Carnegie Corporation Commends OREGON RANKS HIGH AMONG UNIVERSITIES By I)on Weu/.l Emerald Feature Writer Oregon i.s ono of four universi ties In the nation commended by the Carnegie Corporation for its college teacher training program in the social sciences, according to Eldon Johnson, dean of the liberal arts school. "The purpose of the program is to train people who wish specific ally to teach at college level,” he said. "Before this, people worked toward I’h.D. degrees, and when receiving these degrees, were sur prised to find that they had be come teachers." Oregon is receiving aid from the Carnegie corporation of New York under a five year plan. "While still in the experimental stage, the program i.s succcsxfi. Johnson stated. Aids I'niversltles The Carnegie corporation grants aid to universities and this money is to be used in financing doctor ate work in these social sciences: economics, history, political sci- j ence an57 employees. Production of alum inum will be reduced by •‘well over one million pounds a day.” Other regional industries affect ed by the order include department stores, lumber mills, all electro chemical and electro-metalui gical plants, at least one beet sugar processing factory and some paper mills. Meet with Governors Top-ranking officials of the DE PA were meeting Tuesday with the governors of the Northwest states and representatives of all region power companies to work out en forcement details of the order. The aluminum plants are not re sponsible for the power shortage, Bonneville Administrator Paul J. Ravers said Monday. He explained they depend on interruptible power electricity which can be cut off whenever water behind the Colum bia river hydroelectric dams i9 low. Curtailment of power use is a result of the worst drought in the region’s history which has reduced stream flow over Columbia River dams. Westgate Shoppe FOR THE’BIG GAME A casual and dressy wool dress to keep you warm on the stands . . . Keep that stagline busy after wards. Casual and easy going from every aspect with neat sleeves and pockets. You'll love it for business or class, too. Values $15.00 to $35.00 WeA.t DANCE WITH HARRY COHEN..TEACHER TO THE STARS CLASSES & PRACTICE FOR ENTIRE FAMILY 30 HOURS $10 GUARANTEED RESULTS DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU DON'T LEARN TO DANCE IN SIX HOURS OF ENJOYABLE PRI VATE LESSONS