led Cress Board Chairman Announced Neiv members of the Red Cross board selected to fill vacancies are winter term blood drive chairman, Yv Mine Holm and Donna Ander son; Roseburg hospital ptoject oJtairmen, Bev Jones and Mary Ann Foster; special events. Carol Hug gins. A ski safety program will be carried on winter term by the board, according to Joan Walker, president. -A R G Y L E S (7a TiB Em IBM MEN SBOYS Gift NYLONS by Gotham at a Special Low Price) regular 55.00 value Gift wrapped, of course for over 22 years Eugene’s Leading Shoe Store 1060 Willamette - Eugene 'SEX HAS REPLACED STEEL' Croucho Marx Keeps'Em Laughing, Criticizes Modern'Advertising, TV By Jim Haycox Emerald Editorial Aii'atant Groucho Marx’s objective was apparently two-fold last week. He wanted to keep ’em laughing and, at the same time, present some of his own serious criticisms of mod ern advertising and the pitfalls facing television. In the former department if not the latter he was eminently successful. Heeling off one joke after another, jokes of various shades, in deadpan monotone, the bespectacled comedian gave his au dience barely time to catch its breath between outbursts of laugh ter. His listeners were numerous, far too numerous to be accommo dated in the 1,200 Student Union ballroom seats. Several hundred more heard the radio-television star over a loudspeaker in the SU fishbowl. Sexual Propaganda Advertising, he said, has been so changed by the introduction of the female figure that much of it's nothing more than “sexual propa ganda.” And some' of it which uses sexy innuendoes and half draped females is also ridiculous. Taking a humorous verbal swat at cigarettes, he cited the case of one advertiser who employes an "obnoxious midget; I don’t know who Phillip Morris is,” the gagster droned, “but it seems like an un healthy relationship,” When all the TV viewer has to do is turn a dial, the educational programs continue to suffer while "Faye Emerson in a low-cut gown pleads with us to not be ’half safe’ ” he said. Steel lleplaced To combat the reality that, among other things, "sex has re placed U.S. Steel as America’s biggest industry,” Marx suggested that TV would have to create pro grams “calculated to raise not only the standards of television" but also the tastes of the viewers. He admitted that it was a rather large order. The radio and television people, he said, will produce anything that someone will sponsor. And spon sors naturally go for what people go for. In the final analysis, Marx asserted, it’s up to the people. The mustachioed jokester did not, however, limit himself to just the one subject; for that matter it took him quite some time to get to his principal subject. There were quite a few other things to quip about. Naturally He explained that while he did n't know much about the Univer sity, "from its football record I naturally assumed it was a girl’s school." He got a big laugh for the remark, another when he added that next year Oregon would do well to play only Stanford the winner of that game to go against Vassal-. Marx said he didn’t have any thing much to contribute to the intelligence of his listeners, not even “the physical attributes of Marilyn Monroe." "I have heard of the Monroe Doctrine,” he qualified. "That means 'hands off' ”. No Slree In his estimation, the current emphasis on sex doesn't mean the moral standard is any lower than it used to be. The difference is that in the old days "feminine charms were kept under wiaps some times under lock and key.” In the question period which followed, Marx was in his usual quipping form, interrupting, wise cracking and wielding the large cigar which is as much a part of his personality as the veto is to Vishinski. One questioner asked how his daughter, who was in the audience with his secretary (both lookers) MOTOR TUNE-UP AUTO ELECTRICAL Martin Auto Electric Service Phone 4-0133 Calvin H. Martin 7th & Charnelton Eugene, Oregon FOR YOUR XMAS GIVSNG consider MUSIC cr ART because: O Unlimited choice for all ages • Will fit your pocketbook 0 lias personal appeal • Gives lasting pleasure 0 A gift that is different Let Us Help You at MUSiC-GRAVES-ART 1235 Willamette Phone 4-9252 and John West, NBC vice-presi dent, could laugh at his jokes year after year. Groucho waited unperturbed for the audience to quite down, then quipped, "Well, she just laughed nt yours.” Then, as 2 p.m. neared and tlv Air Force ROTC students began to depart, Marx surveyed the exo dus, remarked, "War has been de clared," and walked off the stage. Stays in Carson Kisses Two Co-eds After spending two nights in ('arson hall with 333 girls, G roue ho Marx's comment was, "This cer tainly was an experience.” Groucho stayed in the dormitory guest rooms with his daughter and secretary as guests of the Uni versity. He kissed two freshman co-eds on the cheek as they waited for the elevator, smoked a mammoth cigar in the dining room where no smoking is allowed and an swered the telephone in the lobby at 5 p.m. in his bathrobe. Radio Honorary Plans Broadcast Kappa Kho Omicron, University of Oregon radio honorary, will make available its tape recorded presentation of "Uncle Charlie’s Christmas Party" to commercial stations in the state, according to Jack Vaughn, manager of station KWAX. “Uncle Charlie" is a traditional radio drama-musical. featuring some of the best known Christmas stories and songs. The production is 30 minutes long and has been well received by stations throughout the state for the past six years, Vaughn stated. The tape is furnished to the vari ous stations by two methods. One method, Vaughn stated, is to have the stations rotate the tape among themselves. This requires each station to set a date in ad vance as to when the tape would be played. Since mail service is sometimes delayed during the Christmas sea son, tapes may not arrive at the station on time, Vaughn declared. The preferable method, accord ing to Vaughn, is to have the sta tion send KWAX a tape on which the show would be recorded. The tape is then returned to the sta tion and can be scheduled any lime. Just Arrived . . . New AcriSan Dresses • Washable • Permanently • Pleated Skirts • Pastel Colors ° Surplice Bodice 25.