Inspired Ducks Await Arch-Enemies CROWNED Fijis Notch Title; SAE Tops Rivals Phi Gamma Delta clinched the championship of their league yest -erday by downing the Phi Delta Theta B's two games out of three Sigma Alpha Epsilon A's, who won then leagues title last week, added another to their string of wins without a defeat by downing Phi Sigma Kappa 15-4. 15-2. Beta The ta Pi outplayed Lambda Chi Alpha in two straight games to notch an other victory while Stitzer took two games from Sherry Ross. In the first Phi Delt-Fiji B game Fiji came from behind to down their hard playing opponent 16-14. In the second game the Phi Delts controlled the action from the be ginning, withstanding a late Fiji rally, and won the game 15-S. The Fiji’s turned the tables in the last game and lead all the way. The Phi Delts put on a couple of rallies but were defeated 15-6. (Please turn to pane five) in MEDICO ^ riUZt Finest Medico ever made, W Exquisite Burgundy finish | MEDICO V.F.0.-j2 With NEW NYLON BIT. < f I Exclusive! Guaranteed Bite-Proof! \\ I Odorless! Tasteless! Cushion Bite! jsj j MEDICO medalist-M.50 | * \\ | When filter turns brown—in Medico i | Pipes or Cigarette Holrlers-throw ' j | it away, wnn mco || tine, juices, flakes, tars it has trapped. j| Insert a fresh filter. if for cooler, cleaner if and dryer smoking. { Imported Briar. Wide variety of styles and sizes, p Write Medico Pipes, Inc., N.Y.22, for Booklet 0 ' yXtDICB OMBim t C1C« HOtOERS—$1 j ON EVERY MUFFLER Lets Back Pressure! More Power! Dual exhausts for Ford and Mercury. Single replacement Mufflers and Exhaust Accessories for all cars. Also DUAL & HEADER SETS fotmost cars PACIFIC AUTO SUPPLY 37 W. 10th 1970 E. Main Eugene Springfield SAM BAKER ‘A Single-handed Triumph’ Records Favor Oregon In Civil War Contests By Sam Vahey Emerald Sportswriter Saturday's Civil War engage ment in Portland between Oregon and Oregon State will certainly not be classified as a rubber con test: but it still will mark the for ty-seventh game in a stretch for the two clubs with the exception of a two year wartime lay-off be tween 1942 and 1945. Webfoot Boast Edge The clash, which brings together the only two PCC entrants from ! Oregon who, as yet, have not lost | to state competition, is the fifty ; sixth battle between the Willam ! ette valley titans. The record be ! tween the two clubs lingers at Oregon 27; Oregon State 21; with seven deadlocks. If one goes by previous records, he is certain to see an Oregon vic tory. For, throughout the last 25 years, every time the Ducks have managed to defeat Stanford, they have knocked over OSC. A further analysis of the facts will show that in 18 p|ne xai|oring 11th and Oak Phone 5-4771 AT MULTNOMAH Webfoot Machine Slight Favorite; Barnes, Simmons May Sit out Game By Larry Lavelle Emorald Sporti Editor Past performances arc always tossed in the asli can when traditional rivals come to blows and that s w hy the l Diversity ot Oregon Webfoots are a little envious of the (Trcgon State Heavers today. z\s far as records and comparative scores are concerned the Ducks should Win from here to there and back. Unfortunately, Oregon’s paper margin over the Staters is as useful as a barkless watch-dog. Hut the VVebfoots do come into the Benton-Lane county title match with a psychological advantage, that of having defeated the Pacific Coast conference's de fending champion Stanford. Saturday at 1 :3tt If the weather bureau's forecast for intermittent sunshine and high fog holds up, more than 25,000 will be on hand Saturday to see if the Ducks can hang up their second straight triumph in Portland's Multnomah stadium. Kickoff time for the intra-state strife