Campus capers call for Coke Win or lose, you’ll get different opinions when the gang gathers to rehash the game. But on the question of refreshment, everyone agrees— you can’t beat ice-cold Coca-Cola. BOTTLED UND'SR AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY "Colm" It 0 rtghftrtd trademark. © 1952, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. of EUGENE Final SU Board Meeting Scheduled The final fall term meeting of the Student Union board will be held at 3:30 p in. Wednesday in the , SU. Clyde Fahlman, SU board chair man, has announced the following agenda: 1. A report on the possibility of initiating social dance instruction winter term. 2. A report from the committee which considered the possibility of amending the membcrs-ut-largo provision In the perpetuation f,],-Arj • to include sophomores by T,,m niiiiui, law school representative who in chairman of the commit tec, 3. Policy of relation with <>t ix-r campus agencies, by • Maggie Powne, HU board secretary. I 4. Directorate report, by Jane • Wiggen, directorate chairman. 24-HR. LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING SERV8CE We now have a full-time lady doing fast service on all sorts of alterations 815 E.13th Ph. 5-6321 r r * K!>JG~$IZ£ "I always smoked Chesterfields in college just like my friends'7 says New York secretary, Elizabeth Lydon, and here in New York it seems like almost everyone smokes them." i ! i A responsible consulting organization reports a study by a competent medical specialist and staff on the effects of smoking Chesterfields. For six months a group of men and women smoked only Chesterfield-10 to 40 a day-their normal amount 45 percent of the group have smoked Chesterfields from one to thirty years for an average of ten years each. At the beginning and end of the six-months, each smoker was given a thorough examination including X-rays, and covering the sinuses, nose, ears and throat. After these examinations, the medical specialist stated . . . ‘It is my opinion that the ears, nose, throat and acces sory organs of all participating subjects examined by me were not adversely affected in the six-months period by smoking the cigarettes provided." Remember this report and buy Chesterfields . . . regular or king-size. i