Local Television Receives KWAX; FM Still Needed for Small Radios By JACK VAl’ttHX KWAX Manager The main complaint about i:\VAX is that many people don't own Fit sets. Friday night it was d (covered that one doesn't need an FPT set to receive KWAX . . . all oue needs is a television set. It all started duning the Friday right request time show on KWAX. T1 e phone rang, and engineer Ken ■ • V • e • Expert watch an j jewelry repairs are not done by just anyone. Our craftsmen, specially trained to imitate the most intricate mechanism, guar antee precision work as rea sonable prices. BRISTOW'S JEWELERS 620 Willamette Whittle answered expecting an other request. The person on the oth. r end of the line questioned Whittle about what music he was playing, and then, after a pause said .... ‘'That’s funny, I'm pick ing you up on channel 6." A check was made with E. A. ICretsinger. KWAX chief engineer, as to whether this was possible. And it was. Kretsinger said, "KWAX's FM frequency is very near the sound frequency allocated to Channel 6, ar.d people with vari able tuners could possibly get the station.” KWAX program director Ed Ra gozzino avowed that this new in formation would not alter the KWAX programming much. ''We'll keep on sending out our same audio programs," Ragozzino said, "And most of our visual presenta tion will look much like a snow storm.” For people who are not lucky enough to Own a television set, KWAX will continue to operate on its S8.1 megacycle frequency on the FM band. Throughout the nineenth cen tury the British bought mote goods from foreigners than they suld. Income from investments abroad was the main credit item that off set Britain's deficit of exports, for Britain was investment banker to the world. # Campus Briefs £ Kwamn, sophomore women’s honorary, will meet at 4:T5 p.m. today at the Y headquarters in Gerlinger, President Nan Mim naugh announced. q An important short meeting of all Emerald reporters will be held at 0:30 Wednesday at the “Shack,” according to News Edi itor Kitty Fraser and Assistant Managing Editor Judy McLough lin. All reporters are to attend. Those who cannot should notify the news office by o p.m. q Christian Science organiza tion will meet this evening in the men’s lounge of Gerlinger hall from 7 to 8 p.m. A short business meeting will follow the service. q The Young Democrats will meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Student Union. Interested persons are invited to attend, according to Charles Grover, vice-president. Photo Schedule I.hiag organizations to have O:\-gana retake am! makeup pic tr.re. taken at KcnneU-Ellis to d..\ are: Alpha Phi, Kappa Sigma, Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Kappa Sigma. Why the last thing In the world you could call me is a snob —I despise snobs I That’s just the trouble, Mister, a lot of people are snobs and don’t know it! Not me —I'm a good American. Why, my people . . . See what I mean—never mind your people. It’s you we’re talking about. I don't get itl Olcay, what kind of day did you have ? Bciwl out any waiters? Give any dirty looks ? And when you got on to politics at lunch did you start picking any race apart —make a few cracks about someone’s re ligion? You see, that’s where the trouble starts. Well, I-1 uh... Look, Mister, nobody is saying that you mean to be intolerant — but every time you make a brack like that you are hurt ing your country's unity. I never thought of that. Say—who are you anyway? Your conscience. Accept or reject people on their individual worth Campus Politics Discussion Slated ForYW Fireside A Y fireside for all sophomore women will be held today from 0:15 to 7:30 p.m. at Delta Gamma, according to Norma Hamilton, sophomore Y cabinet president. Tickets for the fireside are on j sale this week in living organiza tions by Y house representatives. Price is 10 cents. Tickets will also be sold at the door Tuesday night, j Highlighting the evening will be ! a brief explanation of campus poli tics and student government by, Helen Jackson Frye, ASUO vice president. Included in the fireside activities will be cards and refresh ments. The November fireside on Tues day will be the last one until Jan uary. Five firesides for sophomore women have been slated for the year by the YWCA. Assisting Delta Gamma as host ess for the fireside will be sopho more women from Alpha Gamma Delta, Delta Delta Delta and Delta Zeta. Fireside co-chairmen are Ann Hopkins and Sue Fuller. Jean Piercy and Jackie Jensen are serv ing as tickets chairmen. Jlulenuuj. 