is 1:30 p.m. "You can be certain that the Beaver. Won't he impressed with our win over Stanford,” said Head Coach I.en Casanova. If anything tile Beavers, who have yet to win a conference encount er. will be incensed by the double factor of an Idaho defeat and Oregon’s success against the In dians. The VVebfoots, in keen shape mentally, are well off physically. Emery Barnes, the lanky defensive end, still is nursing a sore shoulder and Hal Simmons, tackle, with a bum knee, may see no more than limited action. If Karnes is not ready, Wayne Johnson, who did a bang-up job for him in the College of Pacific game, will go instead. Hay MacLeod, the Canadian sopho more, will get Simmons' job if big Hal is still limping. He Wouldn’t Say Yes Casanova as yet hasn't decided on a starting quarterback; it might be Barney Holland, who gave Stan j ford a bad time Saturday; George Shaw, the all-around wizard; or j Hal Dunham, the long pass artist. Meanwhile, at Corvallis, Kip I Taylor, the Beaver taskmaster, . has had to prop up his downcast ! gridders, who absorbed more me dicine bver the week-end 27-6 humiliation at the hands of the (Please turn to page fire) I.EN CASANOVA Game's a Toss-up Duck Seniors John Adams, «enter, Gmj'vlnv, Wash. Monte Brethauer, end, two year letterman, Portland. Del Clemens, guard, one year let terman. Burns. Len Diederirhs, tackle, two year lettertnan, .Missoula, .Mont. Hal Dunham, quarterback, two year letterman, Walla Walla, Wash. Wayne Johnson, end, one year letterman, Kugene. Boh I.eter, halfback, Portland. lion Lyman, end, two year letter man, Carson City, N'ev. Tom Novlkoff, fullback, one year letterman, Los Angeles. Ilal Simmons, tackle, one year let terman, Hosehurg. Dick Stoutt, center, one year let terman, Milwaukle. Mel Streeter, end, Kiverside, Calif. Ken Sweltzcr, guard, one year letterman, Pasadena, Calif. Emmett Williams, guard, one year letterman, Chicago, HI. Bob Wilcox, guard, one year let terman, Eugene. Guest Dopes OSC Win Sports Editor Jim Fisher of the Oregon State Barometer has cracked into the realm of the Web foot athletic department as the Emerald’s weekly guest grid ex pert. And unless he comes through with an 8-2 record or better the Mac Court brass is liable to do something drastic since they’re leading the parade with an even 4 .800 percentage. Maybe they’ll cut off his weekly supply of Duck propaganda. In the intra-sports wrangle, Ron Ricketts continues to press Larry Lavelle, sports editor. Ricketts has a .725 mark to Lavelle’s .750 with one more week to go. Rick Tarr and Jim Shea follow with .700 and .627 marks respectively. Oregon-Oregon State Stan ford-California Wash. St.-Oklahoma A M UCLA-Southern California Maryland-Alabama Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan-Ohio State Nebraska-Oklahoma Penn State-Pittsburgh Baylor-Southern Methodist Shea: Notre Dame 34 Fisher Lavelle 60-20-.750 Oregon St. Oregon 14-13 20-7 Calif. 28-7 Calif. 28-13 Wash. St. Okla A & M 14-7 20-13 I'SC 14-7 rsc 7-0 Maryland Maryland 35-28 21-19 Wisconsin Wisconsin 14-0 26-7 Michigan 7-0 Ohio St. 13-10 Oklahoma Oklahoma 35-14 28-20 Pitt 24-14 Ilaylor 14-7 Pitt 20-14 liaylor 34-19 Picketts 58-22.725 Oregon 13 6 Calif. 27- 13 Wash. St. 13 7 use 14-7 Maryland 7-3 Wisconsin 21-6 M ichigan 1 7 7 (Iklahoma 28- 7 Pitt 21-7 SMU 20-14 Tarr Shea 66-2 4-.700 47-28.627 Oregon 20-19 Oregon 19-13 Calif. Calif. 27-21 27-13 Wash. St. Okla A & M 26-14 21-20 CSC 9-7 rn.A 21-14 Maryland Maryland 30-14 27-14 Wisconsin Wisconsin 13-10 20-13 Michigan Ohio St. 20- 14 21-14 Oklahoma Oklahoma 21- 13 35-13 Pitt 20-6 Ilaylor 33-27 Pitt 35-20 SMU 21-6 Iowa 20; Missouri 27, Kansas 21; and Vale 35, Harvard 19.