Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 09, 1953, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Religions Notes
By Ann Ritchey
Emerald Reporter
Christian House
Sunday morning's Christian
house activities will begin with the
9:15 doughnut hour and two Bible
study 'lasses which follow at 9:45.
At 5:30 the evening program, fea
turing the second in a series on
"What Do I Believe About God?”
discussions, will be taught by Rev.
Donald Helseth, pastor of Corval
lis’ Christian church.
During the evening session the
new worship center, presented to
Christian house students by the
adult committee, will be dedicated.
It was presented during a recep
tion honoring Victor P. Morris on
his birthday.
A talent show, “Hobo's Holi
day,” to be presented in the Con
don grade school auditorium at fe
p.m. Jan. 23, is the next project.
Jan. 13 an all-day meeting of the
Regional Disciples Student Fellow
ship Conference committee will be
held at Christian house. The meet
ing, to be headed by President Al
vin Busby, will be attended by rep
resentatives from Oregon and
Deseret Club
First social event, of the term for
members of Deseret club will be
Jan. 14 at the home of W. D. Rich
ins. Members and friends attending
the party are to meet on the Stu
dent Union steps at 6:30 p.m.,
Transportation will be provided.
AV/S Cabinet Posts
Open to Petitioners
Petitions have been called for
AWS cabinet officers, according
to Elaine Hartung, AWS vice
president. Deadline for filing peti
tions is Jan. 28. They should be
turned in to the AWS office on the
third floor of the SU or to Elaine
Freshmen women may petition
for sergeant at- arms and reporter.
Positions open to sophomores in
clude secretary and treasurer.
Junior women may petition for
Women's elections will be held
Feb. 20 and all new officers will
take office spring term.
Anderson, Ross Head
Frosh Cage Scoring
Total scoring
Max Anderson .
Jerry Ross .
John Foster .
Don Porter .
Dick James .
Kent Dorwin .
Ray Bell .
Gary McManus ....
Dick Schlosstein
Jack Viskov .
Bob Hazel .
.29 30 88
...22 28 72
17 6
.13 12
... 8 17
.. 3
.. 4
.. 4
.. 7 10 24
FOR RENT—Room and board or
board alone. See Mrs. Kile at
874 E. 13th. Ph. 4-0422. 1-16
WANTED: Musician for dance
classes. See Miss Wentworth,
Dept, of PE for women. 1-8
FOR RENT—2 well furnished
men’s rooms. Furnace heat,
linens furnished & laundered.
1425 Agate. Ph. 5-4649. 1-9
FOR SALE: Equi. ’49 Merc, for
good ’41 car or cash. New W.W.
tires .dual pipes, O.D., excel, con
dition. After 5 phone 4-5604.
2090 E. 17th.
FOR RENT: Attractively furnish
ed apartment in University dis
trict. Bedroom, private bath,
living room with fireplace, kitch
enette. Suitable for couple or 2
women. Ph. 5-2238.
FOR SALE: Will sell equity in
’49 Dodge convertible. Must sac
rifice. Call Cliff Owen—3-2114
Canterbury Club
Discussing the topic ‘'The Three
Branches of the Catholic Church,”
Canterbury club will begin its 1953
program at St. Mary’s Episcopal
church. Beginning at 5:30, the eve
ning program will consist of a sup
per and discussion period.
A regular event for Episcopal
students Is the weekly celebration
of Holy Communion, held Wednes
day mornings at 7 in Gerlingcr.
Wesley Foundation
Methodist students begin their
social events with a “Tip-off”
party Friday night after the game
Friends and members of Wesley
Foundation are invited to the
party, which will be held at Wes
ley house.
Sunday morning the basic be
liefs of Methodism will be discuss
ed in a “Festival of Faith,” at the
1st Methodist church Koinonia
class at 9:45. The 11 a.m. service
will continue the same discussion.
Sunday evening firesides will
feature movies on the "Life of
Paul.” Jan. 11 there will be a movie
on “St<-*hen, the First Christian
Martyr,” which will be discussed
afterwards by students.
Plymouth Club
Congregational students will dis
cuss chapters nine ami ten of the
book of Mark at their Sunday eve
ning meeting. Faculty guest of the
evening will be Charles Schleicher
who will talk informally on “This
I Believe.” Interested students arc
urged to attend this session, which
will begin at 6:1 f>.
Applications Due
For Graduate Test
Applications for the Jan. 30-31
graduate record examinations
must have their applications in by
Jan. 16. The examinations are re
quired for admissions to certain
graduate schools. Students plan
ning to take the exams should
check to see if the test is required
for admission to the school in
which they are interested.
