Senate Meeting Set for Thursday A senate meeting will be held Thursday evening at G:30 p.m. in 'Me Student I niou, according to ' P*«t Dignari, ASl'O president. An agenda is not available. Cambridge Lecturer to Talk Here on 'Irish Drama' Thomas R. Heim, senior lecturer in English and senior tutor, both at Cambridge university, will talk on “Irish Drama" Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Dads lounge.of the Stu dent Union. Henn, who will be on campus Wednesday and Thursday, will be in this country for a year as a vis- j iting lecturer at Yale university. While in this country, he will speak at Northwestern, Chicago ami Wis consin universities as well as Ore gon. Wednesday at 3 p.m. Bonn will talk to members of the Shake speare classes in 103 Friendly. Thursday at 10 a.m. he will be in traduced to faculty members at an informal coffee hour at the Fac ulty club. He will also speak to sev eral English classes during his visit. The speaker is currently chair man of the faculty board of fine arts and director of the studies of English in Kt. Catharine's college, Cambridge. He was formerly direc tor of English studies at Trinity, Clare, Magdalene, Jesus, Kidney Sussex, and Selwyn colleges, nil at Cambridge. He is being brought to the Uni versity under the sponsorship of the University lectures committee.’ A VAST SOURCE OF U.S. OIL STILL UNTOUCHED S V* Many Americans have probably never heard about oil shale —one of our country’s greatest natural resources. Shale is a rock formation that contains kerogen a solid that breaks down into oil and coke when heated. There are a number of shale formations in the U. S., the richest of which is in the Green River Basin of Colorado and Wyoming. This single 1000-square-mile de posit contains three times as much oil as the total proven crude oil reserves of the U.S.! 2. However, the big problem has been how to extract the oil from this shale on an economical basis. Union Oil research men have been experi menting with shale oil extraction since 1943. One of their accomplishments was the development of a retort that can extract shale oil far more economically than any previous method. 3. This retort —along with improved mining and'refining techniques—has reduced the cost of producing oil from shale more than most people realize. And each year the cost of finding and producing crude oil continues to rise. At some time, then, it is probable that oil can be obtained from shale at a cost competitive with crude oil. 4, When this will come about is anybody’s guess. Hut one thing is certain: the American people can be sure that this natural resource of theirs will be developed at the earliest possible date with the greatest efficiency only if private enterprise is left free to do the job. For our com petdive private enterprise system has demon strated time and time again that it can develop better products, for more people, at lower prices than any method yet devised by man. UNION OIL COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA INCORPORATED IN CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 17, 1890 'lias series, sponsored by the people of Union Oil Company is dedicated to a discussion of I,on, cend why American business functions. We hope you II feel free to send in any suggestions or criticisms you have to offer. Write: The Presi dent Union Oil Company, Union Oil Building 1ms Angeles 17, California. MANUFACTURERS OF ROYAL TRITON, THE AMAZING PURPLE MOTOR OIL