SU Currents SU To Observe Changed Hours During Vacation Special hours will be observed in the Student Union during Thanks giving vacation. On Wednesday, November 26, the building will open at the regular hours, but will close at 8 p.m. The various areas of the building will close as fol lows: Main desk, 7 p.m.; recrea tion area, 7:30 p.m.; and food serv ice, 7:45 p.m. The SU will be closed all day Thank: giving, Thui. day, Novem ber 27. On Friday and Saturday. November 28 and 29. the opening and closing hours will be: building, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; main desk, 8 a.rn. to 9 p.m.; recreation area, 2 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.; and food service, noon to 9:45 p.m. Regular hours will be resumed on Sunday, November 30. • * * Entertainment Planned For Committee Meeting The Student Union personnel committee will meet at 6:30 and 7:30 tonight in the SU Dads' Lounge. Entertainment will be pro vided by the dance and music com mittees. Clyde Fahlman, chairman of the SU Board, will give a demonstra tion of group therapy. There will be a roving mike and questions will be asked. All students partici pating in the SU program are in vited to attend, Personnel Chair man Andy Berwick said. Early SU Closing Slated for Friday Due to the Oregon-Oregon State game, the Student Union will close at 11:30 p.m. on Friday and Satur day nights. The snack counter will stop serving at 11:15 pin.; the main desk will close at 11 p.m. Tickets on Sale For Whiskerino Beginning Today Tickets for the annual Sopho more Whiskerino to be held in the SU ballroom Saturday evening, Dec. (3, will go on sale in all men's living organizations today accord ing to Don Rotenberg and Mary Anne Foster, co-chairmen of the ticket committee. Price of the tickets has been set at $2 per couple. Sales in the liv ing organizations will continue un til Dec. 4. On Dec. 1, tickets will go on sale in the Student Union and in the Co-op. Members of the ticket commit tee are Anne Hill, Jerry Beall, Ter ry O'Brien, Phil O'Keefe, Todge Burns, Nancy Randolph, Sue An derton and Julia Doherty. Rotenberg urged the committee members to pick up their tickets in the SU from 3 to 5 p.m. today in order that they may be distributed to the living' organizations this afternoon. Positions Still Open For Christmas Tea Deadline for petitions for sub chairmanships of the AWS Christ mas tea, Dec. 6, is Friday noon. Petitions should be turned in to Jean Mauro at Alpha Chi Omega. Chairmanships include food, dec orations, invitations, publicity, pro motion, collections, distribution and program. Anyone wanting in formation on the various commit tees should call Miss Mauro. Su Board Dissolves Old Policies; Rulings Applied to Trophies, Forum J nr< e obsolete policies woi'e dis solvo«l l)y the Student Union board Wednesday and two new policies adopted to make clear policies needing restatement. Dissolved were the policy gov erning the embos ograph, which i; now handled by the SU administra Events Planned (Continual from I'nrjc one) Oregon's rally squad will lead the OSC section in calling out the names of the OSO players as they ate introduced; OSC's yell squad will do the same for Oregon. Plans had also been made for • he letterman’s club from the two schools to guard the goal posts fol lowing the game, Dignan said Wednesday. Order of O President Jim Livesay could not be reached Wednesday night to confirm the plan. Stay Off Field A special leanest from Multno mah stadium officials asking; that students stay off the playing field following the game has been made. A telegram to Athletic Director Leo Harris said this cooperation was needed to help the stadium prepare for the high school cham pionship semi-final game between Jefferson and Central Catholic to be played on the field Saturday night. Campus clothes will be in order for the game, Campus Social Chairman Elaine Hartung has an nounced, and for the various lunch eons between Oregon and OSC liv ing organizations scheduled to precede the game. The joint hands-off policy be tween the two schools in regards to vandalism on the two campuses will be extended to Portland, it was announced earlier in the month by the two offices of stu dent affairs. The agreement, made eai-h year before the annual game, stated that students apprehended in activities resulting in property damage will be liable for the cost of repairing the damage and will be suspended. URC to Present Assembly Program "Thank We All," a dramatic pro gram presenting Thanksgiving from the pilgrims to 1952, will be presented by the University Re ligious council during the Tuesday assembly hour next week in the Student Union ballroom. The Thanksgiving service, which is being planned by Laura Leo Newton, senior in sociology, will include a cast and chorus made up of representatives from all of the campus religious groups. lion because there was not enough mil for the service last year; the statement governing townspeople participation in union activities, which the board felt had no appli cation to present problems or needs; policy governing the loan of records from the record lending room as there is no set up for lending records at the present time. Policy Statement The new policy dealing with the University social rulings reads: "The Student Union board pro gram operates within the frame work of the rules, regulations and procedures of the student affairs committee.” New policy concerning the four St' chalk nge trophies extends the time the trophies may be kept by the living organizations to the end of the term following the term v.dien