Fees will amount to from $8 to
$12, depending upon the number of
sessions attended. Friday after
noon a profile test will be given,
Saturday morning an aptitude test,
and Saturday afternoon, advanced
tests. For the latter examination
a student may choose from one of
the following: biology, chemistry,
economics, education, engineering,
French, geology, German, govern
ment, history, literature, mathe
matics, philosophy, physics, psy
chology, sociology and Spanish.
Application blanks for the exams
may be obtained at the counseling
center in Emerald hall.
Scores on the tests will be used
to supplement other available cri
teria to determine the fitness of a
student for graduate study. Scores
will be sent free to three schools;
a charge of $1 is made for each ad
ditional report.
informal Rushing
Slated for Women
No formal rushing for women
will be held winter term according
to Nancy Gloege, new president of
Informal rush will take place
later in the month, but no special
time will be set aside for this. Spe
cific plans for the extent of the
rushing and rules governing it will
be decided Thursday at a meeting
of Panhellenic. Only those houses
who have not filled their quotas
will participate in rush activities.
Miss Gloege became president of
Panhellenic when Jean Webb, fall
term president, left school this
Noon German Table 110 SU
4:00 Druids 110SU
Asbly Comm 387 SU
9:00 Fishbowl Mixer SU
Y's to Continue
Hospitality Plan
The- “home hospitality” program
sponsored by the YMCA and
YWCA for foreign students over
the Christmas holidays is contin
uing, Russcdl Walker, executive
secretary of the YM has announc
The program, as originally
planned, was set up to place for
eign students in Eugene homes
for Christmas dinner. Under the
program, about 16 students were
placed with Eugene families di
rectly by the Y's and several oth
ers were contacted through the
Y by the families themselves,
Walker said.
The program was so successful
that more Eugene families called
in for student guests than were
available. Families who did not
entertain a student were asked to
call back after Jan. 1, and they
would be given a chance to en
tertain a student during a week
end or holiday, Walker stated. He
said that so far this term several
families have taken advantage of
this plan.
Other foreign student activity
under the direction of the YM
and YW was finding holiday jobs
for students, arranging a tour of
the state capitol at Salem for a
small group and greeting some of
the new foreign students arriving
for winter term.
O Campus Briefs
0 Orides will hold an open
meeting Monday night at 7, in Ger
linger hall.
0 Students who arc interested ,
in starting a photo club are asked |
to register their interest at the
YMCA office in the Student Union.
Russell Walker, executive secre
tary, has announced. If enough
students show interest in forming
a club, the YM might sponsor
such a group. Walker said.
Positions Still Open
For YW Heart Hop
Petitions for chairmanships of
the Heart Hop, annual winter term
dance sponsored by the YWCA,
are due Monday. They may be
turned in to Norma Hamilton or
Mary Wilson.
Open chairmanships include gen
eral chairman, decorations, coro
nation, publicity, refreshments,
tickets, promotion and voting.
Final Performance Set
For Amphibian Show
The final performance of the
"Blue Dolphin," an aquacade, will
be given in the men's pool tonight
at 8 p.m. The show is staged by
the UO Amphibian club and is
open to the public.
Wonderful Fabrics
Clever Styles
Next to the. McDonald
Music Teaching
Conference Set
The University of Oregon school
of music will host the third annua!
Conference on Music Education
Jan. 16 and 17.
Elementary and high school mu
!-ic teachers irom all over the state
will attend the two-day session,
which is to include music clinics,
exhibits and demonstrations. A
banquet featuring William Jones,
University dean of administration,
as guest speaker will be held Fri
day night in the Student Union.
A concert, which will be open to
the public without charge, will be
presented at 8 p.m. Jan. 16 by the
University symphony and band.
KWAX to Feature
Lectures of Castell
“Window in the Ivory Tower,” a
13-week series of informal talks by
Alburey Castell, head of the de
partment of philosophy, will begin
Monday at 7 p.m. over station
This series was recently taped
for distribution to about 70 U. S.
stations under the direction of D.
Glenn Starlin, assistant piofessor
of speech and director of radio ac
Scheduled for the broadcasts are
such topics as “Conversation Be
tween Myself Aged 21 and Myself
Aged 40,” ami “The Moralist Looks
at Marriage.”
175 E. Broadway
Eugene, Oregon
Expert Watch and
Jewelry Repairing
Phone 4-5353
Emerald Classified ads bring ?e
Dr. LeScnd A. Huff
43 W. Sth Ave. Ph. 5-3525
HEILIti «-9?M
Now Through Saturday
Jeff Chandler
Scott Brady
Can,' Grant
Rosalind Russell
Starts Sunday
Stewart Granger
Deborah Kerr
Now Through Saturday
■Jennifer Jones
Lawrence Olivier
Starts Sunday
Barbara Stanwyck
Burt Lancaster
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