Burkhart Passes Whip Webfoots ..I '■.'.-.'Wftvi—w' '*• »,> • . i TOM NOVIIvOFF (arrow), Oregon fullback drove to the four yard line on this second quarter play against Washington State Saturday. On the following down Hal Dunham pitched to Monte Brethauer for the Webfoots’ lone touchdown. Pictured in action are Ed Barker (89), Jim Jaeques (63), Mike Itihary (70), Elmer Messenger (70) urul Man ning Barker (30). The Cougars defeated the Wehfonts 19-0 in Oregon’s annual Home Coming game at Hayward field. —Wiltshire Photo Courtesy Keglster-tiiuird ► ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S PIKERS SAE Undefeated; Suzzies Win Out Sigma Alpha Epsilon showed superb playing ability in trounc ing Phi Kappa Sigma, 15 to 4 and 15 to 3, Monday afternoon to re main undefeated in “A” squad vol leyball action. Other games yesterday saw Nestor “B” win by forfeit over Merrick “B”; Susan Campbell “B” best Campbell Club “B” 13 tto 15, 15 to 3, and 15 to 13; Sher ry Ross “B” take two from French Hall “B”, 15 to 1 and 15 to 11; Counselors grab a forfeit from Barrister Inn; and Lambda Chi Alpha edge Delta Upsilon, 15 to 8, 3 to 15 and 15 to 11. The towering SAE volleyball crew had little trouble disposing of the Phi Kaps. Behind the deadly spikes of Mike Kittredge, Bob Carlson, and Bob White, and the lofty sets of Frank Franciscovich, Jay McMurren and Jim Ganong. the winners were never on the short end of the tally. Gene Beck, Reed King, and Bob Hinman led the tough Phi Kaps. Campbell Win After losing the opener to Camp bell Club’s ‘\B's”, the Suzzies came back to take the next set, 15 to 3, and then go on to win by edging out the Clubbers in an elongated set, 15 to 13. Campbell Club was ahead 9 to 1, at one time in the contest. Jim Jolly and Vishnue W'assi amal sparked the Suzzies, while lanky Jay Iiopefr and Wilber Boe sel were the top Campbell Club volleyers. Nestor’s “B” team remained on the undefeated list with a forfeit triumph over Merrick. (Please turn to page fire) Prep Playoffs Set PORTLAND UP)—Two of the four opening games in the Ore gon class A high school football play-offs have been set for Sat urday night. These are Bend vs. Jefferson at Bend and Grants Pass vs. Marshfield at Grants Pass. The Central Catholic-Hillsboro game at Hillsboro and the Ben son-The Dalles game at Portland will be played Friday night. Wallowa Favored To Defend Title PORTLAND IfP)—'Wallowa, with 23 consecutive victories, is favored to retain its Oregon high school Class “B" football championship in the annual playoffs, which get under way this week. Wallowa, the district eight tit list, plays host Saturday to Echo, District seven champion. Monroe, the District three win ner, will meet Drain, District four champion, in the opening playoff game at Cottage Grove Thursday. Jefferson, District two titlist, and Garibaldi, the District one champion, will play at Jefferson Saturday. Maupin and Moro will clash at Maupin Tuesday for the District six title and the right to meet Merrill, the District five represent ative. The playoff game will be held on the District six team’s field. SPORTS FARE Tuesday, November 11 3 :50 Court 40 Tau Kappa Epsilon A vs. Delta Tau Delta A 3:50 Court 43 Sigma Xu A vs. Alpha Tau Omega A 4:35 Court 40 Phi Kappa Psi A vs. Phi Delta Theta A 4:35 Court 43 Phi Gamma Delta A vs Pi Kappa Alpha 5:15 Court 40 Sigma Alpha Mu A vs. Kappa Sigma A 5:15 Court 43 Theta Chi vs. Sigma Chi A PCC Standings rcla .. Southern California Washington Washington State Stanford . California < )regon Idaho . U 4 U .5 1 .3 2 3 3 4' 3 .1 .1 .0 Oregon State 'J KKSCLTSSATURDAY Washington State 19, Oregon 0 California 7, Washington 22 Southern California 54, Stanford 7 Oregon State 0. UCLA 57 .000 .000 .833 A 0 .400 . 5 .200 .IMMJ .000 Lame Ducks View WSC-Oregon Film, Hold Light Drill Rain sprinkled the varsity foot ; ball team as they ran through light drills yesterday afternoon, loosen ing up some kinks from the week end's action. Following the drills the offensive unit worked on some plays in a dummy scrimmage. A movie of last Saturday's Washing ton State game was shown follow ing the short workout. Injuries continued to plague Coach Len Casonova’s Ducks. Emery Barnes reinjured his back during the weekend’s game. Cece Hodges is still sidelined with a painful broken rib tip. It isn’t kgiown this early in the week whether either will see action in this week’s Stanford game at Palo Alto. Don Hedgepeth and Hal Sim mons are both suffering from bad ly bruised shoulders, but it is be lieved that they will be ready to play the Stanford game. Hedge peth was working out without pads yesterday but did not participate in the scrimmage. Farrell Albright’s hip injury is keeping him out of play but Cas says that he can’t say for sure how long he will be sidelined. The coach also said that Tom Elliott, who broke his leg in the Idaho game, will most likely be out for the rest of the season. COUGARS WIN, BUT... Stubborn Duck Defense Slows Powerful Washington State Attack By Rick Tarr Emerald Sportiwriter After spotting Washington State two touchdowns in the first quarter, Oregon’s Webfoots settled down to turn the makings of a Washington State rout into a real ball game. Saturday’s homecoming crowd saw a surprisingly tough de fensive line and the pass-catching genius of Monte Brethauer Specialists Lead Pro Scoring Race NEW YORK (JP) — The “Toe” still is the most important part of football. Tuesday’s pro football games left two ace place-kickers on top of the individual scoring columns. They are pacemaker Gor don Saltau, crack end of the San Francisco 49ers and Lou Groza of the Cleveland Browns. Soltau made eight points yesterday on a touch down and two extra points to boost his season total to sixty. Groza kicked four conversions to run his total to fifty-five. But Soltau’s team didn’t win. The 49ers were humbled by the New York Giants 23 to 14. It was the second straight loss for the San Francisco team. Coach Buck Shaw is regrouping his injured forces. In an attempt to plug the 49ers defenses, Shaw recalled End Haldo Norman, who has been coaching at Gustavus Adolphus in St. Peter, Minn. Sunday’s defeat knocked San Francisco into a tie with Detroit for first place in the National divi sion of the National Pro Football league. keep the game much closer than the 19 to 6 Cougar margin would indicate. Brethauer's nine pass recep tions during the game tied the Pacific Coast conference record set last week by UCLA's Ike Jones. Monte out-performed all coast Cougar end Ed Barker, and edged closer to regaining the top spot on the Coast conference pass snatching parade. Cougars Put Two Over Washington State got off two quick scores in the first quarter with Big Bob Burkhart throwing perfect strikes to Wayne Berry for 31 yards and to Barker for 45 yards. These gave Coach Alton Kirclier’s “comeback kids” a com fortable 13-point lead after only ten minutes of play. Horrified Ore gon fans began to have visions of another Washington debacle. But the fired up Buck defense refused to fold. Hal Simmons, and Emmett Williams, were two of the many heroes of the Duck forwards. Oregon's only touchdown came on a second quarter drive, the only one to be sustained without a fumble. Starting on the Wash ington State 48 yard line, Barney Holland engineered the team to the four yard line by mixing the line smashes of Lloyd Powell and Tom Novikoff with two passes to (Please turn to page five)