CO-EDS' “FOR THE FOURTH CONSECUTIVE YEAR" The Oregon-Hawaii Tour of 1953 • Live at the picturesque Comstock Hotel near Waikiki Beach! O Earn extra college credits at the University of Hawaii with plenty of free time for the beach! • Enjoy the special events arranged just for your group—styleshow, Hup ilau, visit to Pearl Harbor, Tour ofOahu, Luau, special lunches and par ties. • Cruise back to San Francisco on Matson's Lurline! TOUR PRICE We know you'll enjoy every one of the 50 wonderful days in lovely Hawaii. School hours will still leave you plenty of time for sun and fun. The group will choose its own dates for the special events, except for the Pearl Harbor trip /which must be pre-arranged with Navy officials. EARLY RESERVATIONS REQUIRED Until February 1st, steamship space will be assigned by this office. After that date, we must put you on a waiting list for return by steamship! . . . And we take this opportunity to wish the students and faculty of the University of Oregon a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New ^Tear!! For detailed information contact your tour leader, MRS. THOMAS GRAVES,, SIGMA KAPPA, or EUGENE TRAVEL SERVICE m Eugene Hotel Phone 5-8431 EUGENE TRAVEL SERVICE, Eugene Hotel Eugene, Oregon. Please send me additional information on the OREGON-HAWAII TOUR. Name . Address