Educational Channel L-JIKl “Dear Friends: Congratulations to your fraternity for taking top scholastic honors this year; heard you didn’t have a ‘TV’ set—please accept this slightly used one as a reward for such outstanding—” Notes to the Editor Dear Eugene Friends: Christmas has passed and has brought to me as a most precious present (there were not too many others anyway) more than a doz en letters from friends all over the USA. mostly from Oregon and particularly the Eugene cam pus. Therefore, again my thoughts went back to the happy and in teresting time I spent there last year. Now I have been back in Germany three months. At first glance things seem to have im proved here the year I was away. There are quite a few new" buildings, many people look better dressed and fed, there are now developments in industry and various other fields. Still Difficult But if you take a closer look and if ^ou live here for some time you will recognize that the situation is still pretty difficult and may be even more so than the year before. In the political field the treaties of the Western Ger man Federal Republic with the Allies (which are generally ex pected to be ratified soon) have been the topic of discussion during the last few months. Some Questioning There has been some question ing and doubting, especially abroad, as to the stand Western Germany takes in this question. I think that is no question what soever. Knowing what it means to live under the occupation of the Eastern power it is not hard to decide with whom we shall go. If there has been and still is opposition to those treaties in Western Germany so for the fundamental question: What will happen to our brothers In Eastern Germany who have to live under even this occupa tion? An East-West Shift Because the terror and the pressure there has been getting worse since the Western German Allied negotiations, a constantly increasing number of refugees have shifted from Eastern into Western Germany. There are hundreds of people pouring in every day. About 2000 crossed the border in one day. This creates a situation almost unbearable in a country which has already the still un solved problem of 10 million refugees from the Eastern Eu ropean countries, which has more than 2 million unemploy ed and which under normal conditions would need at least 15 more years to establish enough housing facilities to place everybody now living there. Ike Satisfactory As a comparison I would like you to consider that Western Germany has almost exactly the size of the State of Oregon but that in this area 49 million peo ple are now living. The election of Dwight D. Eis enhower as president has gen erally been received with satis faction over here as he is sup posed to know best about Euro pean problems. This letter is getting long as I am going to say “Hi” to all my friends on the Eugene campus (it’s a good way to save some postage which is as high as all the other prices over here). Wish ing you all a successful, happy and peaceful year. Eva-Marie Vogler Germany Orman Daily EMERALD The Oregon Daily Emerald published Monday through Friday during the college year except Jan. 5; Mar. 9, 10 and 11; Mar. 13 through 30; June 1, 2 and 3 by the Student Publi cations Board of the University of Oregon. Entered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 per term. Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those, of the .writer and. do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Initialed editorials are written by editorial staff members. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor. Larry Hobart, Editor Sally Thurston, Business Manager Helen Jones, Bill Gurney, Associate Editors Jim Haycox, Editorial Assistant Al Karr, Managing Editor EVEN OLD POGO Investigation Pattern Questioned By E. A. Van Natta According to Republican Sen ator Homer Ferguson of Michi gan, in an interview appearing in last week's Newsweek magazine, the new 83rd Congress will have to be the “investigatingest” Con gress ever if it is to be a “good” Congress. In the words of the Senator, “the Congress must investi gate, 1) to get the facts and to determine what evils must be eradicated, and, 2), to create an informed public opinion which will back the laws that are passed.” Investigation Necessary Taken at its face value the Senator's statement shouldn't cause anyone any great alarm. The 83rd Congress as the “inves tigatingest" Congress ever could spell out nothing but good for the general welfare of this nation if this inquisitive energy were to be expended toward worthwhile leg islative goals. Any legislative body which hopes to formulate and pass intelligent and fair laws must use its investigatory powers in order to familiarize itself with all the pertinent facts and impli cations involved in a situation calling for legislative action, Even during the past four or five years of investigatory hys teria in Congress many pieces of good legislation resulted from a reasoned consideration of data compiled by various standing and select committees in the course of their investi gations. If Mr. Ferguson is speaking of an Increase in con gressional investigations in the new Congress which will be oriented toward helping our legislators give us better legis lation then he is to be admired for having such a worthy proj ect in mtad. No Change of Heart However one would be rather naive to think that the majority of men who will compose the 83rd Congress, including Mr. Fergu son, will suddenly have a change of heart and will wield their power of invectigation with dis pasisonate objectivity while working for the general welfare. In fact we can probably expect, not a diminishing in the indis criminate use of the investigation but sooner an increase in such uses and for two very good reas ons. First of all the Republicans are now in power and since they are human beings and politicians they can be expected to do everything this side of Moscow to maintain their posi tion. