Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 14, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    ATO's Drop Lambda Chi
In Intra-mural Cage
The strong Alpha Tau Omega
team registered an easy 42-21 vic
tory over a game, but outclassed
Lambda Chi team. The A.T.O.’s
were paced by the fine rebounding
of George Shaw and the sharp
shooting of Ray Packwood and Bill
Blodgett. Shaw and Blodgett were
former stars at Grant High School.
Packwood poured 18 points
through the hoop and Blodgett 13.
The score by quarters was 10-1,
17-7, and 28-15.
The point summary:
ATO’s (42) (21) Lambda Cht
Torgerson, 6 .F. 0, Mauren
Blodgett, 13 .F. 1, Ransom
Packwood, 18.C. 9, Kremmer
Shaw, 3.G 11, Woodward
Lowell, 1 .G... 0, Merryman
ATO substitute: Kirby, 1.
PIKAs Jostle Chi Psi's
In the final stanza of the after
noon Pi Kappa Alpha downed Chi
Psi, 32-13, in a game which the
PiKA’s were never headed. Lead
ing scorer for the PiKA’s was
Thurston Dnn with fourteen
points followed by teammates Dick
Stingly and Champ Husted each
with eight counters. High scorer
for the losers was Ted Dunbar with
five points.
The point summary:
Pi Kappa Alpha (32) (13) Chi Psi
Stingley, 8 .F.. 3, Clemens
Dunn, 14 .F. 2, Morris
Gilkey, 1 .C.. 3, Wrightson
Husted, 8 .G. 5, Dunbar
Chadwick, 1 .G. O.Stoneroad
Tickets on Sale
At Sil, Igloo
Nothing short of a full house is
expected for the annual appear
ance of the Harlem Globetrotters,
Monday in McArthur court. The
colorful band of casaba greats are
scheduled to meet the Oregon All
Stars, a group of ex-Webfoot let
termen in the night’s feature at
traction. The Hawaiian Surfriders
and the Philadelphia Sphas will
meet in the preliminary event.
Student tickets are on sale at
McArthur court and at the Student
Union for 60 cents. Students are
asked to present their athletic
cards at the time of purchase and
also at the gate. Faculty members
who purchased season tickets for
Oregon home games may purchase
Globetrotter game tickets for 60
cents, also, on presentation of their
Straight general admission price
is $1.20.
Wed. Jan. 14
3:50 Court 40 Phi Kappa Psi A vs. Phi Sig
ma Kappa A
4:35 Court 40 Sigma Xu A vs. Theta Chi A
5:15 Court 40 Phi Delta Theta A vs. Delta
Upsilon A
Sigma Alpha Mu vs. Sigma Phi
• Dress Shirts—as low as $1.98
• Slacks—20% discount
• Shoes—20% discount
Plus Many Other Big Savings
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"9NTI/E CAMPUS - S52T frti*
LaSalle Nation's Top Quintet;
Huskies Rated Seventh in Survey
By Martin Meadows
With almost half of the college
basketball season gone, only three
major teams—Seton Hall, Ford
ham, and Wayne—remain in the
unbeaten category.
However, in this writer’s opin
ion, tjie top outfit in the country is
a once-beaten squad, LaSalle of
Philadelphia. The Explorers ad
vanced from fourth to first, replac
ing Oklahoma A&M, on the
strength of victories last week
over Loyola (Baltimore), 89-47,
Meadows Ranks Cagers
Martin Meadows, graduate stu
dent at Oregon, and a former
Emerald sports columnist, has
ranked the nation’s top 50 bas
ketball teams, as he once did for
the Emerald three years ago.
His ratings will appear in the
paper every Wednesday for the
balance of the season.
and Muhlenberg, 97-77, running
their record to an impressive 13-1.
Undefeated Seton Hall con
tinued in the runner-up position
by extending its string of tri
umphs to 14 without a loss. In
their only game last week, the
Pirates downed Scranton by a
64-57 margin.
Illinois, top-ranked of the Big
Ten teams, follows closely with a
7-1 slate. The Illini roled over Pur
due, 87-71, and bounced Wisconsin,
71-61, to maintain their grasp on
the third spot.
