The Nation and the World... Eisenhower to Fly, Confer with Prexy ■ Compiled by Andy Salmins Emerald Attltlant Wire Editor (/Vi Dwight D. Elsenhower, the president-elect, made one last tour * of the Augusta National golf course Monday and then started to pre pate for his flight to Washington today. The president-elect has a 2 p.m. date with President Truman, but '"•fore that he will attend a parade, with bands, soldiers, fire engines ,l!"l which has been prepared for him by the nation's capital. Govern-j . ment workers will be allowed to take time out for the parade. Correspondents covering Els cnhower In Augusta, (in., were irritated Monday when they ggot I lie familiar answ er on asking lien (lie general will leave for Korea: “Nothing;. No word at all." Tile reporters reminded KIs eahower’s news secretary that he half promised them some thin;; by last Saturday. “Yes, I know," he replied, “hut there’ still Is nothing.” Meanwhile Eisenhower's ad v inee man in Washington, Senator l.'enry Cabot Lodge, reported fav orahly on his reception in the state and defense departments. Lodge said that he has confer red w'th defense secretary Lov ett and undersecretary of start David Itruee, and he added, “I am satisfied they are dealing with me in a spirit of frank co olie ration. * * * OPS Staffers' Boss Orders Price Roll-Back L-T*» The Washington office of price stabilization received an ulti matum from its boss Tighe Wood.-, Monday. He says: “I've told the national office ' iff to have by next Monday an order on my desk rolling back pi ices or a full explanation why it i an't be done." Woods said that 1 lusewivcs are nagging him as to v by meat prices are staying high at the butcher's while livestock I ives nra declining. Last month, he told his office ••‘ iff to work up a report on this entire situation. Yesterday, the pi ice stabilizer asked his men to report, “i tol dthem.'' said Woods, "they have had enough time to < onsider the matter. I told them not to leave th< matter dangling ; ny longer. I want action by Mon clay.” Price controls have been just t Uo n off cranberry .sauce in the cans, and the OPS lias done the r ime with apple cider. The office i xplair.ed that it is not doing thjs ju t because it's getting near Thank: ,iving merely a matter of c implying with the controls law. * * * Action for GOP Listed By Taft