Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 26, 1952, Page Seven, Image 7

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    Christian House
Honors Morris
• Victor P. Morris, dean of the
school of business administration,
was honored at a surprise recep
tion given by the Christian House
students at the First Christian
church Sunday night. The occasion
was Morris birthday and the com
pletion of twenty years work as
teacher of tbio college and univer
sity Sunday school classes.
Moms was also the founder of
Kugene and Corvallis Christian
Houses. He is now the chairman
of Hie Kugene house, and chair
man oi the board of trusties of
the Northwest Christian college.
Alumni and students presented
to him a large brass planter for
his new offices in the school of
business. About 250 persons at
tended the reception.
Keeping Warm
Systems Involve
'Piling It All On'
Since the weather has turned
cold, the campus sleeping porches
have likewise and their occupants
have been forced to find the best
ways to keep from freezing.
'1 he best solution seems to be
"cover up with anything and
everything you can find.” One of
the dorms, reported the occupants
were studying in their rooms in
coats and sweaters.
To keep really warm, one per
son recommended studying in bed
as the best solution.
PUe on Clothes
Suggested as sleeping attire for
the campus co-ed, according to
one person, was two pair of pa
jamas, socks, plenty of blankets
and .., ear muffs.
One living group rearranged the
beds on their sleeping porch. One
half of the porch is heated, the
other is not. The beds are all plac
ed in the center of the porch with
the aisles on the outside.
"It gives the heat a chance to
circulate,” reported one of the or
ganization occupants. The new ar
rangement was tried for the first
time Monday night and "it seemed
Suffocation Method
The "suffocation method" was
suggested by another group. This
involves closing the windows and
wearing bathrobes, slippers, socks,
sweatshirts and scarfs. All this is
topped off with hot w-ater bottles
and blankets piled on "until we
can hardly move.”
Another coed recommends wool
flannels, wool knit caps and gen
erous use of quilts, doubled blank
ets and "lots and lots of comfort
Sleeping Iiag Used
The men have also come up with
their solutions. One group was re
ported wearing stocking caps and
plaid shirts. Another group is mak
ing use of athletic warm-ups and
sweat shirts.
One fellow is using a sleeping
bag with a blanket inside and sev
eral piled on the outside. “Have
n't been cold yet," he said. Others
are relying on the “lots of blank
ets” formula.
Chemisty Prof
Attends Meet
Pierre Van Rysselberghe, pro
fessor of chemistry, recently at
tended the Pacific coast division
of the National Association of Cor
rosion Engineers in Los Angeles,
At the meeting, Van Ryssel
berghe gave a report on “Recent
Development in European Corro
sion Research.” His paper was
based on his observations made on
his visits to corrosion ^laboratories
in Europe during the last three
Ticket Sales Drive Begins
For'Whisker Whing-ding'
♦ ♦ ♦
Men Must Face
Razor-fess Holiday
“No Sophomore man is to shave
over the Thanksgiving vacation!”
warms] Don Gartrell, co-chairman
"f the Sophomore Whiskcrino
beard growth contest.
'J'iie warning came as a policy
statement of the annual contest be
ing staged in conjunction with the
annual sophomore fiance to be held
in the Student Union ballroom Dee.
f5. All Sophomore men are required
to glow beards for the dance and
violators will be punished next
The wearer of the best beard will
oe awarded a free shave during
the fiance intermission. Neatness
and originality will be taken into
consideration at the judging which
is to occur at the dance.
Contest Finalists
Selected Tuesday
Six sophomore men and six
women contestants to the Betty
Coed and Joe College title were se
lected Tuesday night following a
coffee hour in the Student Union.
The six finalists for Betty Coed
are Diane David, Delta Gamma,
French, and Sherry Boss halls;
Ann Gerlinger, Kappa Alpha The
ta; Gloria Lee, Alpha Delta Pi;
Cora Mae Peterson, Chi Omega;
Nancy Randolph, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; and Elynor Robblce, Car
son 3.
The Joe College finalists are An
dy Berwick, Beta Theta Pi; Alex
Byler, Sigma Chi, Hendricks and
Hendricks Annex; Tom Harrison,
Phi Gamma Delta; Gary Jones!
Theta Chi; Ron Ricketts, Delta
Tau Delta; and Bill Swenson, Sig
ma Phi Epsilon.
Joe College and Betty Coed will
be elected by vote of those attend
ing the Whiskerino dance, Dec. 6
in the Student Union ballroom.
— ~ " -: :_
Oregon nu n wore urged yester
day lo buy their tickets early to
the Sophomore Whiskerino, last;
big social event of fall term.
King Perry anu his band from
Hollywood will be featured at the
annual dance to be hold in the Stu- I
dent Union ballroom Dec. 6. In- '
formal attire will be in order for'
the dance to carry out the theme of
"Whisker Whing-ding.’’
Tickets on Sale
Dance tickets are currently on j
sale in till men’s living organiza
tions and are priced at .$2 per
couple. House sales will continue;
until Dec. 4 according to Don Ro
tenberg and Mary Ann Foster, co- j
chairmen of the ticket committee.
Tickets will be on sale in the SU i
and in the Co-op from Dec. 1 until
Dec. 6 and at the door the night'
of l he dance, Rotenberg said.
