedom of
speech on Cry of Warning, and G.
B. Harrison continues his study of
English literature on the Humani
ties Lecture show.
Britain's perennial favorite pro
gram, the BBC Theater, is also of
fered on Sunday, this week drama- j
...0*1. KWAX
6:03 Piano Moods
6:10 News Till Now
6:15 Sports Shots
6:30 Musician Comments
6:45 Report from Europe
7 p.m. People Under Communism !
8 p.m. Campus Classics
9 p.m. Radio Workshop Drama
9:30 Kwaxworks
10:30 Emerald of the Air
10:35 Softly Now
tizing “'Dare to be Free."
A1 bury Castell, head of the phil
osophy department will continue
his “Window in the Ivory Tower ’
series on Monday with a discusison
of the high spots in the life of Just
ice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Variety
will be added by Monday's musical
Guest Star show, featuring Ja~ e
Powell this week.
A narrative on In do-Pakistan
music featuring Ahrnid Jalaluddib,
junior in pre-med from Karachi,
Pakistan will be br oadcast tonig; t
at 9:30. It will be a tape recorded
broadcast featuring the narrati . e
illustrated by music.
LOST: I pr. men's dark rimmed
glasses on 13th or Alder, Mon
day. Reward. Ph. 5-3434. 1-23
FOR SALE: Auto Radios — new
and used for all cars. Eugere
Radio Co. 7th & Charnelton. Pb.
4-8722. o.
FOR RENT: Double room for men.
Private bath and entrance. Ph.
daytime 5-4321. E:ct 6. Evenings
5-3138. Mrs. J. .4. Cleaves 752
E. 21.
Whatever the
formal occasion—
wear fashionably
correct clothes, at
rental prices*
■*r— »
^on Through Saturday
Robert Tavlor
Loretta Young
Jeff Chandler
David Niven
IT I !!“ H: AIDE ft DIAL H022
Now Through Saturday
Alec Guinness
Marlene Dietrich
Emil Jennings