Pack Fourth
North Carolina State moved up
a notch to fourth by posting two
more wins. The Wolfpack hit 105
points for the second time this sea
son as they crushed Davidson, 105
71, and then swung over to Duke,
where they chalked up a handy
82-64 decision to give them a 14-2
In fifth place are the Kansas
State Wildcats (8-1), who climbed
from sixth by whipping Marquette,
Right behind is Fordham,
which posted its 10th and 11th
victories without a setback. The
surprising Itams rolled on by
walloping Brooklyn College, HI
56, and then stilMlucd brash St.
Peter’s by a 77-15 margin. One
of the top games of the week
takes place tonight, when Ford
ham plays host to Seton Hall in
a contest which wll further re
duce the number of unbeaten
aggregations In the nation.
Washington's Huskies, the al
most-certain Northern Division
champions, rest in the number
seven slot with a win-loss record
of 11-1. The Houbregs-led Huskies
mangled Idaho twice, 76-64 and
82-58, to rise from eighth.
Hllltoppers Move Up
Western Kentucky (11-2) boost
ed itself to eighth with two wins.
The Hilltoppers brushed past Cin
cinnati by an 84-76 count and then
knocked off strong Murray, 62-57,
to stay ahead of improving Notre
Dame. The Irish edged two tough
squads last week on an Eastern
trip. After squeezing past Holy
Cross, 73-71, they were forced into
overtime to hand NYU a 78-77
Rounding out the top ten are
Aggies of Oklahoma A&M. Hank
Iba’s crew skidded all the way
from tjie number one position as
a result of a 65-53 upset at the
hands of Kansas.
Other Coast teams in the first
hundred include USC 16th, Seattle
25th, California 48th, UCLA 40th,
Idaho 45th, Oregon 76th, and San
ta Clara 92nd.
Here are the ratings, including
Saturday’s games:
1. LaSalle ( 131)
2. Seton Hall (14-0)
3. Illinois (7-1)
4. N. Car. St. (14-2)
5. Kansas State (8-1)
6. Ford ham (110)
7. Washington (11-1)
8. West. Ky. (112)
9. Notre Dame (9-1)
10. Okla. A&M (10-2)
1 1. Okla. City (10-1 )
12. Brg. Young (13-3)
13. Tulsa (11-2)
14. Indiana (6-2)
15. Louisiana S. (9-1)
16. CSC dll)
17. East. Ky. (8-2)
18. Wake Forest (7-3)
19. Toledo (7-1)
20. Penn (8-2)
21. Manhattan (7-1)
22. Louisville (9-3)
23. Geo. Wash. (7-2)
24. Georgetown (6-1)
25. Seattle (11-2)
26. Niagara (10-2)
27. Holy Cross (7-3)
28. Wayne (9-0)
29. Connecticut (9-1)
30. Duuuesne (9-3)
31. DePaul i Ki-4)
32. Miami Ohio (7-3)
33. N. Carolina (9-2)
34. Temple (9-3)
35. Columbia (7-1 )
36. Rice (7-2)
37. Kansas (7-3)
38. ('alifornia (7-5 )
39. Maryland (7-3)
40. CCLA 18 5)
41. Navy (7-2)
42. Minnesota (6-3)
43. Nebraska (6-3)
44. Colorado (6-3)
45. Idaho (8-6)
46. West Va. (9-3)
47. Mich. State (5-3)
48. NYC (8-5)
49. Penn State (6-3)
50. Wyoming (10-5)
Ducks, Idaho
Gird for Series;
Both Need Pair
Two teams who have felt the
wrath of the University of Wash
ington's Huskies will put the fin
ishing touches to their basketball
drills today, before tapering off
for an all-important Northern di
vision series this week-end.