.Six zone salesmen have been ap
pointed to handle the ticket drive. !
House representatives will manage !
the ticket drive. House represr*nta- '
lives will manage sales in the indi
vidual living organizations. Zone
salesmen are Todge Bums, Phil
O Keefe, Anne Hill, Julia Doherty, !
Jerry Beall and Don Bonime.
Representatives Listed
H o u s e representatives are:
George Lee, Alpha hall: Jim Max
son, Gamma hall; Bob Kanada.
Hale Kane: Robert Danielson, Bar
rister Inn; Robert Bueermann, Sig
ma hall; Don Jackson, Susan
Campbell; Don Bonime, Nestor
hall; Bill Winter, Stitzer hall;
Bob Maier, Merrick hall; Ross
Manning, Sherry Ross hall; Justin
Smith, French hall.
Sam Kent, Delta Upsilon; Bob
Pollock, Sigma Chi; Bruce Irvin,
Campbell club; Stan Savage, Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon; Bob Kubeck,
Phi Gamma Delta; George Downs,
FOR RENT: Nicely furnished stu
dio apartment, near campus. For
married couple. Ph. 5-6889.
FOR SALE: Encyclopedia Britan
nica, last edition with year
books. Reasonable. Call 3-3220.
FOR SALE: Tuxedo, size 36, $15.
Also shirt. Ph. 5-4580. 11-26
Dependable Auto Service
(New Management)
905 1st Ave. West
Ph. 4-0107
Graduating ROTC seniors!
U.S. Pdilitary officers standout
as welEdressed men the world
ED uniforms mark military
Air Force-Army customed
tailored uniforms.
• Wherrie Clothes
• Avon Park Clothes
Qn&f&Uf,'*. pine Tailoring
11th and Oak Phone 5-4771
Knppa Sigma; John Hanson, Sig
ma Nu; Ron Blind, Phi Kappa Psi;
Paul Keefe, Sigma Phi Epsilon;
Biek Hollenbeck, Lambda Chi Al
pha; and John Waugaman, Thi
Sigma Kappa.
Bay Hempy, Alpha Tau Omega;
Jack Flaucherf, Theta Chi; Paul
Peterson, Delta Tau Delta; Paul
Hales, Beta Theta Pi; Paul Jones,
Philadelphia house; George Mar
sfia.ll, Chi Psi; Reed King, Phi
De lta Theta; Terry Smith, Pi Kap
pa Alpha; Dave Stewart, Pi Kap
pa Phi, and Walt Bohnstedt, Tau
Kappa Epsilon.
...Oh KWAX
5 p.ni. Sign On
5:05 Piano Moods
5:15 Gay Faroe .
5:30 News Till Now
5:45 Poetic Moods
6:00 Varsity Bandstand
6:15 Table Hopping
6:30 Song of West
7:00 Spencer Snow Sings
7:15 Time for “Tonne
7:30 Jeffersonian Heritage
8:00 Campus Classics
9:00 Senerade to Students
9:30 Anything oGes
10:30 Emerald of the Air
10:35 Music in the Air
10:55 Sign Off
Dick Rusey
(if<> Peddler
7'Ji ;it Lincoln
‘W&a galled *]t
a'P’lee Siectioa?
That SiufF in the Baiioi
Box Ain't Kay
Once there was a Senior who
faced a Financial Improve,
lie was, in a word, Broke—
i due to heavy extra-cnrrrcib.r
f Operating Expense?. lie v,,,°
I discussing with his room
mate ways and means >A
climbing back Aboard the
Gold Standard. "Simple,”
said the roommate, "just top
the Male Parent for an Ad
ranee/’ “Don’t be Dull/’ answered Our Hero,
“I’m already four month* alidad on my al
lowance. And beside*, the Head of the Cl. o
is in a Grim Mood. He Dropped a Bundle « n
the election results/’ “Oh-ho/* said his side
kick, “listen. . . /’ Our Boy listened. Twenty
minutes later he steamed into the Ve-tc- n
Union office, his brain-cells bulging wi h
Strategy, and dispatched a vital rr.'ss.'g*. 70
wit: “Dear Dad—Went broke barking Stev*
son. Know you'll understand. Like father. li!-e
son. Please wire me fifty. Urgent. Love.5
The cash arrived within the hour. By West
ern Union money ord^r. Our Boy is re *
working for a Practical Cause—campaigning
for presidential elections every year ins teed
of every four.'
The moral? Simply thi.r—vl,**n >ouTe Pro
specting for Pesos, there’s no more prodi;'-* e
probe than a Telegram. Saves time, saves werr
and tear, saves answering embarrassing ova
tions. Try it—and don’t overlook Tefegra’ s
for Detailing Dates, Spreading Smooth Ta
Making an Impression. You'll be surprised
what words via Western Union can do for you.
870 Pearl St.
Telephone 4-3221
Preview 11:30 Tonite
An untow mwotitem!
.. of Perilous
Sfietcct (fete ‘Van jZc*
, Screen Play by HELEN DEUTSCH • f omiheUoMifewestgfbieo \
• Directed by CLARENCE BROWN • Produced by DORE SCHARY