Dean Little Returns Front European Trip Sidney VV. Little, dean of the Kchool of architecture; and allied fi'ts, returned to Kugeno Friday from a five months stay in Flu rope. He left the campus last June on sabbatical leave to study the teaching and administration meth ods of architecture and the major crafts in Italy and throughout Southern Europe. His headquarters were in Flor ence, Italy while he did his re search work. His observation and study included the methods of de sign in architecture and the work being done in weaving, ceramics and othe, crafts. Little's work par alleled the major studies in this field offered at the University. F. A. Cuthbcrt, head of the land scape department, took over Lit tle’s position during the.latter’s h ave of absence. Briefs © Skull and Dagger, sophomore men's honorary, will meet at 6:30 tonight in the Student Union. All members are urged to attend the meeting, according to Alex Byler, group president. © Wednesday at 3 pan. is the deadline for petitions for chair-! manships of the Amphibian water show. Petitions may be turned in to Mary Eennette at Pi Beta Phi. • All YWCA house and unit representatives will meet Thursday at 4 pan. in the men's lounge of j Gerlinger hall. 0 Petitions are due Wednesday for promotion chairman of the YWCA. The chairman will begin her duties winter term and serve on the YW cabinet. 0 The l>eard growth committee of the Sophomore Whiskerino will meet at 4 p.m. today in 110 SU. according to Don Gartrell and Ron Ricketts, contest co-chairmen. Judging and awards for beard growth will be discussed. 0 Kwanta, sophomore women's honorary, will meet at 4:45 p.m. today at Gerlinger hall, according to Nan Mlmnaugh, president. 0 There will he a meeting of Phi Theta Upsilon, junior wom en's honorary, at 6:30 tonight in the SU, according to Judy Mc Loughlin, president. O Christian Science organiza tion at the University will meet to night at 7 in the men’s lounge of Gerlinger hall. q The special student celebra tion of Holy Communion will be held at 7 Wednesday in Ger linger hall. This service will mark the beginning of the advent season, the first season on the Christian calendar, according to Father Wil liams, campus Episcopal chaplain. ^ Chi Delta Phi, literary honor ary, will meet at 6:30 tonight at the College Side, according to Sue Liehty, president. f Pi Lambda Theta, women’s education honorary, will meet to night at 6:30 in Gerlinger hall, ac cording to Pat Bellmer, president. Campus Calendar Noon IDC John Straub Pub Conf 112 SU French Table 111 SU 1:00 Marx Asbly Ballnn SU 4:00 AWS Foods Comm 113 SU Beard Comm 110 SU 6:30 Pi Lambda Theta 2nd FI Gerl Phi Theta 111 SU Skull & Dagger 213 SU 7:00 Christian Scl 1st FI Gerl Prop Club 3rd FI Gerl IVCF 333 SU 7:30 IRC 315 SU Social Calendar Tuesday Dinner Sigma Phi Epsilon-Pi Beta Phi Wednesday Desserts Sigma Phi Epsilon-Gamma Phi Beta Pi Kappa Alpha-Sigma Kappa Delta Upsilon-Oridcs Friday Firesides University house Kcbec Pi Beta Phi Sigma Alpha Mu Susan Campbell hall Dignan Requests Dads Day Petitions Petitions for Dad’s day and t>uel« Preview general chairman sliips have been called for by Pat Dignan, ASI.’O president. Dead line for the Dad’s day ehairman sliip petitions is Wednesday, Dee. 10. No deadline has been set for Duck Preview chairmanship pe titions. Dad’s day will be Saturday, Pcb. 7. The general chairman Mill i'e chosen before the end of fall term, Dignan said. Duck Preview will la- Friday and Sat urday, April 21 and 25. All Eyes Cast a Second Look at A Leader! Graduating ROTC Seniors! Take the first step in the right direction. Be the object of envy becoming of an offi cer everywhere. Stitch for stitch a CUSTOMED TAILORED uniform is the key to respect. SPECIAL PRICES NOW! Air Force-Army customed tailored uniforms. Wherrie Clothes Avon Park Clothes Lf>ieXjXVUf, 4, pjne Tailoring • 1 lth and Oak Phone 5-4771 "An introduction to learning" says J. H’LLfS MILLER President, University of Florida "The Reader's Digest is an introduction to learning. Its variety, brevity, intellec tual stimulation, selective mental diet, and good humor whet the appetite for more of the same. It leads to larger fields for browsing and deeper cerebration." To busy students and educators, The Reader’s Digest brings each month a sweep of information which otherwise could be obtained only through days and weeks of painstaking research. 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