The University of Oregon Web
foots and the University of Idaho
Vandals, both longshot choices for
the northern crown of the Pacific
Coast conference, clash Friday and
PCC Standings
Washington .4 0
OREGON . 2 2
Oregon State . . 1 I
I(iaho_ .. 1 2
Washington State . . 1 4
Southern California . 3 1
California .. 3 1
Stanford 1 3
Saturday nights at Moscow, Ida. »
and both teams need a series sweep
in order to stay within hailing dis
tance of the Huskies. Oregon, with
two wins and two losses, is a full
two games behind the front-run
ners and the Vandals are a half
game further back. j
Here’s how the Vandal scoring (
has been distributed over three
conference games:
Forward Dwight Morrison, 32;
Center Hartley Krueger, 31; Guard
Bruce McIntosh, 27; Guard Tom
Flynn, 25; Forward C. W. Totten. r<
10; Forward Bob Falash, 4; Cen
ter Rag Lillibridge, 3; Guard Don .
Monson, 2; and Forward Jim Price,
2 I
The Webfoots are ranked as fol- •
lows for four games;
Chet Noe, 69; Ken Wegner, 59; £
Barney Holland, 56; Ed Halberg, 1
46; Bob Hawes, 18; Keith Farnam, ;
11; Hank Bonneman, 8; Bob Stout, •
5; Lofty Page, 5; Alex Byler, 1;
Harlan Mickey, 1; and Gordon
Green, 1.
IM Results
Alpha hall won over Gamma
Hall by forfeit, as the Gammas
failed to produce a full team.
Fijis Batter Sig Chis in Intra-murals •
The Fiji’s, paced by Bob Good
win pulled away in the second
half to defeat the Sigma Chi’s 33
to 24. The Fiji’s were paced by B.
Goodwin who registered 11 points
and tied with Ron Phillips of Sig
ma Chi for high points honors. The
quarter scores were 9-6, 15-13, and
21-17 in favor of the Fiji’s.
The point summary:
Fiji’s (33) (24) Sigma Chi
Goodwin, 11 .F. 11, Phillips
Lally, 4 .F. 3, Slover
Bowles, 2 .C.. 2, Hedgepeth
Zener, 6 .G. 8, Johnson
Jackson, 4 .G.. 0, Ruhlman
Fiji’s substitute: Mathison, 6.
Sigma Chi substitute: Hodges.
Hale Kane Wins Opener
Hale Kane added another win to
their long winning streak as they
downed Barrister Inn, ,37-18, in
“A” league basketball intramurals
Tuesday afternoon. The action of
Tuesday’s games officially opened
the winter term intramurals for
League two and League five.
After a 6-6 first quarter tie,
Hale Kane built a 15-8 half time
score and went on to win 37-18.
Heading the scoring list for the
winners was McElravy with
eleven points followed by Joe Torn
with nine. High scorer for Barris
ter Inn was Jim Thien with nine
The point summary:
Joe Malone set a National
Hockey League record for the most
goals in one game 33 years ago.
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Hali* Kam- (37) (18) Barrister Inn
Johnson, 0 .F. 2, Kelly (
McElravy, 11 .F 9, Thien
O’Brien, 6 .C . 4, Ebeer -
Takano, 4 .G 1, Van Etten j
Tom, 9 .G ... 2, Talaferer ‘
Hale Kane substitutes: Fong, 2. b
Frolen, 5.
Barister substitutes: Linkletter,
Norstad, Meline.
Suzies Dump Sigma Hall ’
Tilman Briggs with eight points
and Jerry Pound with seven points >■
led their teammates to a 30-20 Su
san Campbell win over Sigma Hall
in League five action.
Susan Campbell jumped to a
quick start and built up a 7-2 first ,
quarter lead, a 21-4 half time lead
and won 30-20. In the final quarter,
Sigma Hall threatened to overtake -
the large Susan Campbell lead, but
a quick freeze saved their lead.
Leading the scoring for Sigma -
Hall was Ernie One with six points
fololwed by Sam Duncan and Ted
Wisniewski with five each.
The point summary:
Campbell (30) (20) Sigma Hall
Pound, 7 .F. 2, Eatherton
Daugherty ,6 ....’F... 5, Wisniewski
Briggs, 8-.C. 2, Hall
Storkel, 4 .G. 6, One '*
Montgomery, 5 ,G. 5, Duncan
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