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to resort to the old political tactic of fer reting out the sins of the past administration and publicizing them to the four corners of the country. What Better Way? What better way to pry into official past of your political op ponent than by the use of the congressional investigation, espe cially if you are in the majority as the Republicans and their Southern Friends are at the pres ent time? Senator Ferguson announces that he plans to call for a re examination of the Pear] Har bor disaster, apparently feel ing that the Roosevelt Admin istration got off too handily once they sacked Kimmel and Short. GOP Not Alone One shouldn’t get the idea that the Republicans alone are guilty of this “retrospection” into the preceeding administration. The Democrats have used the same tactics many times themselves and they would have had a glori ous time of it in 1933-34 if they had not been so hard pressed to straighten things out after the preceding administration. < Tlu> second biff reason why one can look for an Increase In the abuse of the congressional investigation is of course the Communist question. During the past few years the methods employed by Congress In Inves tigating Communism In the United States have caused a great deal of harm and concern to many people. Strayed from Goal The original purpose of such investigations of Communism by the House Un-American Activi ties Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee was to de termine to what extent the re armament effort and the internal security of (.he United States was endangered by foreign spies and saboteurs. However, such investi gations, when conducted by men like Mundt, Nixon, McCarthy, and McCarran, to name only a few, have strayed far from their original goal and have instead be come the tools by which such men discredit their political foes and further their own political fortunes. McCarthy promises to use the congressional Investigation during the 83rd Congress to hunt out “Communist think ers” while Senator McCarran in all likelihood will continue his one-man war against the United Nations and “interna tionalism” under the pretense of looking for subversives. “Political” Investigating These men are not half so in terested in the facts concerning Communist infiltration as they are in keeping their names before the public and they realize, as do many of their congressional col leagues, that the best way to get ahead politically in these times is to become the champion of a hys terical movement such as the ''Inquisition'' in which many so called patriotic groups and indi viduals are presently engaged, while believing that they are fighting Communism. In short, the 83rd Congress will more than likely be the “Investlgatlngest” Congress ever hut If these investigations follow their present pattern it will certainly In* debatable whether it will Ini a “good” Congress from the viewpoint of the welfare and liberty of the nation. Even poor old Pogo and Albert are probably not above congressional suspicion today. Dishes Start Chain At Texas Christian university a student tripped in the cafe teria, broke all the dishes on his tray and started an incident which ended in enough dishes to fill a 50-gallon can. It happened on a Sunday aft ernoon. After the student stumbled and broke the dishes, several more students dropped their trays# and ran from the room, apparently in protest over the meal. Then came a volley of soft drink bottles from the lounge. The cashier stopped serving the lines and pleaded for order. The cafeteria manager asked that a committee meet with her and discuss the grievances. But no one is really sure that grievances were at the bottom of this. The Skiff, student news paper there, claims that some students are loud in their com plaints about cafeteria food, while others praise it highly The entire incident might just have been a psychological chain reac tion. VW^faftanMout Everybody Saves with Greyhound's 6-RIDE FAMILY BOOKI Mrs. Shopper knows a real bargain when she sees one. That’s why she’s a big booster for the Greyhound 6-Ride Family Book. What big savings! She or anyone in her family can-use the book • : ;in eithe,r direction between any two given Oregon points. Tickets good for 30 days. HERE'S JUST ONE TYPICAL EXAMPLE: . $20.04 $15.35 6 One-Way Tickets Cost Uncb.dint . . 6-Ride Family Book Costs (No federal tax) , . , , YOU SAVE .... $^9 i GREYHOUND