Campbell Club Trips Legal Eagles; Sigma Nu Wins Friday on Court A lightning fast break offense and the high scoring of Earl Fer guson, Elmer Jonfes, and Lowry Hoyer led the way as Campbell Club literally ran the Legal Eagles right off the floor. Ferguson tal lied 12 counters for top point hon ors and he was closely followed by Jones with 11 and Hoyer with 10. Hal Tollifer’s eight points was high for the losers. The winners raced to an early lead and were never headed along the way. Score by quarters read: 13-0. 27-6. and 33-9. Campbell (45) (14) Eagles Jones, 11 .F. 0, Mosgrove Monte, 2 .F. 2, Kelly Irvin, 4 .C. 8, Tolllfer Ferguson, 12 .G. 1, Mansfield Hoyer, 10 .G. 1, Johnson Campbell Clubs subs: West 6. Legal Eagles subs: Ingerson 2. Sammies Fall, 22-20 A twenty foot one-handed set shot from the left corner by Ken Sodeberg in the final 15 seconds of the game gave the Sigma Nu’s a hard earned 22-20 victory over a scrappy Sigma Alpha Mu five. For Sodeberg this shot also gave him high point honors for his team with six points. Don Olds collected the same amount for the losers. The tussle was quite close all the way through with the count being tied 5-5 at the conclusion of the first period and 14-14 as the third quarter terminated. At the half Sigma Nu held a slim 10-8 Sigma Nu (22) (20) Sammies Shefford, 1 .F.3. Cohen Ritchey, 5 .F 5, Barzm&n Meyer, 2 .C . 2, Rotenberg Briot, 1 .0. 4, Abrams Bennett, 0.G. 6, Olds Sigma Nu subs: Sodeberg. 6, Rhamos 4, and Mondale 3. SAE Bs Dump Sig Chis The Sigma Alpha Epsilon Bs squeezed out a close 23-21 win over the Sigma Chi Bs in a nip and tuck contest. The Sigs led 4-0 at the end of the first quarter, but SAE Guard Bill Hardon tallied five second quarter points to give his team a 7-6 halftime margin and send them on their way. Hardon was tops for the game with nine while Wayne Rowell tallied five to lead the Sigs. SAE (23) (21) Sig Chis Turja, 0 .F. 4, Elliot Savage, 2 .F. 0, Patera Tennyson, 2 .C. 5, Powell Kittredge, 3 G.. 0, Tolliver Hardon, 9 .G. 3, Sloan Subs: SAE—Kreiger 5, Brittain 2. Sigs—Newburn 3, Greenley 4, Pollack 2. Nestor Slams Stitzer Paced by the fine shooting of George Johnston and Bob Wal bcrg. Nestor hall rolled over Stit zer, 32-15, in intramural action Friday. The winners forged a 7-4 first quarter lead, ran it up to 17 8 at the half, and held a 21-10 edge at the end of the third period. Johnston with 11 points was high while Walberg counted for seven. Dick Everts topped the Stit zer team with six counters. Nestor (32) _ (15) Stitzer Hamilton, 4 .F. 1, Lewis Nobriga, 0 .F. 0, Fudge Davis, 2 .C4, Schneiderm’n Bourns, 0 .G... 4, Blackiedge Gienger, 4 .G. 6, Everts Subs: Nestor—Walberg 7. John ston 11, Lundy 4. Stitzer—Gubrud, Nordling. SPORTS FARE BASKETBALL Mon. Jan. 19 3:50 Court 40 Kappa Sigma B vs. Sigma Xu B 4:35 Court 40 Phi Gamma Delta B vs. Delta Tau Delta B 5:15 Court 40 Delta Upsilon B vs. Sigma Phi Epsilon B C-WHAS PA LACE HESTAUHAWt Phones 5-2012 or 5-3049 - 33 East 6th Ave. Special Famous Chinese foods for the season: • The Mandarin Chicken • The Chinese fried shrimp curls FREE PARKING after 5:00 p.m. Special prices for parties of 25 or more people Open: Mon. through Friday Saturday . Sunday . j K ( 11:30 a.m to 2:00 a.m.( .11:30 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 a;m * Oregon All-stars Set For Trotter Exhibition The kings of cage clowndorn, the Harlem C.lobetrotters, serve up their annual dish of fun and basketball at 8 to night in McArthur court. A collection of former Webfoot athletes, under the guise of Oregon All-Stars furnish the opposition for the Trotters. Oregon Coach Bill Borcher will act in the same capacity for the Stars, who are Ken Hunt, Paul Sowers, Jack Keller, Jack McKlravv. Rog Wiley. Ken Hays, Bob Hamilton, Mel Street er. Jim Bartlet and Mel Krause. Student tickets are still on sale today for (O cents at Mac Court. The price includes the 6:30 p.m. opener between the Hawaiian Surfriders and the Philadelphia Sphas, both