Oregon's Lowe/I and the General KON LOWELL, (second from left), looks on with other Pacific Northwest students at the 57th annual Congress of American Industry In New York city as (ien. Douglas Mac Arthur autographs his photo graph. Other students shown are, left to right, William Peterson, Idaho State college; Dorothy Ann Frost, Pastern Montana College of Education, and Donald Jacobson, Whitman College in Washington. The top college student in each state as selected by the National Association of Manufacturers, was a guest of the NAM al the meeting. Lowell was chosen the top student in Oregon. J School Chosen To Do Research The University of Oregon school of journalism has been chosen as one of ten in the United States to study foreign news carried by the American press, its Communica tions Research division announced this week. The. research is conducted under a $225,000 grant for the Ford Foundation to the International Press Institute. The Institute is an association of editors in 33 coun tries, and is headed by Lester Market, Sunday editor of the New York Times. The study covers 170 newspa pers and files of all world news agencies. It will make the first comprehensive analysis ever at tempted of the nature and extent of the flow of foreign news into the United States, and the use ofjiews of foreign nations in the U.S. pa pers. Mrs. Paul Stanfield has been added to the journalism faculty as a research assistant for the proj ect, which is under the direction of Charles T. Duncan, associate pro fessor of journalism in the univer sity. Other journalism schools coop erating with the IPI in the work are those at Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Tulane, Missouri, Syracuse, Stanford and Boston. Complete your shopping list this year ... treat your car with a new seat cover. GREEN STAMPS GIVEN Give Your Car a “Personality” Present Prices $15.95 up Price Includes Installation Del's Auto Trim Shop 206 8th Ave. West SAVE MONEY ON OUR CASH AND CARRY SERVICE r» 815 E. 13th INSTANT PRESSING-/ Ph. 5-6321 ,Completely lovely because they9re Completely proportioned ANKLE ^ America’s most calleil-ibr stockings in 51 gauge, both 15 denier and 30 denier, Davenfit proporlioned, HEEL / ◄ CALF Smooth, trim around the ankles. Comfortable at the bend of the knee. Just right at the calf. Heel height perfect 'for your size shoe. HUMMING BIRD is a revolutionary pro portioned stocking because it’s Davenfit-proportioned at every vital point. 60 gauge, 15 denier, \ in smart new Coco Beige and ' Shadow Mist, as well as HUMMING BIRD’S ever-popular Stardust aud Rose Petal. 1.50 1.35 GET THOSE . . . BRAKES RELINED $14.50 Dependable Auto Service (New Management) 905 1st Ave. West Ph. 4-0107