San Francisco Fastest Air Coach $2615 PIUS TAX Cali WEbster 2285 or see your Western travel agent. GOOD FOODS AND FRIENDS The two just naturally go together and at Seymour’s Cafe you’ll find them both. Seymours has long been “known for good food,” and it’s a handy place to meet your friends when downtown shopping, or after the show. Use our check cashing service, telephones, rest rooms—in short, make yourself at home! • •••• Seymours are exclusive i agents in Eugene for the* famous Fortland Van Duyn ’ candy. • • We have a private dining #room for group dinners or Jhouse affairs. •Club privileges Sortie's Play 'No Exit' To Be Shown As UO Theater Bonus Production Four University dramatists will perform Jean-Paul Sartie's philo sophical drama, ‘‘No Exit", Nov. 21 ar.d 22 as the first bonus attraction for University theater season ticket holdei s. This highly experimental produc tion wil be read in the Laughton style by Horace W. Robinson, di rector of the University theater; Frederick J. Hunter, assistant di rector; Mrs. Mary Krenk, a gradu ate of Oregon and active in Eu gene Very Little theater work, and Beverly Brunton, senior in speech. Miss Brunton won the aw:ard for the best actress of the 1951-52 Uni versity theater season for her role j in "The Madwoman of Challiot." This play has never before been j done in the western area, and has rarely been done anywhere. There 'Rhapsody in Blue' Planned for Sunday “Rhapsody in Blue”, with Rob ert Alda, Joan Leslie and Alexis Smith, will be shown this Sunday at 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. in the SU ballroom. This movie is based on the life of George Gershwin, the famous American composer. Ann Blackwell, chairman of the movie committee, urges everyone to attend these Sunday afternoon movies. They have all been first run films, according to Miss Black well, and now can be seen for only 30 cents. fore, it will be new material to most theater goers. The story deals with the souls of a man and two women condemn ed to hell, who, instead of being subjected to the punishment fires, are sealed together in a small, bare room for eternity. Sartie is probably best known as the “high priest” of the philosophy, “Existentialism”. He is famous for his philosophical and psychological writing which includes a number of texts, one or two novels and ap proximately five plays. This production will he open only to University theater 1952-53 sea con ticket holders. Because of the Seven Admitted To Music Sorority Two new pledges ami five initi ates were admitted to Mu Phi Kpsi lon, professional music sorority, in formal ceremonies held in Ger linger hall Tuesday night. Pledging were Anna Marie Blickenstaff and Carolee Stamperv Initiates are Louise Matter, Mary Louise Hudson, Karen Lee, Marion Cass and Rosalie Blickenstaff. Beverly Gohcen, chapter president, presided. Present for the evening's activi ties, which also included a banquet at the Del Rey cafe, followed by a musical program put on by active members and alums, were over 40 members. Make No Mistakes!... te Surej^J^-much mo„ y°u ^'Chevrolet ^ *£ chances. *« »“* °or your ^ for the deal you K52fe= The Styleline Do Luxe 4 Door Sedan. (Continuation of standard equipment and trim illustrated is dependent on avail ability of material.) SEE WHAT YOU GAIN WITH THESE EXCLUSIVE CHEVROLET FEATURES More Powerful Valve-in-Head Engine with Powerglide Automatic Transmis sion (optional on De Luxe models at extra cost) • Body by Fisher • Center poise Power • Safety Plate Glass all around, with E-Z-Eye plate glass (op tional at extra cost) • Largest Brakes in its field • Unitized Knee-Action Ride. SEE WHAT YOU SAVE WITH THE Lowest-Priced Line in its Field! SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! Conveniently listed under ",Automobiles” in your local classified telephone directory limited .scaling capacity, only one i e.scrvod .seat ticket will be allowc I for each season ticket held. No ad missions will bo sold. WRA Volleyball Games Scheduled The Women's Recreation Asso ciation intramural volleyball gam' s scheduled lor Monday aie ZTA vs. Highland and Hendricks vs. Cai son. Oridcs defeated Hendricks an ile:: 36-32, Monday. The game be tween Hendricks and University was forfeited. Tuesday, Highland downed Hendricks Annex 40-15 and Ann Judson nipped Orides 27 2t3. The contest between AOPi and Carson was forfeited. Hendricks edged Alpha Chi 2S-27 Wednesday. The tournament will close Thanksgiving and final playoff games will be played after Thanks giving vacation. I/O Campus 20's Shown in Silent Film Because the regularly scheduled movie did not arrive in time the Mayflower theater Wednesday night featured a silent movie taken on the University campus in 1929. The movie, which depicts scenes along the mill race including the canoe fetes, is owned by the Hei lig theater and is on 35 millimeter film. According to Jack Baldock, manager of the Heilig, the film may be shown again in cooperation with some University function or celebration. Religious Week Petitions Available Petitions arc being called for by the University Religious council from those who wish to work on the Religious Emphasis Week pro gram which will be held Jan. 25 to 29. Petition deadline is Wednes day, Dec. 5. Positions open to petition are: general secretary, speakers, fin - side, luncheon, housing, publicity, promotion, hospitality, evaluation and program. Petitions should be turned in to co-chairmen of Relig ious Emphasis Week, Jo Sloan at Delta Gamma or Cathy Tribe at Alpha Phi. Ticket Sale Ends Today For Oregon-OSC Game Today is the last day to purchase student tickets for the Oregon OSC game according to the ath letic business office. Approximate ly 400 tickets remain at $2.50. The game will be played Nov. 22 n Portland's Multnomah stadium. Oregon students will be in sections B and C on the east side of the field between the 50 and 30 yard lines. SPORTS FARE FOOTBALL SATURDAY — Stan iord Stadium. University of Ore Kon vs. Stanford University. Kickoff, 2 p.m. FUOSII FOOTBALL — Seattle. I Diversity of Oregon Frosli vs. I Diversity of Wasliiagton Frosli. Kickoff, 2 p.m. IN' riJA,YIURALS, Friday, Nov. 11. ^:50 Court 40 Sigma Chi ]i vs. l’hi Delia I beta 15 .1:50 Court 4.1 T>i Kappa Alpha 11 vs. Phi Sigma Kappa 11 1 HalMl"1 "l° J'"cstljr 11,1,1 I* vs. Stitzrr 4 Hall b"1 43 Merrick 11:1,1 B vs- ErencU 5:15 C,'V,H “10 Campbell Club II vs. Hale Kane B selors i>U t ^usau Campbell B vs. Conn