barn storming organizations. OVERTIME AT MOSCOW Hawes Buckets Stop Idahoans; Webfoots Win Wild, Wooly One MOSCOW, Ida. Sizzling in the stretch, the University of Oregon Webfoots stunned the University of Idaho Vandals, 79-76 Friday night in the opening game of a two-game Northern division series in Me morial gymnasium. Guard Bob Hawes was the Ducks' fair-haired boy, putting the game into overtime with a close-in set shot, then bucketing a longer push in the extra period which spelled victory. No Breeze It wasn’t a breeze for the Web foots, though. The Vandals broke from the starting gate in a rush and opened up a 24-13 lead at the end of the first quarter. Tall Dwight Morrison, Idaho forward, opened the scoring and teammate Bob Falash dropped through an other two-pointer and the Vandals kept the edge until Hawes’ des paration shot in the last 15 sec onds of the overtime. The Webfoots managed only four buckets in the initial quar ter, and three of those were by . Wegner, who scored 20 points before fouling out in the “fifth” period. With two minutes re maining in the first half the Vandals still maintained an II point advantage, 39-28. Quickly Chet Noe right-handed a hook; W’egner registered a tip-in; Keith Farnam and C. W. Totten exchanged free tosses; and Idaho’s Falash hit .with another extra pointer. Noe then bucketed a layup and Jim Sather hit a free toss. But the fcucks had narrowed the gap to 35-42 at halftime. Stall Beaten With six minutes remaining in play the Vandals attempted a stall, but eight Oregon personal fouls and a couple of interceptions dissi pated the freeze. At the two min ute mark Center Hartly Krueger bowed out of the contest on per sonals and Wegner plunked in two free throws and the score was 67 66, Vandals. Totten connected on two foul tosses, but ace Guard Bruce Mc Intosh missed twice from the free throw line and Noe followed up by hitting twice following an other violation. Totten again failed twice and Morrison missed one of his two shots—thin came Hawes and the score was 70-70 at the final gun. With less than a minute to play in the overtime Falash sank a free throve to hand the Vandals a 76-73 edge. Ed Halbzerg zeroed one from the key; McIntosh missed twice at the free throw line once again; then Hawes—Johnny on the spot canned one and Eob Stout added two insurance points. The Vandals missed 19 free throws to the Ducks’ three missed •connections. Noe tipped in the scoring column with 23 scores. OREGON IDAHO fg ft tl> fg ft tp Farnam, f 5 3 13 Morrison, f 6 5 17 Hall,erg, f 1 (J 2 Mather, f 8 117 Noe. C 8 7 23 Krueger, c 3 5 11 Holland, g 4 0 8 McIntosh, g 4 4 12 Wegner, g 6 8 20 Falash, g 3 6 12 Stout, , 0 2 2 Totten, f 0 4 4 Page, f 0 0 0 Lil'bridge, c 1 0 2 Bonneman, cl 2 4 Sather, g Oil Hawes, g 3 0 6 Domk, g 0 0 0 Covey, g 0 1 I. Price, g 0 0 0 Totals 28 23 79 Totals 25 26 76 Mural Bowling Starts Tuesday At Student Union Schedules have been drawn up for the intra-mural bowling pro gram which opens at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday on the student union al leys. Other matches will also be held on Wednesdays and Thursday. Following are the brackets: Tuesday—Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Theta Chi, Sigma Chi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi and Kappa Sigma. Wednesday—Yeomen, Sigma Al pha Mu, Bale Kane, Alpha Tau Omega, Gamma hall, Alpha hall, and Pi Kappa Phi. Thursday—Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha, Phi Gamma Del ta, Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Nu. Any organization which cannot bowl on scheduled nights should contact Leo Naapi, phone 5-5021. Beta Bs Drop Phi Delts The Beta Theta Pi Bs poured in nine points in an overtime session to defeat the Phi Delta Theta Bs, 31-24. Dick Adams with 11 points, five in the extra period, topped scorers. Trailing 4-5, 7-15, and 12-19 at the quarter, the Betas waxed hot in the fourth quarter as Paul Jack son and Hal Reeve sparked a scor ing drive. The Phi Delts had mov ed to a seemingly commanding half time lead as Dm Holt hit four con secutive baskets on as many shots in the second quarter. Phi Delta (24) (31) Betas Hendrickson, 2 ..F. 11, Adams Albright, 3 .F. 0, Reiser Archer 2 .C. 7, Reeve Holt, 10 .0. 