UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Card Throwers Are a Hazard “The Texas Longhorns have been passing the hall more this season than at any time in the past few years. But as throwers the Orange and "White may yet wind up second best to a hand ful of their fellow students. A few thoughtless individuals in t^e flash card section have been turning the relatively safe enjoyment of watching a foot ball game into a genuine hazard for peopleJn surrounding sec tions. The permanent injury just one of those cards is capable of accomplishing would be a strong argument for the abolition of the flash card section in the future. Card students will add their usual colorful touch to our only remaining home game with A & M. If this unnecessary home game haazrd is still with us Turkey Day, it could mark the final appearance of the stunts at a University of Texas foot ball game.” (Ed. Note: Amen.) A New Political Role for Stevenson ? Democrats are currently talking about financing radio and TV appearances by Adlai Stevenson as a spokesman for "the loyal opposition" during the next four years of Republican rule. The idea sounds good. Stevenson made an international name for himself during the campaign with his excellent speeches and clear-cut analysis. He could do the countrv a ser vice by presenting the "other side of the picture," the views of the part)- out of power. With his reputation established as a man of integrity and intellectual powers, Stevenson might do much to bring the American political scene the rational, constructive-type criti cism of government which has been so often lacking in the past. Literary Magazine Up to the Students Hopes for a campus literary magazine received a setback Wednesday when the Publications board voted to terminate consideration of the magazine for the present. The arguments were that there is a lack of student interest and no financial support for the magazine. The board did not turn its back on the idea. If student inter est is evidenced, the board will take up the financial problem. It's up to Oregon’s creative writers to show the board that the interest IS there. All a Matter of Strategy r “Oh they’re losin’ yards on ‘Time in the huddle’ all right, but I notice they make a touchdown on every play.” Daily EMERALD Oregon Daily Emerald published Tuesday through Friday during the college year w * j j * ' _ , “ VW* wuoiu wi «*v U iUVCI oilj UX vXCKUIla entered as second class matter at the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 per term. * Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to represent the opinions of the ASUO or o' the University. Initialed editorials are written by editorial staff members. Unsigned editorials are written by the editor. Larry Hobart, Editor Sally Thurston, Business Manager Helen Jones, Bill Gubney, Associate Editors Jim Haycoe, Editorial Assistant ELECTION REACTION Reports From Western^Germany Gunther Hartli DUESSELDORF, Germany (Special to the Emerald) The presidential election of the Unit ed States was a world-wide af fair. The campaign has paral yzed, during the last weeks, the international policy. Further More, there will be no important action of any European govern ment until the inauguration of General Eisenhower. This simple fact characterizes the world sit uation and the relations between the nations. German^ got the news of the election on Wednesday, Nov. 5, at 7:44 a.m. Middle European Time, when the AP wire serviced Gov ernor Stevenson's telegram. The newspapers published special editions with Eisenhow Notes to the Editor © w. n. p. To the Editor: We of the campus YWCA ap plaud the Emerald for its con sideration of our association’s emphasis during this week of No vember 9-15. It is unfortunate that the editorial stress was plac ed on funtl-raising, for our cam pus fellowship will not partici pate in the material aspects of the YM-YWCA World Fellow ship Week (for the YM celtv brates this week also). The national student YWCA along with the student YMCA has agreed to make its main giv ing emphasis through WSSF, be cause the World Student Service Fund is closer to our own immed iate concerns as students. The campus YM-YWCA’s, as do stu dent Y’s throughout the nation, find in this week an occasion fore feeling a part of and praying for those in other lands who are com mitted to the purpose and Chris tian fellowship of the YWCA YMCA. Materialists ask: “What good does this do?” And we, though we too are a part of the material istic picture, would answer that peace will come n&t through fin ancial contributions only but through international under standing. To us international un derstanding can best be accom plished through joining hearts and minds in common concerns, problems, and aspirations. Americans dedicate one day to giving thanks for our many blessings, yet it could not be as sumed that Thanksgiving is the only time when we thank God with humble and appreciative hearts. Likewise, the YM-YWCA, in setting aside a week in which Y members around the world pray for world peace and better understanding among all peoples, does not indicate that this is our sole international emphasis. For the Y’s, it is a year around pro cess of forums, discussions, get togethers, and programs evi dencing Christian growth and understanding in the area of world relatedness. And so we ask again “How near is a neighbor?” and again the answer is “A neighbor is as near as there is understanding and caring and a common pur pose!" Sincerely, Jackie Wilkes, President, U of O YWCA er’s picture and Stevenson's con cession of defeat. On Thursday morning the election results were the number one story of all news papers. Only the Communist pap ers buried the news down on page two. "Eisenhower Flies to Korea," was the general tenor of the headlines. His victory didn't sur prise the man on the street. Eis enhower was the most popular presidential candidate in Ger many. Most people regarded him always in connection with his NATO job in Paris and his ener getic drive for an European army. There was no indication how strong the appeal of uni form had touched the Germans again. Stevenson Dark Horse Governor Stevenson was a dark horse over here. Hut as a civilian he had many sympathies. He be came quite famous for iris bril liant speeches and the fair tr ib ute he paid to Eisenhower after his defeat. Jt is unusual in Ger many to congratulate political enemies after elections. Never theless the common man recog nized the character of the ges ture and estimated the behavior. The people were surprised about the large number of voters. They regarded it as a great fortune for the United States that there were two able men running for tha office. Change Expected The Bonn government and the opposition hailed the election of the General. They didn't forget that Eisenhower had changed his judgment about Germany very much in recent years. The British Foreign Office refused any com ment until Elsenhower has ap pointed his cabinet. The hope that the General will continue the "Europe first" policy was the tenor of the French editorials. Generally speaking, the great est part of the European news papers expect with the new Pres ident a change in the foreign policy of the United States. There is widespread scepticism that it may not be to the advantage of Europe. Walter Schvvar/.loHc MUN8TKK, Germany (Spec, ini to tho Emerald) Ah a mat ter of fact: Hardly anybody in Germany did believe Unit i ;, bower would win the pn-si, etc.” All wrecks must travel and. move from power generated within the wreck. The prized trophy is a gold plated spittoon.