foUn WkUty Emerald Sportiwritar U will be interesting to see wliat Oregon hoop coach Hill Boreher has planned for tonight’s hoop contest with the touring Cougars (»f Washington State college. Hast Tuesday night at ('.ill coliseum in Corvallis. Slats C.ill succeeded in throwing an eflective blanket on the Cougars’ scoring attempts through the use of a zone defense. The men from WSC were apparently unable to come up with a means of cracking the zone set up by the Orangemen and spent most of the evening passing the ball around among themselves, waiting for good shots. From the final score, which saw Oregon State leave the floor victorious by a 39-27 count, it would seem that Jack Friel’s Cougars spent too much time looking for scoring opportunities which were not presented to them. From the standpoint of the fans who saw the contest, the game was dull and uninteresting, with few exciting moments to revive the lagging spirits of the watchers. When the total score chalked up by both cpiintets in a college game is only 66, it i> an unusual occurence indeed. Cougars Crack Zone liy the time the Wednesday evening tilt got under way, si 1 \eihaired Jack I*riel had come up w ith a method of cracking the zone defense that had proven so puzzling to the Cougars in the tir.-d game. Slats (iili alternated two platoons on the floor, one of which used a zone defense, while the other relied on the old man to man defensive standby. It was against the zone defense pld\oon that the Cougars put on the scoring drive which eventually gave them the vic tory by a 50-45 tally and resulted in an even split for the ser ies. Washington State now rests in fourth place in the ND standings, one-half game in front of the Ducks of Oregon and trailing the OSC Beavers by the same margin. Con idcring the happenings at Corvallis earlier in the week, it would not be surprising if Oregon were to employ a zone oefense in at least one of the tilts this weekend, although the fact that the visiting Washington Staters have seemingly! learned what to do against this type of defense system would tend to indicate that Borcher w ill relv on the man to man game. Looking for First 1 he \\ ebfoots will still be hungry for their first Northern! Division victory of the year, after having dropped two straight to the powerful Washington Huskies here in Eugene last week-1 end. A victory Eridav night would move the Ducks into fourth! Spot in the circuit, dropping the Cougars to the cellar. When the men from the Palouse hills came to Eugene last year they were treated to identical 59-45 beatings on success ive nights, and they will be battling to gain a win over the Ducks on the home floor of the latter. In any case, we hope that the total points scored by both teams exceeds the 66 counters in Tuesday night’s fiasco. A press release from the PCC Commissioner’s office received Thursday contains some information about past records that might prove of interest to Oregon basketball fans. Oregon holds both the individual and team records for most field goals attempted in XD competition. Paul Sowers tried 29 shots in a tilt with the Washington Huskies in 1949, and the 1951 Duck hoopsters threw up 85 field goal attempts against the Cougars of WSC to set a new ND mark. Scorch the Mesh "When Oregon made 35 field goals against Idaho in 1947, a new XI) record went on the books, one which was later tied by Washington in 1951. In the free throw attempts department also, Oregon stands out. Two Oregon hoopsters, Roger Wiley and Will Urban, hold the Northern Division and PCC records for attempted free throws with sixteen each. However, the laurels for most free throws made in a single game go to an other Webfoot, Bob Peterson, who made 14 in a game with OSC in 1951. This mark ties the record set by Roy Pflugrad of Oregon State in this department in 1938. The Pacific Coast Conference and ND records for rebounds in a single game are also held by Oregon. In a contest with Washington State in 1952, Bob Peterson cleared 26 off the boards, while his teammates gathered in another 59 rebounds for a total of 85. Both the individual and team performances set new PCC records. Another but more dubious honor which falls to the U of O is that of holding the record for the most personal fouls recorded in one game, although the Ducks share the title in this field with the University of Idaho Vandals. As might be supposed, the mark, which is, incidentally, 38 personals