Applications Due * For Dental School Applications for the 1953-54 UO , dental school class should be sent to the dental school in Portland before Feb. 1, according to A. H. Kunz, chairman of the pre-rned . and dental advisory committee. Blanks may be obtained in Sci ence 121. Interviews with appli cants will be held in Eugene early in February. Applicants may ob , tain additional information when they pick up their blanks. 190 Honor Students (C ontinued front put/e two) Eng), Charlene Shorack (3 B), Cheater Shulda (3 Hat), Jane Slo cum (3 A), John Socolofaky (1 LA), Patricia Southworth (1 LA), Hp Through Z Thomas Spatz (4 Bl), Carolee Stamper (3 M), Selma Starns (3 B), Mary Swigart (4 M), Jo Tail man (3 Eng), Janice Taylor (3 . Hat), Mary Lou Teague (1 LA), John Templeton (2 B), Barbara Thomson (2 LA), Denise Thum (4 I'sy), Harold Toliver (3 Eng), Ed ward Toyooka (2 LA), Catherine . Tribe (3 B), Glen Trusty (2 LA), Frederick Turner (4 Pre-Med), Carole Tyerman (2 LA), Dean Van Leuven (2 LA), No lene Wade (1 LA), JoAnne Walker ' <4 Eng), Joan Walker (3 Soc), - William Walker (3 Phi), Patricia Ward (4 GSS), Jacqueline Wardell <2 J), Mary Watts (4 M), Harold VVatls (3 Ec), Marvin Webster (4 . Hat), Martha Weirick (4 A), John .. Wells (1 LA), Gail West (IB), Mary Whitaker (2 LA), Walter White (2 LA), Jane Wiggen (4 A), * Ruth Wilcox (4 Hst), Jean Wildish (2 LA), Sharon Williams (4 Hst), Carol Wood (2 LA), Joella Wood (1 LA i, Janet Woods (1 LA), ' Richard Woodward (3 HPE), Frances Yates (2 LA), Shirley , Zahler (4 Psyi, Richard Zimmer man (3 Ch). Campus Calendar Noon Spanlnh Tallin 111 HU Gorman Tallin 110 HU 8:80 HU Bd 887 HU 4:00 Hnowhall Doc Comm 111 HU 0:80 HU Bd 815 HU 0:45 CoimioH Kxoc « 818 HU 7:00 Young Democrat* 884 HU 7:80 Mu Phi Initiation Gerl 2nd fl Kac Bridge 112 HU APO Pledge* 110 HU Pub Bd 837 HU • Campus Briefs 0 Member* of the freshman Snowball decoration committee will meet at 4 p.rn. today in the Student Union, according to Nancy Gossett, chairman. — 0 The wrestling club will hold a workout Thursday at 7 p.m. in the wrestling room, men’s physical education building. The workout is in preparation for the formation of a wrestling team. Classifieds FOR RENT- -Room and board or board alone. See Mrs. Kile at 874 E. 13th. Ph. 4-0422. 1-16 WANTED: Musician for dance classes. See Miss Wentworth, Dept, of PE for women. 1-8 FOR RENT—2 well furnished men’s rooms. Furnace heat, linens furnished & laundered. 1425 Agate. Ph. 5-4649. 1-9 FOR SAX.E: Equi. ’49 Merc, for good ’41 car or cash. New W.W. tires .dual pipes, O.D., excel, con dition. After 5 phone 4-5604. 2090 E. 17th. FOR RENT: Attractively furnish ed apartment in University dis trict. Bedroom, private bath, living room with fireplace, kitch enette. Suitable for couple or 2 women Ph. 5-2238. STORE WIDE SALE! 3 DAYS ONLY Don't Lose a Minute! Hurry right over and make your choice early i • DRESS SHIRTS reg. $3.95-$4.50 NOW $2.50 • SLACKS—20% Discount • SOX—5 to 50% Discount • SPORT COATS 10-25% Discount • SHOES—20% Discount FENNELL’S 860 East 13th Street CALLING ALL OREGON COEDS for a Preview of the best summer vacation ever with the Oregon Hawaii Tour of 1953 You are invited to see Pan-American's full color film • PREVIEW—Thrilling flights aboard PAA’S double deck Stratocruiser. • PREVIEW—Surfboarding and sunbathing on famous Waikiki Beach • PREVIEW—Touring Oahu and the outer Islands, Visit pineapple factories • PREVIEW—Special Parties—Luaos. Movies Information 6:30 p.m. Thurs., Jan. 8th Sigma Kappa House Members of last year’s tour will be on hand to help us give you full details about how you can become a member of the Oregon Hawaii Tour of 1953. EUGENE. TRAVEL SERVICE EUGENE HOTEL LOBBY Phone 5-8431 I Hughes cooperative plan for MASTER OF SCIENCE Purpose Eligibility Citizenship Universities Program TO ASSIST outstanding graduates in obtaining their Master of Science De grees while employed in industry and making significant contributions to im portant military work. June 1953 college graduates and mem bers of the armed services being honor ably discharged prior to September, 1953, holding degrees in the following fields: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PHYSICS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Those chosen to participate in this plan will be from the upper portion of their graduating classes and will have evi denced outstanding ability. They must also have displayed some degree of crea tive ability and possess personality traits enabling them to work well with others. Applicants must be United States citi zens, and awards will be contingent upon obtaining appropriate security clearance, as work at the Hughes Research and Development Laboratories may be re lated to National Defense projects. Candidates for Master of Science De grees must meet the entrance require ments for advanced study at the University of California at Los Angeles or the University of Southern California. Under this Cooperative Plan, commenc ing June 1953, participants will follow this schedule of employment at Hughes: FULL TIME—from June, 1953 to Sept., 1953. HALFJTIME—from Sept., 1953 to June, 1954. FULL TIME—from June, 1954 to Sept., 1954. HALF TIME—from Sept., 1954 to June, 1955. Recipients will earn five-eighths of a normal salary each year and attend a university half time during regular ses sions working on their Master’s Degree. The salary will be commensurate with the individual’s ability and experience, and will reflect the average in the elec tronics industry. Salary growth will be on the same basis as for full-time mem bers of the engineering staff. In addition, •the individuals will be eligible for health, accident, and life insurance benefits, as well as other benefits accruing to full time members. For those residing outside of the South ern California area, actual travel and moving expenses will be allowed up to ten per cent of the full starting annual salary. Tuition, admission fee, and required books at either the University of Cali fornia at Los Angeles or the University of Southern California, covering the re quired number of units necessary to ob tain a Master’s Degree, will be provided by Hughes Research and,Development Laboratories. Approximately one hundred Coopera tive Awards are made each year, if suf ficient qualified candidates present them selves. Candidates will be selected by the Com mittee for Graduate Study of the Hughes Research and Development Labora tories. Application forms should be obtained prior to February 15, 1953. Completed applications accompanied by up-to-date grade transcripts must be returned not later than February 28, 1953. Selections will be made during the month of March. r Salaries Travel and Moving Expenses Sponsorship Number* of Awards Selection of Candidates Application Procedure Address correspondence to COMMITTEE FOR GRADUATE STUDY _i . HUGHES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LABORATORIES Culver City, Los Angeles County, California