Teachers Wanted Now Three mid-year positions are open for high school teachers in band, math and speech and drama, according to E. M. Pallett, direc tor of the University teacher placement service. Bridge Chairman A special events chairman to handle bridge instruction and a bridge tournament is needed by the Student Union Board, Chairman Clyde Fahlman said Monday. Position Open in SU Petitions may be picked up in rooms 302 or 310 of the SU. Dead' line is Friday, Jan. 16, at 5 p.m. Petitions may be turned in at the same rooms. Directorate to Meet The SU directorate will meet at 4 p.m. today in Student Union 302, according to Clyde Falhman, SU board chairman. Emerald Classified ads bring re sults. Fulbright Winner A FulbrTght Foundation educa tional exchange grant has been awarded to Frederick A. Cuthbert, professor of landscape and archi tecture. The grant will enable him to conduct research In landscape architecture In New Zealand. Answers at bottom of page 1* Two gallons of today’s gasoline do the work of three gallons of 1925 gasoline. On the average, how does the price of today’s regular grade gasoline compare with the price of regular grade gasoline of 1925 (excludingstate and federal gasoline taxes)? Check one: □ □ n The same 15% greater 50^ -cater 2. In 1951 Union Oil made a total net Check one profit of $27,295,971. Of this, $15,851,712 was plowed back into the business to meet the expanding needs of our customers. $11,444,259 was paid out in dividends to our shareowners. What did these dividend pay ments average per common shareowner? $285 $5,276 $10,560 MB 3. How much investment in "tools” does it require to provide an average job at Union Oil Company? Chick on*: $755 $3,100 $70,020 4* In 1910, Union Oil did an annual vol ume of $12 million. This represented 23% of the total oil business in the West. Today we do an annual volume of over $275 million. What percentage of the total oil business in the West do we have today? Check one: 31% 13% 23% Answers: 1* The same. The reason: Under our American profit and loss system, U, S. oil companies have the incentive to compete for your business. Be cause of this constant incentive they spend mil lions of dollars every year on research and de velopment to put out the best possible gasoline at the lowest possible price. 2« $285 per shareowner. $11,444,259 is a lot of money but it was divided among the 40,093 share owners of Union Oil Company. And our largest single shareowner has less than 1% of the stock. 3* $70,920. That’s why in most industries today you have to pool the money of a lot of people under legal agreements known as corporations. Very few individuals could finance the “tools” required by heavy industry. 4< 18%. We do over 22 times our 1910 volume. But we have a smaller percentage of the total business—mainly because the oil industry is far more competitive. There are many more oil companies competing for the business today than there were in 1910. UNION OIL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED IN CALIFORNIA, OCTOBIR 17, IR*0. This series, sponsored by the people of Union OH Company, is dedicated to a discussion of how and why American business functions. We hope you’ll feel free to send in any suggestions or criticisms you have to offer. Write: The President, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Building, Los Angeles 17, California. ■ANUFACTURIRS OF ROYAL TRITON, THE AMA2IN0 PURPU MOTOR OIL