Pre-registration Data Ready Saturday, First of Next Week Students going to Portland for the game Saturday will be able to pick up their material for pre registration next Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, according to Clif ford L. Constance, registrar. The material will also be available from 8 a.m. until noon Saturday. Departmental and school signa tures, as well as those of the ad visers, are to be obtained Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The re maining steps in registration may be completed after Thanksgiving. All full-time undergraduate stu dents who were registered fall term are required to complete all registration steps but fee pay ments by Dec. 6 or pay at least the $5 penalty fee. Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day of next week students are to consult their advisers and enroll in courses through the school and de partmental offices. These two steps should be completed by Wed nesday, Constance emphasized, for faculty members are not required to be in their offices following that date. A check with the office of Stu dent Affairs and the Registrar's office, both in Emerald hall, must be made by Dec. 6. If a student does not desire to pay the fees in advance registra tion, cards are to be filed to be picked up for payment Jan. 5 through 10. If you plan to pay now, obtain a fee assessment. Veterans on P.L. or 346 must check with with the registrar. Registration is not completed until all steps have been satisfied and the fees paid. The deadline for registering or freely changing classes by other students is Jan. 19. V V'V'V'V'V'V'^'V 'Robbers' Tecch Brothers Lesson Rumors which circulated on campus Thursday that Alpha Tail Omega and Beta Theta Pi were robbed Wednesday night proved to be unfounded, the two houses reported. No disturbance occurred at all at the Beta house, members said. At ATO, several of the mem bers did go through the house Wednesday night and took bill folds and watches. The items were given back to the owners Thursday noon with the warning that they should be kept in safer places. House President Jerry Shaw reported. XMAS CARDS Traditional Modern Religious Humorous Personalized Visit our Christmas Shop on the Balcony and make your selection early Also on display ... A choice assortment of gift wrappings U OF 0 CO-OP STORE Whisker Contest Set for Soph Men Razors “Off Bounds” For Two Long Weeks Sophomore men can put away their razors this weekend with the Whiskerino beard growth contest day. The "five-o'clock shadow” will grow long for two weeks, until the Sophomore Whiskerino Dec. 6. Judging of prospective beards will take place at the dance and will be judged on originality and neatness, according to Don Gar trell and Ron Ricketts, beard con test co-chairmen. Checking for beard growth vio lators will begin in all men’s liv ing organizations Tuesday during the evening meal. Freshmen wom en will do the checking. Prizes will be awarded at the Sophomore Whiskerino for the su perior beard and the winner will win a “gratis” shave on the stage. Punishment of the sophomore of fenders will be rigidly enforced, Gartrell and Ricketts added. 500 UO Students Crowd OSC Rally Over 500 rooters last night over flowed the Student Union terrace and balcony for the rally preced ing the Oregon State game, ac cording to A1 Golder.berg, rally board. Noisemakers from Kappa Kappa Gamma and Alpha Tau Omega tied with those from Pi Beta Phi and Theta Chi for the prizes awarded the loudest groups of pair ed living organizations. Coach Len Casanova addressed the students and introduced Monte Brethauer, senior in physical edu cation, who has been selected cap tain for the final encounter. Committee Narrows Prospects In Betty, Joe Contests to 25 I Candidates for Joe College and Betty Co-Ed were narrowed down to 25 last evening in the first round of eliminations. Twelve men and 13 women were selected, the re sult of a tie. Semi-finalists are Sue Fuller, Alpha Chi Omega; Ann Gerlinger, Kappa Alpha Theta; Gloria Lee. Alpha Delta Pi; Laura Sturges, Sigma Kappa; Janet Kregness, Nestor hall; Synove Erickson, Al pha Omicron Pi; Alice Johnson, j Carson 2; Eleanor Roblee, Carson 3; Jean Ellick'on, Alpha Phi; Bet sy Thayer, Stitzer hall; Diane Da vid, Delta Gamma, French, and Sherry Ross halls; Cora Mae Pet erson, Chi Omega, and .Taney Ran AWS Tea Petitions Due Today is the last day to turn in petitions for chairmanships