in one game, was made against Oregon's ancient rivals, Oregon State. These are just a few of the records that might be broken by the Webfoots or the Cougars tonight or any night this season, although we hope that the record of 38 personal fouls in one contest stands for some time, for the sake of fans with high blood pressure, if for no one else. Double Dribble BOB HAWKS, BARNEY HOLLAND Webfoot Guards Ready for Frlel’s Best SPORTS WHIRL Decathlon Champ, Stanford Back Named 'Athlete of Year' by AP SAN FRANCISCO i/P) — The Associated Press "male athlete of the year" for 19.02 is Bob Mathias, decathlon marvel, Stanford foot ball ace and track star. Mathias was chosen in a poll of sportscasters and sportswriters. It was the twenty-second such poll, and the sports wonder man from Tulare, Calif, amassed 249 points to outdistance Rocky Mar ciano, the runner-up, with ease. Marciano had 135 points. Mathias won the Olympic dec athlon title at Helsinki, Finland, last summer. It was his second straight victory in the testing event. He also was the first-string fullback on the Stanford football team. Despite his many honors, Ma thias is a modest fellow. His re action to being named the AP athlete of the year is character istic. Interviewed at Stanford, he thanked the newsmen who took part in the poll. But personally, Mathias said his own choice of athlete of the year is Horace Ashenfelter, the former Penn State distance runner who was an Olympic teammate. Ashenfelter Stagg Condition Better STOCKTON, Calif. I.P) — Coach Amos Alonzo Stagg is expected to be well eftough to leave the hospital on Saturday. He'Vas hos pitalized here Dec. 3 because of an intestinal ailment. won the Olympic 3,000 meter steeple chase, coming through in the stretch to upset the favored Vladimir Kazantsev. Mathias says his friend’s upset victory was a real inspiration to him in the last Olympics. Pro Bowl Saturday LOS ANGELES !/P) — Except for an all-star game in Hawaii, and the kids in the backlots, the football season will definitely be over with Saturday’s Pro Bowl game Saturday in Los Angeles Memorial coliseum. This is the contest bringing together the alt stars of the National Football league's two conferences, Ameri ■ can and National. _ Sedgman, Kramer Even LOS ANGELES (JP) — Frank Sedgman of Australia and Jack Kramer are even up, one match apiece, in their professional series. After Kramer won in straight sets Wednesday at Los Angeles, Sedgman called the tall Califor nian the best player he’s ever faced. Ducks Sign San Jose University of Oregon and San | Jose State college will meet in ! football next season for the first time. The game has been sched i uled at Eugene for Oct. 24. I I Maritime Coach Makes Changes In Swim Team By Jay Fournier Emerald Sportswriter Lack of reserves has forced JotM Borchardt, Oregon varsity swim ming coach, to convert several «Jf last year’s men into middle dis tance swimmers. For the past several weeks, Har ry Fuller, Ken Cardwell and Plffl Lewis have been working on the distance swims. Borchardt hopM to have these men in condition by the end of January when the first meet will be held. Orlando Mathias, a transfer from the University of Hawaii is being groomed for the sprints. Ac cording to Borchardt, he expects Mathias to be the fastest man in the conference by the end of the season. Jim Allan, a sprint man, had a bone spur removed from his left elbow recently. Because of the spur he had been unable to work out with the team. The first dual meet of the season will be with the Aero club of Port land, made up mostly of high school students. The meet will be held in Portland Jan. 24. The fol lowing week, Jan. 31, the team wiH participate in the state AAU meet, also in Portland. The first confer ence action will start on Feb. 6, when the squad travels to Corvallis to compete with the Oregon State swimmers. Jimmy McLarnin beat Fidel La Barba for the second time Jan. 13, 1925. McLarnin later won the wel ter weight title twice and lost it i twice. SHELLUBRICATION Broadway-Hilyard Shell Service East Broadway at Hilyard FOR THAT WELL GROOMED APPEARANCE . . . try the . . . KAMPUS BARBER SHOP 251 E. 13th Across from Sigma Chi r Campus capers cal for Coke There’s fun-filled confusion when the campus empties into cars, trains and planes as Christmas holidays begin. Heading for good times? Pause for a Coke and go refreshed. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. of EUGENE