The Nation and the World... UN Political Committee Approves India's Plan Compiled by Andy Salmins Emerald Atmlant Wire Editor (/P> India’s plan for breaking Ihe Korean truce deadlock was ap proved Monday by a majority of the United Nations political committee as a climax of one of the bitterest diplomatic battles in the history oi me The plan Ims been altered in many way* to meet the objec tions voiced during the debate, but the (male proposal lias been retained, the committee will cre ate a neutral commission to handle Korean war prisoners. The plan also puts the IJ.N. on the record as firmly opposing forced repatriation of prisoners of war—a provision on which the I'nited States remained stead fast. The plan war, approved by a 53 to 5 vote, Nationalist China ab staining. The plan now goes to the general assembly for action. * * * Ike Picks Last Cabinet Men <.V) The presidential cabinet has been completed with the announce ment of the final two appointments made by the president - elect, Invight D. Eisenhower. Martin Durkin, a Chicago union official, has been named secretary of labor and Sinclair Weeks, a Boston busi , nessinan, has been named as sec retary of commerce. Two More Issues Due Only two more Emeralds will Ih1 published this term, on Friday and Dec. 11, Thursday of next week. Regular publication will reiume on .Ian. 6. Groucho Marx (Continued from (cu/e one) • such stage hits as "The Cocoa nuts” and "Animal Crackers” which were later made into films. The Marx brothers continued to keep movie-goers in stitches until , they retired in 1941. A comeback appearance was made in the 194G film "A Night in Casablanca.” .Since 1947 Groucho Marx has been ad-libbing and quizzing con testants on "You Bet Your Life.” He won the George Foster Peabody award for his radio work in 1948. i Marx flew up from Hollywood for his campus talk which will be • his only public appearance in the Northwest on this trip. He is being accompanied on his visit to the University by his daughter Melin k da, a graduate of Bennington col lege where she was the editor of the student newspaper. Western Scene (Continued from (nije one) " having the highest scholastic aver age. Other intermission activities . will include lapping of new mem bers by Skull and Dagger, sopho ► more men’s honorary, and the sel *■ ection of the beard growth con test winner. Classifieds FOB SALE: Philco console radio phonograph. Excellent for rec " ords very reasonable price w'ith some records. 1160 Emerald. No. 6. 43 FOUND: Fountain pen SU ball room Nov. 18 evening. Owner may claim 447 E. 15 upstairs. 43 WANTED RIDERS- leaving Dec. *■ 17 or 18 for Nebraska. Share driving and cost. Call 4-8754. 43 Brigadoon' Leads Tryout Set Tonight Tryouts for the four main leads ! in the spring theater production j of "Brigadoon” will be held in the choral room of the music building tonight at 7:30, according to Don ald Allton, assistant professor of music. 11 Parts to be selected are a tenor, baritone, soprano and contralto. Scores are available in Allton’s of fice for anyone wishing to look at the parts. Additional tryouts for those un able to attend tonight will be held next Tuesday at 4 p.m. These try outs are only for singing roles, em phasized Allton. Line reading elim inations will be held at a later date. Red Cross Board Petition Due Today Today is the deadline for peti tions for vacant positions on the Ked Cross Board. Positions open are campus dis aster chairman, blood drive chair man, Roseburg trips chairmen and special events chairman. Petitions are to be turned in to Joan Walker at Kappa Alpha Theta. Religious Council Plans Study Group A study group to discuss the "Christian Student and the Univer sity" will be held at Lutheran Stu dent house Thursday at 9 p.m. It ' is being organized by the Univer sity Religious council especially for students who plan to attend the United Students’ Christian coun cil conference later this month, but anyone interested is welcomd to at tend, according to Jane Simpson, URC president. Senator Morse to Speak Tuesday; Oregon GOP s Repudiate Wayne me ihlchi in me series or skir mishes between the Oregon Repub lican party and U. S. Sen. Wayne L. Morse involves a blank picture and the election of an anti-Morse spokesman as president of the Ore gon Republican club. Morse, who will appear on cam pus next Tuesday in McArthur court, has been the target of much criticism from the Republicans since he actively supported Gov. Adlai Stevenson for president dur ing the recent campaign. At the recent Portland meeting of the Oregon Republican club the senator was represented on the convention program