of the Associated Women Students tea. Dec, 6. Petitions should be turned in to Jean Mauro, Alpha Chi Omega, before noon. Chairmanships open are food, decorations, invitations, publicity, promotion, collections, distribution and programs, Miss Mauro said. Each women's living organiza tion will collect a basket of food to be distributed to needy families in Eugene through the Red Cross for Christmas. The baskets will be picked up at the houses Dec. 6, The tea will be held at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house from 2 to 4 p.m. and campus clothes are to be worn. All University women are in vited, according to Miss Mauro. After the game you'll win at 419 S. W. Broadway with J. Scot and his Scotties for Dancing and Entertainment Bow King Chung cooks the most delicious Chinese and or American dishes Cover—Easy MONTIE BALLQU Diamond Horseshoe GAS FOR LESS We honor all motor oil credit cards • TIRES and TUBES BATTERIES III & ACCESSORIES i PRIDE OF OREGON SERVICE STATION Phone 5-9020 782 E. Broadwaj clolph, Kappn Kappa Gamma. For Joe College, semi-finalists a it Jack Murray, Kappa Sigma; Alex Byler, Sigma Chi, Hendricks, and Hendricks Annex; Ron Rick etts, Della Tan Delta; Manning Barber, Carson 4; Farrell Albright, Carson 5; Don Holt, Phi Delta The ta; Tom Harrison, Phi Gamma De ta; Bill Swenson, Signia Phi Ep. J '.on; Frank Beeman, Pill Sign j Kappa; Joe Anstett, Sigma Alpl , 1 Epsilon; Gary Jones, Theta Ch , I and Andy Berwick, Beta Theta Pi. Judges for the women were Mi: i 1 Donna Base, Student Union pro- 1 gram director; Mrs. Josephine | Moore, director of the University | news bureau; Keith Fennell, owner of Fennell’s Men’s store; J. W. Borchardt, instructor in physical education; and Francis Gillmore, campus leader. The men were judged by Miss Laura Olson, assistant dean of women; Mrs. Palmer, manager of i Hart Larson's Clothes for Women; 1 Mr. Wichem, member of the Eu gene high school faculty; John 1 Warren, former University basket- J hall coach and owner of John War- ' ren Hardware; and Clyde Fahl man, c hairman of the SU board. k IFC Discusses Quota (Continued from fatje one) desirable freshmen if they affiliat ed the transfers. For this reasar | they felt that it was unfair to the houses to set an arbitrary quota. ({uotas Raised by Four To remedy this situation. Fr-d Baltz, secretary, proposed the fol lowing motion: "That we raise present vacancies to include uating seniors plus four." The *rm-1 tion was passed by the council. The new ruling means the hou » can now pledge the difference b -1 tween the men living in and the physical capacities plus t.heir grad uating senior class phis four. Dick Morse, Phi Delta Theta, made the motion that the house presidents file their quota claims with the office of student affails by Wednesday. Changes in the quota which occur between fall and winter terms will be completed by Jan. 8, in time for rush week. The quotas for the houses will not be made public, the council de cided. Kush \Vi‘cl< IMans Winter term rush week, also re ceived consideration from the coun cil which formed the final plans for the rush period. Date times for the rush week, the first for the fresh men men, were decided. They are as follows: noon dates from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; dinner dates from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., and evening dates from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. The freshmen will sign up for the rush period on Monday, Jan. 12. At that time they will sign up for not more than six rushing daLes and not more than two dates with one house. The rushing period will last from Jan. 13 through 17. Intramurals Discussed Also discussed by the group was the present system of intramurals. Some members present felt that under the present system, the small houses did not receive as fair a chance as some of the bigger houses. It was decided that Jack Hutchins, president, would talk to P. R. Washke, professor of physi cal education, to see if some solu tion to the problem might be work ed out to the best advantage of all the living organizations. At the opening of the meeting, IFC decided that the same rules i that applied to fall term boarders j w'*l apply to winter term boarders. ] Under these rules, a man must I pledge within two weeks or move ' j out of the house. The boarder must also visit at least three other houses during this period.