Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 12, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    Alumni Coffee Hours Scheduled
Winter Term; Sprague to Talk
r _
Four Alumni coffee hours, patterned on the popular series last winter
t term, are slated this term, announced alumni director Les Anderson.
All of the coffee hours will be held at 7 p.m. in the Dads lounge of
the Student Union. Coffee will be served after each talk. Alumni are
especially Invited to the events, which are open to the public, stated
Opening the series on Sunday evening, Jan. 18, will be Charles A.
aprague, eanor-puDiisner or the
Salem Statesman newspaper and
former Oregon governor. Speaking
on “Is There Hope for US In
U.N. ?”, Sprague’s talk will be
based on experiences as alternate
delegate to the U.N. general as
sembly, a position he held until
early this month. Sprague will be
introduced by Dean Gordon A. Sa
bine of the UO journalism school.
"Life on other Worlds” will be
the topic of the second coffee hour
of the series on Feb. 8. Introducing
speaker E. G. Ebbighausen, asso
ciate professor of physics, will be
Otto Vonderheit, Eugene attorney.
The head of the university’s
economic department, C. Ward
Macy .will discuss "Financing Gov
ernment — Everybody’s Business"
on Feb. 22. James H. Gilbert,
emeritus professor of economics,
will introduce Macy.
The final coffee hour on March 8
will feature Dr. R. M. Overstreet,
Eugene pediatrician, who will
speak on "Little Killers.” Over
street’s introduction will be made
, by R. R. Huestis, head of the uni
versity biology department.
* Wickham Schedules
Scholarship Meeting
1 All women’s living organization
scholarship chairmen and women
, probationers, those who did not
make a two point last term or who
have below a two point accumula
* tive, will meet in the Student
Union at 4 p.m. Wednesday.
Broadway-Hilyard Shell Service
East Broadway at Hilyard
KWAX to Begin
Schedule Tonight
Station KWAX will begin its
first session on the air this term
with a full schedule of programs
beginning at 6 p.m. tonight. Fol
lowing is a complete program list.
6:03—Piano Moods Pleasant
piano music for early evening lis
6:10—News Till Now — The
latest news from the wires of As
sociated Press
6:15—Guest Star — A treasury
department salute featuring Perry
6:30—Gay Paree — Music of
France as recorded by the French
Broadcasting System
6:45—-Here Is Spencer Snow—
University freshman Spencer
Snow sings folk songs of all lands.
7 Window In the Ivory Tower
Alburey Castell, head of the Uni
versity’s philosophy department
discusses "Conversation Between
Myself Age 21 and Age 40.”
7:30—Show Time — Musical
Comedy music from Irving Ber
lin’s "Call Me Madam” featuring
Ethel Merman.
8— Worold In Review—A. L. Lo
max of the school of Business Ad
ministration discusses a current
topic of the day.
8:15 Campus Recital — A re
cital by students from the school
of Music.
8:45—Sports Roundup — John
Bree and Jerry Shaw bring 15 min
utes of sports news from the Ore
gon campus.
9- Cavalcade of Music — The
chorus and orchestra of D’Artega
(Please turn to page four)
Hollis to Discuss
Supreme Court
Orlando J. Hollis, dean of the
law school, will lecture Wednesday
on “The Early Experience of the
Supreme Court with Civil Rights,"
in the browsing room of the Stu
dent Union at 7:30 p.m.
Dean Hollis, a graduate of the
University law school, is a member
of Phi Delta Phi, men’s law honor
ary, and Phi Beta Kappa, national
scholastic honrorary. He is a mem
ber of the Oregon State Bar asso
ciation and has been active in com
mittee work for the organization.
A member of the Pacific North
west Athletic association, Dean
Hollis has also served as president
of Eugene’s Kiwanis club and of
the Chamber of Commerce.
The discussion period following
Wednesday night’s lecture will be
led by Charles Howard, law pro
Petitions Needed
For 'Mystie' Sale
Petitions are now being called
for the Phi Theta, junior women's
honorary, “Mystie” sale. Only
freshmen women are eligible to
petition for the positions.
The "Mystie" sale, an annual
project of Phi Theta, will be held
in conjunction with Women’s Day
on Feb. 20.
Committee chairmanships avail
able are general chairmen, pub
licity, promotion, distribution,
booth sales, house sales, collec
tions and decorations.
Petitions are to be turned into
Judy McLoughlin, Rebec house, or
Joan Walker, Kappa Alpha Theta.
Petitions are due by 5 p.m., Jan.
WSSF Applications
Due Wednesday
World Student Service Fund
drive general chairmanship peti
tions are due Wednesday at 5 p.m.
to Jane Simpson at the YWCA of
fices in Gerlinger or at Delta Delta
Animal, Land Mass Relations
To Be Discussed Tuesday in SU
The theories and principles upon
which the relationships of animals
and land masses are based will be
developed ir. Ihe first of the 1953
Condon lectures presented by
George Gaylord Simpson, chair
man of the department of geology
and paleontology of the American
museum of Natural History in
New York.
Simpson’s lectures, the sixth an
nual series sponsored by the State
Board of Higher Education, will be
given in the Student Union at 8
p.rn. Tuesday and Thursday. He
will also appear at Oregon State
college Jan. 20 and 22 and at Port
land Jan. 27 and 28.
The illustrated talks wil deal
with the development of zoogeo
graphic regions, the evolution and
movements of regional faunas and
the relationships between animals
of different land masses.
His Thursday night lecture will
be concerned with the relations
between the old and new world
J. Pad Aeedj* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil
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HUB'S a tad Lobster tala. Sheedy was really In hot water. His
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Removes loose, ugly dandruC Helps you pass the Finger-Nail
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Oil, "Your Hair’s Best Friend.” Ask for it at your barber’s, an
tenna to one you'll be tickled pink!
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