Emerald Sport* Editor Several weeks ago a nationally known wire service came up with a mid-season all-Coasl football team. Now mythical all star squads have an uncomfortable habit of pleasing some of the folks some of the time and—well, you’re familiar with the rest of that line. I'.ut we were slighted, perhaps unintentionally. The name of Monte Hrethauer was nowhere to be found among the first and second-string selections or even with the honorable men tions. This is an amazing oversight since Hrcthauer, at that time, had caught more passes than any player in the Pacific Coast conference. Easy to Overlook It he natural to look for good material on a winning outfit and since the I’CC is wallowing in football wealth this . year, Oregon's unimpressive 1 7-1 mark with two games to go may have served to repel the talent scouts. So what happens to real stars like Brethauer and Idaho's Don Hinge and Bob Holder and Oregon State's Sam Baker? Nothing. And that’s what is wrong. Ben Casanova, Webfoot grid coach, disagrees with the pre vailing attitude that poor teams fail to produce outstanding players. Says t.as: "One year when 1 was coaching at Sequoia Jligh school in Redwood City, Calif., we had a championship team, but not one of those boys could have made the grade i in collegiate ball. \et on the worst team I ever coached there were three fellows that could have stepped right up to a berth , on any college team in the countrv." Hold on to your chair, grandpa—this news’ll rock you: MONTE BRETHAUER IS NOW THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION’S LEAD ING PASS RECEIVER. There won’t be a player in the country who will take the field this Saturday with any more catches to his credit than Brethauer's 94, which he has picked up in slightly less than three seasons of competition. What's more, the nation’s first and foremost receiving genius is only 12 receptions away from Bill McColl's career record of 106. What does Casanova think of his prize protege? “He's def initely a fine team player—good for team morale. He can get 1 into the open easily because of his ability to fake the secondary out of position. His pass receiving is good. He has as much football sense as anybody that I've coached. Monte has made , himself a great football player through hard work.” These are words of high praise from a coach who is not inclined to dish ► out flowery compliments.* Knows What to Do Hal Dunham, senior Webfoot quarterback, has this to say about his teammate : Monte is the best team player the game will ever see. lie knows just exactly what to do in every situation. He’s cool-headed. He makes up for what he doesn’t have in size by his ability to be in the right place at the right time. p He's an ideal pass-catcher and his timing leaves nothing to be desired. Monte’s a ball player’s ball plaver.” Brethauer, at six-one and 172 lbs. isn’t the biggest target in the world; neither is he the fastest man on the club. But Brethauer, on the button-hooks down the middle and the over and out passes to the sidelines, gives opposing coaches the creeps. If they can stop Brethauer they’ve just about f got the Webfoots by the throat. Here's our reasons why Brethauer is betfbnd all doubt an p all-l’acific Coast end: (1) The pressure is always on him be cause the Duck running game isn’t potent enough to worry the opposition; there is nothing like a high-geared ground game to break down the pass defense. What would Black do without Heinrich and Earley? How effective would Stockert or Jones he with no All-American Paul Cameron? r What Can't He Do? (2).There is no limit to his versatility. Brethauer can kick i- and punt with the best of them. Monte is one of the better defensive halfbacks on the club—but Casanova hesitates to use him too much because it might cut down on his offensive skills. Against Washington State Saturday, Brethauer inter cepted a Bob Burkhart pass and recovered a fumble. He added nine more pass receptions to his total of 25 which pulls him to within 12 of lid Barker’s national record of 46 for h one season. His three-year yardage mark now stands at 961, even though he is almost always knocked down immediately after he receives the ball. I here’s our candidate. If you doubt our word, just ask Wal dorf or Odell or Sanders. Tops NCAA Receivers MONTE BRETHACER Emerald’s All Coast Candidate Dr. Leland A. Huff Optometrist 43 W. 8th Ave. Ph. 5-3525 NOW THRU SAT. A TIDAL WAVE OF LOVE-AN UNDER CURRENT OF HATE! Here is a Love Sfory of India, Filmed on the Banks of the Ganges! wirn lora Swinburne * Esmond Knigh Arthur Shields * Suprova Mukerje Ihomas E. Breen • Patricia Walter ■EIEASEI) a*TISTS_ Students 40c; Adults 50c Heinrich Heads Total Offense NEW YORK (AP)—The top six offensive leaders in college football ranks are T-formation quarter backs. Only once in history has a T-formation quarterback come.out; first in total offense at the end of the season. That was in 1948 when ! Stan Heath of Nevada turned the trick. But this year, it’s a virtual cinch one of the six T-men will stave off any outsiders. Washington’s Don Heinrich is the leader with a total of 1,492 yards in eight games. Second is Gene Rossi of Cincinnati who has accounted for 1,277 yards in eight games. Tommy O'Connell of Illinois is third with 1,276 yards in seven games. Then come Ted Marchibroda of Detroit, Johnny Borton of Ohio State and Zeke Bratkowski of Georgia. All of these are T-quarterbacks. — Oregon to Host Hockey Conference The Pacific Northwest Field Hockey conference will be held on the Oregon campus this weekend sponsored by the Field Hockey as sociation of the physical education department. Sixteen teams from the North west will participate in the three day meet. They include one team from the University of British Co lumbia, University of Washing ton, Washington State college, University of Idaho, Boise junior college, Clark college, Linfield and Reed, an independent club from Southern Oregon communities, the Vancouver Town Team, and1 two teams from Western Washington College of Education, Oregon State and University of Oregon. Teams will arrive on Friday night and play three games in all. SPORTS STAFF Desk Editor: Larry Lavelle. Staff: Bob Cole, Ken LaMear, Buzz Nelson and Drew Jones. In action / or relaxin you re the attraction in Arrow Sports Shirts ARROW »»--—» —SHIRTS • TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS. 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