Phones, Weekends, Buildings JUNIOR WEEKEND QUEEN was Jo Martin (center), and her court Included (left to right) Barburu Booth, Nannette Sllverthorne, I’at Johnson and Joan Renner. The week end Included the traditional events—terrace dance, campus cleanup, float parade, pun ishment of tradition violators, tug-o-war, luncheon, tappings, all-campus sing, and the annual Junior Prom. Mothers were honored guests for Junior Weekend. Chairman for the weekend was Mike Lally, junior class president last year. The Junior Prom featured the music of Johnny Reitz. At other dances, King Perry played for the military ball, Dick Jurgens (first “name” band since 1949) for the senior ball, and Dick Schwary for the Mortar Board ball. NKW BUILDINGS in 1952 included Science, which opened “for business” spring term, and Common wealth (above, which was ready fall term of the 1952-53 year. Actual dedication of the new science building, which houses physics, chemistry and biology, was held April 25 and 26. Commonwealth, which includes remodeled Oregon and Commerce halls and the new wing joining them, houses business admin istration, political science, economics, history and sociology. Other building accomplishments in ’52 in cluded remodeling on Johnson hall and Deady hall (not yet completed), remodeling on architecture and allied arts, and new showers in men’s physical education. OREGON’S FOOTBALL TEAM started the season with an outstanding performance against favored UCLA, losing 13-7, then slumped during much of the season. They rose to play a great first half against California, and later upset Stanford 21-14 at Palo Alto; the season ended with a 22-19 loss to OSC. Monte Brethauer, shown snagging a pass against UCLA, was the Emerald's (unsuccessful) candidate for All Coast end honors, after playing another outstanding season. Brethauer received the Hoffman award as the top senior. One player did make first team All-Coast, however. He was Guard Emmett Williams, on the United Press All-Coast eleven. PAT DI6NAN WAS ELECTED ASUO presi dent in student body elec tions, the third Associated Greek student candidate in a row to be prexy. AGS also got all olass presi dents, and six of nine sen ators-at-large. COACH DON IURSCH'S base ball squad finished third in the Northern Division, after leading the league for the major portion of the season. Kirsch saw his brother battery, Pitcher Bill Bottler and Catcher Ron Bottl er, lost to the team for future seasons when they both signed pro contracts. 1 —*2 HOMECOMING QUEEN for 1952, faU term, was Shirley "Punky” | Boner, foreground. Her court consisted of (top to bottom) Virginia I Schmidt, Pat Finnegan, JoAnn Sloan, Ann Kelly and Ann Hopkins. ■ Skinnay Ennis and his band provided the music for the Homecoming ’ dance, and the Washington State Cougars handed Oregon a 19-6 de feat in the annual Homecoming game. 1: JOE-COLLEGE and BETTY-COED for 1052 were Alex Byler and Gloria Lee in the annual Sophomore Whiskerino event. The last big event of the year saw King Perry stranded by the weather and unable to appear for the Whiskerino dance. Jack Loughary and his band filled in for Perry, Byler and Miss Lee were announced as the con test winners and the year 1952, with talk of political switches on campus in the air, drew to a close.