by a blank space instead of the customary photograph. The blank spot was surrounded by drapery and bore Radio Society Taps Sixteen Sixteen new members were pledged to Kappa Rho Omicron, radio honorary, Monday night at a regular meeting of the organiza tion. They include Loann Morgan, Jo anne Forbes, A1 Barzman, Gordon Burtner, Gordon Rennie, Clarence j Suiter, Bob Coleman, Shirley Petti john, Ken Whittle, John Bree, Dick Petersen, Len Krichevsky, Marilyn Patterson, Gerald Pearce, Mary Wilson and Hugh Carrabrant. New KRO pledges will produce “Uncle Charlie's Christmas Party” over KOAC Dec. 11. which will be taped and sent to radio stations throughout Oregon for re-broad cast. Ken Warren and Jack Vaughn will be directing. Committees for the Christmas party and publicity were formed at the meeting Monday. Appoint ed to the Christmas party, to be held on third floor Villard Dec. It. were A1 Barzman, Len Krichevsky, Loann Morgan and Joanne Forbes. Working on publicity are Gordon Burtner and Marilyn Patterson. Movie Set After Game A feature movie, “The Song of j Bernadette”, starring Jennifer Jones, and Charles Bickford, will be shown following this Friday’s j basketball game. It will be viewed at 10 p.m. in the SU ballroom and admission is 30 cents. GET THOSE . . . BRAKES RELINED $I4.50 Dependable Auto Service (New Management) 905 1st Ave. West Ph. 4-0107 NEW LYNWOOD CAFE Half Mile North of Overhead on 99 Eat With Us During Christmas Vacation for good food at reasonable prices Breakfast served all day Luncheon 85c Dinners $1.50 up Coffee Shop - Fountain - Dining Room LOT OF FREE PARKING EASY TO FIND - RIGHT ON HIWAY 99N Open every day 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Phone 5-9064 for reservations Merry Christmas & Happy New Year the letters “R. I. p.” The club also elected Fred Rob inson, Medford, long time Morse critic as president. Some observers have taken this move as further re pudiation by the Oregon Republic ans of the controversial senator. Morse is expected to discuss some of the major problems which, in his opinion, face the next Con gress. IRC Meets Tonight; Three Speeches Set The International Relations club will hold the second of a two-meet ing series tonight at 7:30 in the Student Union. William A. Williams, assistant professor of history; M. D. Wat tles, assistant professor of eco nomics; and M. S. Ramani will speak on “World Events During the Campaign.” Dick Uusey Gas Peddler 7th at Lincoln THAT UE** ftClOW Let Hallmork Cards .carry your warm and friendly Christmas messages this year! See our wonderful selection soon. EVERYBODY'S DRUG STORE 986 Willamette LOOK ! One Alteneder Drafting Set with . . 1 large dividers with exten sion 1 large compass with exten sion & inking point 1 drop bow compass with ex tra inking point 1 large inking pen 1 small inking pen 1 small dividers 1 small inking compass 1 small compass Extra leads & points Leather case with double clasp, green felt lining. Retail Price $130.00 Will sell for $75.00 Contact Doug Hanson Delta Upsilon You Don’t Find Dates on a Christinas Tree OR Who! Are You Doing New Year’s? Once there was a Girl who was the Prettiest Pigeon in Town. She stood out like a well-constructed Swan amid a Gaggle of Geese. So, during the Christmas holidays, Our Girl had a hatful of Invi tations. Eighteen just for the big New Year’s Eve dance. Her Problem was which Swam to accept. She summoned her small sister, aged 10. ‘ Chick,” she said, “here is a lesson in Practical Psychology. See these eighteen in vitations? Only one is from a man of Poise, Personality and Perception. Masterful ... considerate . . . enterprising . . . subtle . , , sophisticated ... a Man of Promise. Do you know which one it is?” “Jeepers no,” said the wee Sister, “I don’t.** From the heap Our Heroine selected One In vitation—on a yellow Blank. “Always,” she said, “pick one that comes by TelegTam.” The Small Fry gulped, “Golly, can you tell ail that from a Telegram?” Big Sister closed one lustrous Eye. “Nevei forget it,” she said. “You can’t miss.” The point to remember: when you’re Lin ing Something Up for Yule or anyt'me send a Telegram. It flatters the Sendee; gives your approach a Man-of-the-World touch that makes it Something Special. Whenever you want to Do Better ... on anything from a Date to a Job Interview , , . stake your claim via Western Union. 870 Pearl St. Telephone 4-3221 Barnes & Noble COLLEGE OUTLINE SERIES ATLAS OF HUMAN ANATOMY_$1.75 ACCOUNTING, Elementary_1.00 ALGEBRA. College_1.00 AMERICAN, Colonial & Revolutionary History_ 1.25 ANCIENT HISTORY_.75 ANCIENT. 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