Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 06, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    Simpson To Give Condon Lectures,
Topics of Evolution and Geography
George Gaylord Simpson, chair
man of the department of geology
and . paleontology of the Amer
ican Museum of Natural History
in New York, will give the 1953
Condon lectures at Oregon, L. S.
Cressman, head of the anthropol
ogy department, announced.
Simpson’s first two lectures
will be given in the Student Un
ion Jan. 13 and 15. The next two
in the series will be given at Ore
gon State college, Jan. 20 and 22,
and the final two at Portland,
Jan. 27 and 28.
The Condon Lectureship was
originated as a means of giving'
to the layman knowledge of sci
entific research and exploration.
The series are sponsored by the
Oregon state board of higher ed
General topic of this year’s lec
tures will be evolution and geog
raphy. The topic will be divided
into "The History of Regional
Faunas” and "Faunal Relation
ships Between the Old World and
the New.” Simpson’s illustrated
talks will deal with the develop
No Honor Roll Today
Dae to lack of space the Em
erald was unable to publish the
list of honor roll students today.
The names of students receiving
a S.5 GPA or better will appear
later In the week.
mcnt of zoo-geographic regions,
evolution and movements of re
gional animals and relationships
between animals of different land
Simpson, a popular lecturer, is
also known for his books on evo
lution and the interpretation of
science. His lectures on the cam
pus will be open to the public at
no charge.
Campus Calendar
9 a.m. RE Week 110 SU
Noon Theatre Exec Bd 112 SU
French Table 110 SU
Enter Comm 111 SU
I DC Straub
4 p.m. Directorate 302 SU
7 p.m. Christian Scl. Oerl let fl
IFC Movie Ballrm. SU
Rally Squad Oerl Annex
FOR RENT—Room and board or
board alone. See Mrs. Kile at
874 E. 13th. Ph. 4-0422. 1-16
WANTED: Musician for dance
classes. See Miss Wentworth,
Dept, of PE for women. 1-8
FOR RENT—2 well furnished
men's rooms. Furnace heat,
linens furnished & laundered.
1425 Agate. Ph. 5-4649. 1-9
for a Preview of the best summer vacation ever
with the
Oregon Hawaii Tour of 1953
You are invited to see Pan-American's full color film
-+- • - ’
• PREVIEW—Thrilling flights aboard PAA’S
double deck Stratocruiser.
• PREVIEW—Surfboarding and sunbathing on
famous Waikiki Beach
• PREVIEW—Touring Oahu and the outer Islands,
Visit pineapple factories
• PREVIEW—Special Parties—Luaos.
6 :S0 p.m. Thors., Jan. 8th
Sigma Kappa Hhose
Members of last year’s tour will be on hand
to help us give you full details about how
you can become a member of the Oregon
Hawaii Tour of 1953.
Phone 5-8431
Chesterfield is Best for YOU!
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