the trophy was awarded. The executive committee was given the authority to delegate a chairman of any special event in the program. Special events now planned are bridge tournaments and bowling tournaments. This ac tion was taken by the board be cause the area usually handling special events, the recreation com mittee, was dissolved earlier this term. Coffer Forum Addition SIT Director Dick Williams is handling the selection of a faculty member to the coffee hour forum committee. Appointment of a fac ulty member to the committee was approved at the last board meet ing. Names of faculty members re quested for the committee will be cleared from the office of Univer sity President H. K. Newburn. Hoard Chairman Clyde Fahlman appointed a special attractions screening committee. Members of the committee are: Dick Williams, chairman; Paul Lasker; Virginia Dailey; Bob Kully; George Hop kins and Jim Livesay. An SU social hour will be held today at 6:30 p.m. Married Students To Meet Monday University of Oregon married students will meet for the first time this year Monday at 7 :30 p.m. in the Student Union. Sponsored by the YMCA, the meeting will be under the direction of Charles Carter, graduate in edu cation. Spencer Snow, freshman in lib eral arts, will sing for the group. The married students will also see slides of the Wallowa mountains taken by Alvin Kaiser. The eve ning will close with refreshments and a social hour. Married students who wish transportation services or baby sitting services should call the YMCA office for assistance, ac cording to Russell Walker, YM ex ecutive secretary. On The Air... KWAX Reporter Kappa Rho Omieron, UO radio j honorary, has begun the selection of the year's pledges Ken Warren,] president of KRO, has announced. Pledges are being notified this week, and will attend the meeting next Monday night at 9 p.m. Selec tion of membership is based upon outstanding work in radio. The new pledges, who will be ini tiated at the end of this term, will participate in KRO’s annual Christ mas show, “Uncle Charlie’’. This program originates on KWAX, is taped and sent to all radio stations in Oregon. Last year’s outstanding achieve ment awards, presented at the KRO banquet spring term, will be on display for the next two weeks in the KWAX studio, located on the third floor, Villard. "Lilliom,’’ from which the Broadway musical "Carousel" was taken, will be presented on Radio Workshop at 4:30 p.m. today over KWAX. Under the direction of E. A. Kretsinger, assistant professor of speech, the drama has a cast of 11 — Lilliom, John Bree; Julie, Loanne Morgan; Louise, Carolyn McLean; Mrs. Muskat, Shirley Pettyjohn; Mother Hollunder, Jeanette Stone; Policeman, Bill Ruiter; Ficsur, Bill Ruiter; Magistrate, Ben Padro; annouoncer, Gordon Rennie; cash ier, Gordon Rennie; and sound, Ben Padro. Thursday 5 p m. Sign On 5:02 I’iano Moods 5:15 U.N. Story 5:30 News Till Now 5:45 Sport Shots 6:00 Varsity Bandstand 6:15 Campus News 6:30 Kadlo Workshop Ilrama 7:00 Progressive Rythmns 7:30 American Folkways 8:00 Campus Classics 9:00 Serenade to the Student 9:30 Anything Goes 10:30 Emerald of the Air 10:35 There’s Music in the Air 10:55 Sign«Off Anthology to Publish Two Students' Poems Poems written by two speech majors will be published this year in the Annual Anthology of Col lege Poetry, according to an ac ceptance slip received Wednesday. “Foem" by Karl Harshbarger, a junior from North Liberty. Iowa, and “Vignette in Surrealism” by Joseph Wolvek, a graduate student from Brooklyn. N.Y.. were the two accepted by the National Poetry association. "The Anthology,” wrote Dennis Hartman, secretary, “is a compila tion of the finest poetry written by college men and women of Amer ica.” It represents every section of the country, and selections were made from thousands of poems submitted, he said. . Pres. Harry Truman told Congress Tuesday that American arms shipments to Western Europe slumped “considerably behind" schedule in tlie first six months of the year. But, he said, “real prog ress was made in strengthening the free world.” r" " . = © Campus Briefs • Members of the Sophomi re Whiskerino decoration rommitUe will meet at 4 p.m. today in t > •Student Union, according to J rn Light. co-chairman. • The University of Oregon Young Republicans will meet at 6:30 tonight in the Student Union. • Ralph I least is, head of the Biology department, announces that C. W. Clancy will discu s "Ovary Transplants and Femr> Sterility in Drosophila" at 4 .n. Friday in 314 Science. e Craig Wrath ford and Lin Truax were admitted to the .iy firmary Wednesday. Also confin d to the infirmary are Stuart Olson, Howard McGinnis, Ernest Eeig -trom, Donald Wilkinson, Gary McManus, James Massey. Erne st Sellers, Phil Singleton, Barba; a Risley. Julie Fuller and Lucille Swaggert. ^Inter-Fraternity Council v. I meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. in tee Student Union. Fred Baltz. secre tary and treasurer, said that it is an important meeting and urges all memers to attend. Dr. Leland A. Huff Optometrist 43 W. 8th Ave. Ph. 5-3525 SAVE XMAS MONEY Save money on your trip to the Airport —Make your appointment for a group of you to ride together $3.00 WILL HIRE A TERMINAL CAS FROM CAMPUS TO AIRPORT Any number to five may ride in same cab for $3.00 Phone 5-4311 TERMINAL TAXI SERV Phone 5-4311 FOR YOUR XMAS GIVING consider MUSIC or ART because: j • Unlimited choice for all ages • Will fit your pocketbook ! • Has personal appeal j • Gives lasting pleasure v | • A gift that is different Let Us Help You at MUSIC-GRAVES-ART 1235 Willamette Phone 4-9252