Indian Fumbles Prove Costly; Oregon Jolts Stanford, 21-20 (Continued from par/c four) | Another Chuck—Bra/.el, who had a tough time against the Wchfoots, hit to the 20 hut Stanford aceejited an offsides penalty to set them tip on the 18 Instead. After two unsuccess ful line smashes, Gelrert, with |A-1 deception, faded hack for a pass hut handed off to Mathias who went around his offensive left end for 22 yards and an In dian teedee with 7:45 left, Geb crt’s hoot spilt the uprights. The Webfoot.s paraded to three fiist downs but were stymied on the Card 21 after Shaw, who came in especially for the play, pas.sud deep into the end zone, b it out of the reach of Fullback Tom Novi koff. Two plays later Mathias committed his first blunder, fumb ling from the 22; Len Berrie, who was in the Indian backfield all afternoon, recovered for the Web foots on the three. Oregon Tics It Novikoff bucked over right guaid for a yard and then lowered his head for the touchdown on the next play right over center. An other Indian feather for Cas' cap was on the conversion. With Emerson Harvey in to kick and Shaw holding, th latter straight ened up and passed to his left in the endzone where Anderson pull ed it down for the seventh point which, as it turned out, was all important. Time was 3:08 Ore gon 7, Stanford 7. S e c o n d Quarter — Offsides penalties harrassed the Ducks In the early moments of the stanza and forced them to kick to the Indians’ 37. The Indians opened up with passes, from Hebert to Mathias and John Steinberg, an end, which car ried them to a first and goal on the Duck 10. Mathias hit right guard for two hut Gebcrt was thrown for u two-yard loss. Mathias ran the vulnerable Ore gon right flank for nine yards to the one but Brazel, on a left tackle attempt, was halted two feet shy of the goal line. Both teams threatened somewhat but pass interceptions by EssegJan and C'ece Hodges stalled any Washington Pups Stop Oregon Frosh (Continued from t'auc four) It wasn't until the fourth period that Pup Mentor, Johnny Cher berg pulled his starting backfield. At that moment Washington was ahead 42 to 12. A defensively-awake Oregon squad narrowed the scoring chasm in the last period, as they took ad vantage of numerous Washington fumbles. Johnson Recovers When Tackle Harry Johnson flopped on a Washington fumble on his own 40, the Ducklings im mediately set to work, manufact uring their third tally. James scampered for 15, and Keller lofted an aerial to Overton for the re maining 45 yards. With two minutes left, Keller completed two passes to advance the ball to the Pup one. James wiggled through the middle for Oregon’s last score. Washington’s last half mark ers were scored by Monroe, who tallied from the one; Fish, who grabbed a 13 yard Lederman pass; and Johnson, who took a thrust from sub quarterback, Jerry Redmond. Despite the loss, Coach Bower man was very pleased with the showing of his team. “This makes the outlook very bright for future varsity squads. The coming frosh will greatly strengthen next year's varsity, especially in the line.” scoring, Oregon 7, Stanford 7. Third Quarter Brcthaeur tricked off to Mathias who hobbled the pigskin on the 13. Jim Jacques recovered for Oregon. Novikoff slammed right tackle for a yard and Stanford was penalized five more for offsides. Novikoff charg ed around right end for a touch down. Harvey converted and Ore gon led 14-7 as 6,000 looked on in silent disbelief. Neither Moves Stanford was unable to make headway on the next series and Don Castellucei punted to the Ore gon 26. Oregon was equally in capable of moving arid returned the favor, Stanford taking over on the Card 34. Then the Indians rolled. Mathias tried left end and gained a yard; Gcbert passed to Mathias who turned on the steam and went to the Oregfla 21. Mathias ripped Into the mid dle of the Wehfoot line, which gave up three yards; then Geb ert passed toward the end /.one where Don Hedgepeth of the Ducks tipped the ball into the air and right Into the arms of Morley for the score. Gebert added the extra point with 7:10 to go in the quarter. The Webfoots, instead of fold ing, went right to work. Van Leu ven gained two yards to the Duck 33. Holland completed a long tos.s to Ron Lyman who was dumped on the Stanford 22. Holland gain ed five; Van Leuven cracked to the 12 in three slams. Van Leuven again crashed the middle, but Hodges, on a counter play, had the ball. Little Cece hit left tackle cut, slammed into Dave Eldredge on the goal line and went in for the big one. Harvey converted and Oregon led 21-14 with 4:05 left. Indians Drive Fourth Quarter — Stanford got a