Senior and Sophomore Positions open in YWCA Petitions for both elective and appointive offices in the YWCA senior and sophomore cabinets are due by Jan. 28 In the offices of the YW, according to Jane Simpson, vice president. Elective offices in the senior cabinet open to petitioners are presi dent, second vice president, secretary, treasurer and upperelass com mission chairman. Appointive of fices In the senior cabinet which are open include sophomore ad visor, two program coordinators, international affairs, membership, worship, religious growth, public affairs, service chairman, house and social, publicity, promotion, and conference chairmen, and jun ior advisors. Sophomore Cabinet Elective positions open in the sophomore cabinet are chairman and secretary. Appointive offices open are membership, publicity, duckling councelling, social, serv ice, finance, chaplain, promotion, and mcmbers-at-large chairmen. Women who petition for the po sitions will be interviewed by one member of the nominating com mittee and Mary Elizabeth Mc Dowell, director of the YW, during the first two weeks in February. Interview Purpose The purpose of the interviews will be to find out the interests and qualifications of the petitioner and to exchange ideas about the total program of the YW as it affects the needs of Oregon students, ac cording to Miss Simpson. Nominations in writing, signed by the nominator, will also be ac cepted by the YW, Miss Simpson stated. Any member of the asso ciation may nominate a candidate in this way, she said. • Campus Briefs 0 (iforgi> (iaylord Simpson, vis iting Condon lecturer, will hold a seminar on “The Evolution of Pri mates” January 16, at 4 p.m. in 314 Science. 0 l‘i Delta Phi, French honor ary, will meet at 4 p.m. today to elect officers for the coming year, according to Coralee Nelson, presi dent. Miss Nelson urges all mem bers to attend the meeting. 0 AWS will meet Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Student Union. A new secretary will be elected to replace Noreen Johnson who did not return to campus this term. 0 Tryouts for singers, dancers and specialty acts for the exchange assembly will be held tonight at 6:30 in the Student Union. 0 All traffic violators who owe fines and have not settled with Student Affairs office should come to Student court meeting tonight in the SU at 7:00. The room num ber will be posted. Freshman Ballot (Continued from page one) is allowed before that time or on election day. ELECTION. Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednes day, Jan. 28. They will be at four locations: The SU, Co-op, Carson hall, and Veteran’s dorms. Only freshmen are eligible to vote. Classifieds FOR RENT—Room and board or board alone. See Mrs. Kile at 874 E. 13th. Ph. 4-0422. 1-16 LOST: Wrist watch on 13th St. near Emerald Hall on Thurs day. Reward. Ph. 3-1091. 1-14 i FOR SALE: Underwood noiseless standard typewriter, excellent condition, $55. Mr. James, ext. 587. 243 Comm. -14 FOR RENT: Large sleeping room for 1 woman. $25. 671 E. 16th. Ph. 5-6576. 1-14 Campus Calendar 10 u.m. IFCHdq 214 SU Noon Geol & Geog. Lunch 110SU Spanish Table 112SU 3:30 p.m. SU Bd 337 SU 4 p.m. Scholarship Lent Dads room SU Snowball Dec Comm 111 SU PI Delta Phi 112 SU 6 p.m. Yeomen Inlt Gerl 2nd fl 6:30 p.m. Young Demos 110 SU 6:45 p.m.Cosmo Exec Comm 318 SU Deseret Meet Taylor Lounge 7 p.m. Stu Traffic Ct 315 SU 8 p.m. Hul O Gerl 3rd fl Greeks to Vote On Four Houses Final action on a petition from four Greek houses asking for re instatement in the Associated Greek Students political party will be taken Jan. 26 when that body meets to vote on the request. According to the AGS consti tution definite action affecting the four, Alpha Xi Delta. Delta' Up silon, Lambda Chi Alpha and Sig ma Alpha Mu, can not take place for a period of two weeks after the petition or resolution is pre sented to AGS. The four houses are currently members of the United Students association, a coalition party com posed of Greeks and independents. The houses petitioned for rein statement in AGS near the end of fall term. Lambda Chi, never a member of AGS, will enter the party if the petition is accepted. Appeal Made for Senior Ball Chairmen Friday is the deadline for peti tions for Senior Ball chairman ships, according to Senior Class President Tom Wrightson. They should be turned into the^ASUO office, the special events room of the Student Union or to Wright son at Chi Psi. Chairmanships open are decor ations, promotion, publicity, tick ets, programs and chaperones. Preference will be given to sen iors, Wrightson said. Dr. Leland A. Huff Optometrist 13 W. 8th Ave Ph. 5-3725 GAS PEDDLER Time to select your winter ski equipment from our new stocks • SKI RENTALS • Skis, Boots and Poles $2.50 Day • White Stag Ski Togs Special ureyhound Ski Bus to Willamette Area, Sat. & Sun. 8 a.m. S«*a* out for tu^ s"a^Sio^r SSSSSS" treats Wtt« ^sle rsKeKR«>. I * Vbo***** slump8i 3 pr°’ A 1 s°vtr-®them0Ut>e4S •*#£«"» ssssss*— ^ « jn I smoker If this question: ^-■-^'T^yment LucW«a£^5ebett«to“ ^ tobacco. WWTESS" SS^re “f* ° Fl„e Tobacco, that’s mC*e’ ucky Stnke **e cigarette . • • lS/1A-FT- ou^antmoBt® stn0otber --rrsr-—. S°’ aste-^the ^ .,0uueWrt BefePP COLLEGE STUDENTS PREFER LUCKIES IN NATION-WIDE SURVEY! Nation-wide survey based on actual student in terviews in 80 leading colleges reveals more smokers prefer Luckies than any other cigarette by a wide margin. No. 1 reason—Luckies’ better taste. Survey also shows Lucky Strike gained far more smokers in these colleges than the na tion’s two other principal brands combined. 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