Business Manager Named by Board $1 Fine Imposed The student traffic court col lected $1 in fines Wednesday night. Fined was Jean Lewis, senior in journalism. Cases dismissed by the court involved Henry Wedemeyer, junior in liberal arts and Lee Nel son, senior in art. The court postponed decision on the case of G. E. Kostritsky. assis tant professor of arts, until after consulting Ray Hawk, director of mens affairs. A decision will be reached on the case involving Jer ry Nudelman, junior in business, after examining the area of viola tion. Sally Thurston, junior m busi ness, was named winter-term busi ness manager of the Oregon Daily Emerald in action by the student publications board Wednesday night. Miss Thurston served as busi ness manager of the Emerald dur ing the latter part of fall term fol lowing the resignation of Jim Shea. Ron Brown, senior in journalism, will serve as advertising manager winter term, Miss Thurston an nounced. Petitioners for the business man ager position were Miss Thurston, Brown, William V. Cheek, sopho more in liberal arts and Charles Bucklin, junior in business. _»SE THESE IF YOU CAN'T GIVE HER SABLE. . GIVE HER SAMSONITE MOJUD 51 GUAGE (JQ 15 DENIER TJl HOSIERY pr. VANITY O'NITE .$17.50 TRAIN CASE .$17.50 O'NITE (Regular) .$19.50 O'NITE (Convertible) .$22.50 LADIES' WARDROBE.$25.00 PULLMAN .$27.50 QUICK TRIPPER.$19.50 TWO-SUITER.$25.00 JOURNEYER .$27.50 HAND WARDROBE .$35.00* *oll prices plus existing taxes 98c NYLON Panties Friday and Saturday Only CUPLEE Soit or $37.77 Topcoat Pi Lambda Theta Adds 10 Members Pi Lambda Tlii'ta, women’s edu cation honorary, added ten new members to its group in an initia tion ceremony Monday in Gerlinger hall. Those initiated were Surname Chaisittiyudhaparn, graduate in education; Mildred Elliott, gradu ate in physical education; Helen ; Jackson Frye, senior in English; i Kay Haynes, graduate in physical education; Barbara Raup, gradu I ate in physical education; Jean | nette Potter, graduate in physical I education; Louise Watson, assist ant professor of education; Beverly | Wild, junior in history; Gwen I Paugh, senior in foreign languages, : and Jennelle Moorhead, associate i professor of health education. Newly elected officers of the ! group are Pat Choat, senior in journalism, treasurer; Shirley Nichols, senior in English, corre : sponding secretary, and Nancy Rodich, senior in mathematics, keeper of records. presented like precious jewels... wordly perfumes by Faberge 5. 8. 15. to 50. purse applicator 2.50 Aphrodisia, Woodhue, Tigress, Straw Hat or Act IV EVERYBODY'S DRUG STORE 986 Willamette and Stretch Your CHRISTMAS VACATION Fly West Coast Airlines high over crowded highways to your Holi day destination in Paul Bunyan's Empire. Get there quick, save precious hours for extra fun . . . return refreshed! For information or reservations call: Eugene Travel Service, 5-8431 or West Coast Airlines, 4-9321 (Formerly operated individually as West Coast Airlines and Empire Airlines. Now operated by West Coast Airlines, Inc.) UJESTCORST EtriPIRE untunes University Library Temperatures Show Drop of Ten Degrees in Second Check The University of Oregon library has cooled down as much as ten degrees as compared with the tem peratures published in the Novem ber 20 Emerald. Latest figures show a range from a high 81 to a low 76.5 degrees. These new tem peratures were taken Thursday. These temperatures show a big drop over those previously taken. Temperature Section Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Deck 1 Deck 2 Deck 3 Deck 4 Deck 5 Fahrenheit Basement 81 79.7 78 76.5 77 78 78 77.6 79 Civil Service Exam Blanks Available Application blanks for students planning to take the junior profes ; sional assistant examinations must j be in by Dec. 29, according to an : announcement received by the 1 graduate placement office. The examination cover options j for social science analyst, statisti cian, and bacteriologist with a I civil service rating of GS-5 at a starting salary of $3410. The exam ^ will require three hours. All of the requirements must be | complete by June 30, 1953. The ap j plicants must be under 35, unless j claiming veteran preference. Infor mation on applications and re quirements may be obtained at the graduate placement office. The state flower of Oregon is the Oregon giape. The state’s nick name is “The Beaver State.” Mot to of the state is The Union. The greatest drop occurred In the decks where the temperature pre vlously ranged from a low 80.0 to a high of 87 degrees. All of the heat that was In the decks seems to have gone to the levels. Pre vious temperatures Indicated a low of 75 and a high of 78. I. I. Wright, superintendent of the physical plant, was not avail able for a statement concerning the library’s heating. Giver Makes Yuletide Gifts (Continued from />a;te three) Christmas eve. They then return home, where traditionally fine French cooking is served in the ‘reveinnon,’ the Christmas dinner. Small children arc sent to bed, and the parents fill the childrens shoes with gifts and place these by the fireplace. Father Christmas Each family has its "creche," a figurine depicting the nativity scene. These are the primary dec orations in the house during the season. The Christmas tree is set up only on Christmas afternoon, for the distribution of gifts The gift giver, Father Christ mas, is delegated by the Christ Child to come from heaven and distribute gifts according to French custom. There is no Santa Claus in France. Christmas season officially closes on the feast of The Three Wise Men, January 6. On this day special cakes called "The Cake of Kings" ate eaten. A hidden object is in one of the cakes, and the finder is proclaimed king of the home for the day. TAYLOR'S COFFEE SHOP Wishes You a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Signed: Florence & Murl Garnett (proprietors) A Leader known and respected: Smart in decisions Smart in appearance Graduating ROTC seniors, you will soon be among them. CUSTOMED tailored uni forms tailored to fit you stitch by stitch will make you proud everywhere. SPECIAL PRICES NOW! Air Force-Army customed tailored uniforms. • Wherrio • Avon Park Qn&qanif.'6. llth and Oak Tailonng Phono 5-4771