drive underway from their 46. Gebert passed to Morley for a first down on the Oregon 34. Gebert then ran right end for a yard and followed up with a pass to Stein berg on the 22. Mathias circled Phi Delts, Stitzer, Hale Kane Triumph Throe of the six scheduled vol leyball games yesterday were won | by forfeit. The Phi Delts and Hale j Kane won their games easily while Stitzer hall edged Nestor hall in three close games. Tall Art Weatherfurd's spiking led his team to victory over Nestor by scores of 15-11, 13-15, 15-11. Danny Olsen, Sam Sorenson and Dale Bergenson turned in a good performance for the loosers. Tom Paulus, Bill Heath and King Shankes led Phi Delta Theta’s B team to an easy victory over Sig ma Chi by scores of 15-1, 15-0. Sigma Chi's John Tonach and Hap Taylor played hard but the rest of the team couldn’t get going a gainst the crushing spikes of the Phi Delts. Hale Kane's B team remains un beaten as they easily disposed of Campbell club by scores of 15-1, 15-2. Pi Kappa Alpha won their game by forfeit from Phi Sigma Kappa. French hall beat Merrick hall while the Counselors won from Susan Campbell hall by forfeit. SPORTS FARE Tuesday, November 18 3:50 Court 40 Phi Kappa Sigma A vs. Phi Sigma Kappa A 3:50 Court 43 Delta Upsilon A vs. Beta Theta Pi A 4:35 Court 40 Chi Psi A vs. Delta Tau Delta A 4:35 Court 43 Pi Kappa Phi Epsilon A vs. Kappa Sigma A 5-15 Court 43 Alpha llall A vs. Gamma Hall A left end for 13 and Oebert right armed a pitch to Morley with eight minutes left. Eut Gebert’s vital toe couldn’t match his arrn and his placement was low. Ore gon led 21-20. A final Indian drive had the Ducks on the run until the Stan fords petered out on the 19. Geb ert fired to Morley but Shaw batted it down. Another Gebert throw war; Incomplete to Morley and then Gebert was plastered on two successive plays. The Ducks used up two minutes to run off three plays and a punt and polished off the game when Shaw intercepted a Gebert pass after a diehard Indian attempt had carried them to the Duck 35. . .. „ , OREGON J.h llrethaucr. If. Johnvm Ll Reeve, I^aird, Stoutt LL Sweitzer. Harvey, Hedgej.eth < Phrister. Aflam» RG Patera, Williams, Greenley R I Bcrric, Simmons X Harnes, Lyman OP .Shaw. Holland J'H Powell, Me. Barber KH Anderson, Albright, Hodges,, Ma Bar rier h B XovikoflF, Van Leuven T _ w , STANFORD LL Morley. Ladie, Bush 'j. Vtck.Cjant. Smith. Broderick b'1 Wilson, Armitage. Dos ter [ Goldberg, Tanner, Howe Bb Revak, W edge Mayrhofer, Stanton -S tin berg, Storum Gebert, Castellucci P/aael. Thompson, Monteith. Rannells Mathias, St. Gemc, Rogers, Wentworth ( ook Watson. Essegian, Eldredge STANFORD 7 0 7 6 2f OREGON 7 0 14 0— 21 KT R K OP. VM KH FB Brethager Named Big Game Captain The varsity football squad start ed out Monday afternoon with a vigorous exercise session followed by a dummy scrimmage in prepar ation for this weekend’s final game of the season with Oregon State at Portland. Monte Brethauer was elected team captain for the next game and team captain for the past sea son. The captain of the last game played is designated team captain for the season. In the scrimmage, the team ran through corrections of last week end's plays, polished up some others and practiced some new plays. Coach Casanova commented that the Stanford game was a nice one to win and that the team played nicely throughout the game. He cited the pass protection given Barney Holland as being excellent. Indian Game Notes (Conlinued from page four) tice early in order to get in a workout or two with Bill Borch er’s varsity basketball team. Barney is a guard. Now the Webfoot coaching staff wouldn t think of letting him gcr, Oregon's band took over loclt stock and barrel! at the game. The Indian music makers were con tent to let the Duck tooters play the national anthem and put oa. their South American program at half time. Press box observers calP ed them the best band to put in a* appearance at Palo Alto this year. SPORTS STAFF Desk Editor: Larry Lavello, Ass’t. Deck Editor: Norm Steen. Staff: A1 Peters and Sam Vahey. Emerald Classified Ada Brinf Results. COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR • Minor Adjustments • Complete Overhauls Guaranteed Workmanship • Loan Car • Pickup Service Dependable Auto Service (New Management) 905 1st Ave West Phone 4-0107 Safety tips to save week-end drivers Bring ’em back alive. Don’t let your week-end trip be the death of you and your family. Drive extra carefully . . . watch out for inexperienced drivers . . . use proper hand signals. Above all, stay on your guard every minute. 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