Portland Man Joins BA Staff E. B. MacNaughton, Portland Businessman, has been added to the faculty of the school of busi ness administration as special lec turer for the winter term. During his office hours, which will be an nounced later, MacNaughton will be available for personal confer ences with students and business men of Eugene and Springfield. Aside from his special consulting work with faculty and students, MacNaughton will conduct a sem inar for seniors and graduates in business on the “Problems of Small Business.” -In addition, he will as sist in such classes as “Regional Studies in Business,” “Business Policy,” “Seminar in Manage ment,” and others. Confined to Infirmary Students confined to the infirm ary on Wednesday were Kathleen Ackerman, Leo Berg, Richard El fingsen, Leonard Frey, Charlene Hanset, Henry T. Kaiura, Abdul Nabi, Richard Reinhart, Roger Reynolds, Nancy Teller, Marjorie Thompson, Richard Weakley, Pat Wolfe, Cyrus Wong. Maria Lenk, Brazilian swimmer, holds an AAU record for the 440 yard breast-stroke. Time: 6:35.8. Ex-Governor Lands In Nation's Capital WASHINGTON -CP>- Oregon's former Governor Douglas McKay arrived by train here today where lie will become Secretary of the In terior in the Eisenhower cabinet. McKay told newsmen he is in sympathy with statehood proposals for Hawaii but said he does not be lieve that Alaska is ready to be come a state. Bills to give both territories statehood were introduced in Con gress today. YWCA Explains Service Projects The projects sponsored by the YWCA service committee will be explained to all interested women at 4 p.m. today in Gerlinger, ac cording to Sharon Anderson, ser vice chairman. Commission projects which will be discussed include the YW's work in the children’s hospital school, the big sister program, the charm school for junior high school students, work at the juve nile detention home, helping dis placed persons adjust to the Eng lish language, the YW co-opera tive nursery and the Westmore land teen-age canteen project. Music for AH Occasions Dixieland — Bebop — Boogie — Modern ERROL SMITH SEXTET Student Orchestra Available after 6 p.m. Call 5-0149 during the day All Types of Engagements from Trio to Sextet Finalists Rehearse 'Brigadoon' Leads Eight finalists for the leads in Brigadoon, the University theater musical production, scheduled for presentation this spring, have started rehearsals, according to Donald VV. Allton, director. They will double on the four lends until sometime in the spring, when the final selection will be made, says Allton. Included in the finalists group a:e Allison Le Roux, 1 J; Jeanette Stone, 4 M; Mary Lou Teague, 1 j M; Dorothy Anderson, 4 M; Gor- ] don Green, 4 B; Doug Stobie, 3 M; Ed Kenney, 2 LA; and Jerry Rey nolds, 1 M. Joyce Sinner, 3 M, anc i Rosalie Blickenstaff, 2 M, will be the accompanists. Dianan Extends Petitions Deadline Petitions for Dad's Day and Duck Preview general chairman ships will be accepted in the ASUO president’s office until Tuesday, Jan. 13, at 5 p.m., Pat Dignan, ASUO president, announced Wed nesday afternoon. The original deadline has been extended because of the lack of pe titions, according to Dignan. Dads' day will be Saturday and Sunday, Keb. 7 and 8. Duck Pre view will be April 24 and 25. GET THOSE . . . BRAKES RELINED *14.50 Dependable Auto Service (New Management) 905 1st Ave. West Ph. 4-0107 ) * Campus capers call for Coke When grades arc posted, get hold of yourself—maybe the news is good. Anyway, there’ll always be problems ahead, so start now and face them refreshed. Have a Coke. 'Cok»"it a rfiiltrid Iradt-mark. © 1952, THE COCA-COIA COMPANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. of EUGENE YEP/HE POPPED THE QUESTION AT IO A0 P.MT I'M SO JEALOUS ) I COULD scream! I THINK TWILL] \ KAvA/L ^VI-HPE ' wow/He's REAL DR£AM/.' OUST THINK I £ 's. OF GOING THROUGH LIFE WITH HIM! ABED N OF ROSES.. that's WHAT it'll B£,WITH j S\ THORNS ) r > removed! J HOW CAN THEY TELL' SO SOON ? ^ I've BEEN HITCHED 9 TIMES' i More People Smoke Camels THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE! £ Only time will fell abouf young love! And only time will tell about a cigarette! I lake your time... / 1 CAMELS for 30 days , -for MILDNESS and FLAVOR 1 ■"7^ „ THERE MUST BE A REASON WHY Camel is America's most popular cigarette leading all other brands by billions! Camels have the two things smokers want most-rich, full flavor and cool, cool mildness...pack after pack! Try Camels for 30 days and see how inild, how flavorful, how thoroughly enjoy able they arc as your steady smoke! R. J. RrynolfU VVii/Mton Siilcm, N.U.