0, Koehler Marlett, 5 .G. 2, Atkinson Subs: Phi Delts—Laird 2, Wil liams. Betas—Hill 3, Pyle, Jackson 8, Alvey, Dockstadter. f - Theta Chis Win, 28-13 The Theta Chi “B” team outlast ed Lambda Chi Alpha in the final game of the day, 28-13. Gary Jones paced the victor’s scoring column v/ith 11 markers while Founier and Voights each had four for the los ers. The Theta Chi’s led at the quar ter stops, 6-0, 13-4, 19-9, and 28 13. Theta Chi (28) (13) Lambda Chi Harber, 3 F. 4, Voights Babb, 3 .F. 0, Wyss Jones, 11 .C. 0, Fowler Keller, 4 .G. 3, Cardinale Jones, 4 .G. 4, Founier Theta Chi subs: Hutchinson 3. Lambda Chi Alpha subs: Post 2. REBOUND Vandals Slash Ducks, 73-57 MOSCOW, Ida. A second quarter scorinp spree nave the Idaho Vandals a comfortable 14 point half-time edge and enabled them to coast toa 73-57 victory over the Oregon Webfoots in a foul-filled Northern division con test played Saturday night at Moscow. After a nip-and-tucU first period which saw Oregon lead ing 17-14 at ttie buzzer, it was all Idaho with llurtley Kruger and Dwight Morrison pacing PCC Standings NORTHERN DIVISION Washington 6 0 OKKHON 3 3 .5**6 Idaho J 3 .400 <>regon State 1 3 ..'s'i Washington tSatc 1 4 J00 RESULTS FRIDAY (>RKt;t >\ 79. Idaho 76 Oregon State 54, Washington 77 RESULTS SATURDAY < )REt;ON 57. Idaho 73 Oregon tSatr 56. Washington OK SOUTHERN DIVISION California 5 1 Southern California CCLA 3 t Stanford I 5 RESULTS FRIDAY I *( LA 67, Stanford 66 California 7H, Southern California 63 .*33 .500 .500 If; RESULTS SATURDAY C( LA 74, Stanford 7 IK California 71, Southern California 73 the attack which ground out a 40-28 h-ad at the intermission. Fouls were definitely a big han dicap to the Webfoots, for both Chet Noe and his replacement. Hank Bonneman collected four fouls in the first half a factor which caused them to play cau tionsuly for the rest of the game and thus reduced the Oregon re bound and defensive strength Bob Hawes was the only Web foot to be whistled out, however. Kruger and Bill Mather went out via the foul route for Idaho. Vandals Open L’p Idaho really opened up in the third period, racing to a 52-34 lead with just six and one-half minutes played in the quarter. That was their longest lead, and the Ducks slowly shortened it un til they were within eight points at 59-51 with seven minutes left in the game. Ed Halberg, who was high scorer for Oregon with a 17-point total, and Ken Wagner paced this rally. But the Web loots never got closer as Idaho scored one more field goal and then proceeded to freeze the ball a tactic which gained them 12 more points from the foul-line and secured the game for them. Idaho totaled 28 field goal* for the game, II of them com ing in the second period, while Oregon managed only 18 bas kets. The Vandals shot at a .360 clip with Oregon hitting at .270 for the game. The Idaho victory was definite ly aided by the below-par passing and ball-handling of the Ducks. Time after time Oregon passes were intercepted or the ball was stolen by the alert Vandals. Dons Here Friday Oregon will meet the Univer sity of San Francisco at McAr thur Court on Friday and will play Portland university at Port land Saturday. OREGON .. fK ft t|> I'arnam, f 10 2 llalberg, f 5 7 17 Noe, c 3 6 12 Holland, g 1 3 7 Wegner, g 5 111 Johnson, f O' 1 1 I’age, f 0 0 0 Stout, f 113 Itonneman. c 1) 0 0 Covey, g 0 0 0 Hawes, g l) 2 2 Totals 18 21 57 Nels Stewart once shot two goals in four seconds for the Montreal Canadians of the National Hockey loop. IDAHO fg ft F Morrison* t 5 2 12 Mather, f 5 1" Krueger, c 6 8 Falash, g 2 ' - McIntosh, g 2 3 ' Totten, f 2/11 Price, f ) o -■ LiPbridge, c 1 -1 1 Sat her, g 0 11 " Fulton, g 0 n 11 Mon son, g <) 11 11 Totals 23 27 73