RE-INTRODUCED Wrestling Club Forms on Campus; Ooenina Workout Slated Tonight The school of Physical Education Pcs announced it will again.intro duce wrestling at the University of Oregon, although, at first, only in the form of a club. The first workout will be held to night at 7 p.m. in the wrestling room of the Physical Education h.ulding. Further sessions will be held Tuesday and Thursday eve nings throughout the Winter term. AH equipment with the exception rtf gym shoes will be furnished. The re-introduced program v ill be under the sponsorship of Bill Denman and V. O. Temko. Both instructors are former members of collegiate wrestling teams. This year will provide a ‘‘build ing year" and no inter-collegiate competition will take place. It is hoped that several exhibition matches can be held at the end of tin’s season with a schedule with SHELLUBRiCATION iiroadway-Hilyard Shell Service East Broadway at Hilyard For the Best in fish and seafoods Call 4-2371 NEWMAN'S FISH MARKET Fresh, frozen and canned fish and seafoods 39 East Broadway nearby schools to be arranged for next year. It has been stressed that no pre vious experience is necessary as instruction will be given. All weight classes will be represented in this program. Continuation of the program will be determined on the interest shown by the students. i WSC Menfor JACK FKiEL 25 Years at Helm Portland's Hopper Manager of 1952 LOS ANGELES —bPt— The Pa cific Coast League Baseball Writ * eis association has picked Manager : Clay Hopper of the Portland Beav ers as the manager of 1952. Hopper polled a 5 to 3 vote in nudging out Manager Tommy Heath of the San j Francisco Seals. They were the only managers nominated for the i honor. Portland finished the sea ! son in fourth place. Feather weight Johnny Dundee, i 124 pounds, once again defeated : Pepper Martin in 1923. This Pepper not the Pepper Martin of i St. Louis Cardinals “Gas House” j days. ! Jack Dempsey, the legendary 1 “Nonpareil" of boxing, lost his last ] bout to Tommy Ryan Jan. 18, 1895. ERS MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION announces CAFETERIA SERVICE 5:30-7:00 p.m. Quick Service Reasonable Prices Borcher Prepares Hoop Artists For Washington State Series Bv Rick Tarr Emerald Sporttwriter Basketball Coach Bill Borcher put his squad through the last hard practice Wednesday before meet ing the Washington State Cougars this weekend. The starting five of Barney Holland, Ken Wegner, Chet Noe, Ed Halberg. and Keith Far num drilled on defensive play against a Cougar offense simulated by Alex Byler, Howard Page, Har lan Mickey, and Freshmen Jerry Ross and Ray Bell. Borcher gave the defenders a warning about the big (6 9”) cen ter. Dave Roberts and his close-in hook shots. Rebound screening was next on the list of drills as the Duck cagers have been losing the ND Big Five FG FT Tl* Houbregs, Wash. 20 12 52 1 Holland, Ore.12 11 35 Wegner, Ore. 7 20 34 McCutcheon, Wash_ 7 19 33 Noe, Ore. 10 9 29 TV Committee Readies Report WASHINGTON — > — Relief Artist Hoyt Wilhelm is the first New York Giant pitcher to sign his contract for next season. No fig ures were announced but he is be lieved to have accepted a $12,509 salary—nearly double his earnings in 1952 when he was a rookie. Wilhelm led the National League in won and lost percent age with 15 and 3 and in earned run average with 2.43 — the first rookie ever to win both honors. Leahy Unconcerned .. SOUTH BEND, Ind. UP)—Coach Frank Leahy of Notre Dame says he is perfectly satisfied with the proposed rules changes affecting the so-called sucker shift. Notre Dame has been accused of using the shift to lure the opposi , tion into offsides, especially near the enemy goal line. The football coaches rules committee recom mended a change in the rules v/hjch would outlaw the sucker ' shift. Leahy said the change would not eliminate the shift at all at Notre Dame. It would merely mean 1 changes in the operation of offen sive line play, concluded Leahy. SPORT STAFF Desk editors: Sam Vahey and Mort Harkins. important battle of the boards in games up to now. After brief work on offensive plays by the starters, two full court scrimmages rounded out the afternoon’s pruct Ice. Kay Bell, ineligible freshman, played well on both offense and defense Lanky Forward ED HALBKKO Olympic JC Transfer Bruin Conch Says California Center Outplays Houbregs LOS ANGELES One of the nicest compliments you can pay a basketball center these clays is to say he’s almost as good as Bob Houbregs of the University of Washington. Another Bob, Bob McKeen of the University of California team, has a booster who goes beyond that. And the booster is the coach of a rival team, John Wooden of UCLA. McKeen is a big reason why the California Bears defeated Wooden’s UCLA quintet twice last weekend. The Bruin coach regards McKeen as the best cen ter he has been since coming to the West Coast some years ago. And Wooden says: I think he’s better than Wash ington’s Bob Houbregs. He has more moves and he plays better position.'* Coach Chuck Finley of the Idaho basketball team has planned a de fense against Houbregs but with out much enthusiasm. Idaho’s Van dals meet the Washington Huskies this weekend at Seattle. Coach Finley glumly says none of his boys will keep Houbregs from scor ing, but Dwight Morrison will try, anyway. Morrison, a forward, will have the job of covering —or trying to cover big Eob. Morrison has an inch in his favor. He’s 6-foot-8 to Houbreg’s measly six-seven. Gavilan to Defend Welterweight Title CHICAGO