9n ...On KWAX Tuesday 5:00 Sign On 5:01! Piano .Moods 5:15 C.N. Story 5:30 News Till Now 5:45 Sports Shots 6:00 Varsity Bandstand 6:15 Surprise Package 6:80 Songs of Many I^ands 7:00 Cooper Forum 8:00 Campus Classics 9:00 Serenade to tiie Student 9:30 Anything does 10:80 Kinerald of the Air 10:35 Music in the Air 10:55 Sign Off Freshmen Cards Ready For Pick-Up in Campus Offices Mid-term progress cards for Eu gene freshmen have been returned to the office of student affairs. The cards, filled out by the students last month, may be obtained in the office of Miss Laura Olson, assist ant dean of women, for the -wom en; and in the office of student af fairs, for the men. Late Monday, cards for the fol lowing students were available: Bernadine Barts, Barbara Bram lett, Carolyn Davis, Jean Falk, Al ma Henry, Helen Donovan, Marlys Johnson, Gloria Ker-er, Tanya Ku driaveev, Mary Barrett, Cora Standley, Roberta Toner, Alta Wright, Sherrill Wright, and Doris Stenshoel. Fred Baker, Klias Brown, Don ald Christenson, Ronald Christen sen, Edward Crawford, Bob Cul berson, Earle Culbertson, James Erdmann, Henry Ferrero, Robert Gilbert, Gerald Jones, Willard Martin, Dale Oderman, Delbert Robertson, Howard Schureman, Donald Schwartz, Robert Shelton, John Suttey, William D. Taylor, liussell Tov/nsend, Treece Taylor, and Lawrence Wach. SUCumnts Coffee, Music For SU Staff There will be a Student Union personnel coffee hour Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the SU Dads’ Lounge. Everyone in the Student Union program is invited to attend this informal social hour. Entertain ment will be provided by the dance and music committee. Business Honorary Will Run Penney's In Annual Project Sixteen members of Eta Mu Pi, retail business honorary, wdl take over Penney’s department store for today. This project, which began three years ago and Iras become an annual affair, is designed to give outstanding business stu dents a behind-the-scenes idea of how a retail store is run. The students wdl be associated with Penney’s department heads and executives for the day. They will have three hours of actual selling on the floors. Two films will be shown to them and they will hear a talk on the history of Penney’s. A question and an swer period will follow. Eta Mu Pi’s adviser is N. II. Cornish, professor of business ad ministration and the president is Jim Owens. Alan Babb is manag er of this project. Cellist to Present Concert Thursday At Music School Milton Dieterich of the t'O mu sic school will be featured in a fut - ility recital to be given Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in the music school auditorium. Dieterich, assistant professor in the music school, is a cellist. He wiil be assist'1'! in the recital by George Houghton, violinist, and William Wood-', pianist, both of the music school faculty. The program for the concert is ;n three parts. The first part will be the presentation of Bach's Suite III in C Major, the seven move ment:- of this suite will be played. Beethoven's Sonata in A Major. Op. 09, will be the second part of the program, and for the third will be Schubert’s Trio in B flat Major, Op. 89. Classifieds Room and board or board only. See Mrs. Kile, 874 E. 13th St. Phone 4-0422. 12-8 FOR RENT: Nicely furnished 4 room, modern, clean, warm apt. for stud< nts or working couple. All utilities furnished. Tele, privileges. $65. Call 5-5243. 4-11-21 FOR SALK: Sunbeam-Talbot con vertible, $1,770. Edward Morton, Law School 4-11-21 FOR SALE: Lovely silver fox jacket. Reas. Used Simmons daveno. Ph. 4-8215. 2-11-17 SEAT COVERS CONVERTIBLE TOPS and CAR UPHOLSTERING EUGENE AUTO TOP SHOP 736 Charnelton St. Ralph Fraser Phone 4-GH5