Religious Notes Compiled by Mitzi Asai Emerald Religious Newt Editor bamma Delta Gamma Delta will initiate new members at their meeting this Sun hay at 5:30 p.m. Topic for discus sion wil be led by Vicar Don S. Ghacffer. The group meets at 1343 Mill street. Plymouth Club Members of Plymouth club have opportunity to get together this Sunday evening at 6:30 for a sup I' >'• The supper is to be held in the dining room of the First Congrega tional church. All those who plan to attend may call 4-2407 to make reservations. Lutheran Students Lutheran students will hear lather Evan Williams, director of Episcopalian student work, this Sunday at 5:30 p.m. on the topic "Why in the World Be Merry.” Wednesday noon, there will be a luncheon and discussion of stew ardship at Lutheran student house. At. 9 p.m. that evening, a Bible study will concentrate on the Gos pel of John. Canterbury Club Sunday, the Episcopal students will be the guests of the Lutheran student house. All students may go directly to the Lutheran student house at 5:30 p.m. or meet in the Taylor lounge of the Student Union at 5:15. The Holy Communion will be celebrated in Gerlinger hall at 7 a.m. for any University students this Wednesday and also Wednes day of final week. A light break fast is served after the Commun ion. Wesley Foundation This Sunday at 5:30, the service will be built around “God and Man.” Ken Peterson will lead the discussion. Tuesday at 5.30 Wesleyites will gather for a potluck dinner at the house. Following the dinner, the group will go Christmas caroling to shut-ins. Thursday, Dec. 11, is the day for the Christmas banquet to be held at the First Methodist church at 6 p.m. A Christmas play entitled “No Room in the Hotel” will be given. Westminster Foundation Tonight at 5:30 there will be a supper and planning meeting. At 8 p.m. there will be a "Hanging of the Greens” party. Everyone who attends is requested to bring a 25c toy which will be given to a chil dren’s hospital. Thom Hunter will lead a Bible study on the book of Philemon at the Sunday morning meeting at 9:30. A vesper service at 0:15 will be led by Bonnie Brackin and Bill Cheek. A Christmas fellowship supper is scheduled for Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. m Sunday, Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. there will be a Christmas vesper service. (I’lease turn to page seven ) VOTE BILL SWENSON for JOE COLLEGE EUOfJ NATALI FELICES NAViDADES J° K’JX *Oft vie***** Ao matter how you say it.. . Arrow Gifts mcan Arrow shirt*.$1.91 up Arrow sports shirts.3.95 up Arroiv ties.1.90 up Arrow handkerchiefs .35c up Arrow' undershorts.1.45 up Arrow undershirts .1.00 up ABMOW SHIRTS • TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS — FOR ARROW SHIRTS SEE Ph. 4-5081 39 W. 10th Campus Calendar Friday, Dec. 5, 1952 Hours 7:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. 9:00 CEP Workshop 315 SU 9:30 Labor Kdue Conf 334 SU Noon German Table UOSU Labor Kdue Lunch 113 SU 4:00 Friday at 4 Fishbowl SU 7:00 Unlv Band 214 SU 7:45 Coffee Hr 201 SU 10:00 Movie Ballrm SU Dick Busty Oa* Peddler 7th at Lincoln 5c Coffee that tastes especially good with those hig, delicious SUP ER BURGERS, fine pastries, or any of the good sandwiches and specials Gwen is serving at . . . Hamburger Inn 1290 Patterson A couple of blocks off campus Phone 5-9545 We Deliver, too! Ricketts, Tickets,... It's RON! There’s a young lad called Ricketts, Who's as smooth as a suave Don Juan. Hustle guys, get those tickets So your gal can vote for Ron! THE CO-OP IS NOW CARRYING A FINE LINE OF WATCHES and BANDS Also, for the convenience and saving of students, the Co-Op now offers a guar anteed watch repairing department COME IN AND COMPARE PRICES C. E. BUCKLIN Campus representative Phone 5-3670 W. C. MITCHELL Jeweler S. H. Hospital CONFERENCE IN THE CLOUDS Among the undergraduates on any college campus, you’ll find the talk reaching up to the clouds. And once in a while —in a class room, around a study table, or even in a bull session —a really big idea is born. Big ideas come, too, from the men and women in laboratories, business olfices, shops. But often these professionals are exploring a path first glimpsed in college. I low do we know? Because ol the ma'nv college people who have come into the Bell System, where big ideas and a lot of dreams have taken their place in progress. I he human voice, carried along a wire, first across a town, then a state, a nation, and now the world. Music and pictures and things happening delivered into cities and hamlets ail across the land bv radio and television networks. We re always looking for the men and women who get big ideas—w hether they’re about people, or machines, or wavs of doing things. \our Placement Officer can give you details about oppor tunities tor employment in the Bell Svstcm. BEL1 TELEPHONE. SYSTEM