Stassen, Warren to Speak At Willamette Convention Two Republican presidential can didates Harold Htassen of Minne sota and Gov. Earl Warren of Cal ifornia will apeak at Willamette University's mock political conven tion today, according to Tom Har ry, head of the 27 delegates who will represent the University of Oregon at the one-day meet. Other political big wheels lined tip for the convention are Hen. Wayne Morse of Oregon, honorary convention chairman; Gov. Frank Carlson of Nebraska, the keynote speaker; und Gov. Douglas McKay of Oregon. Twelve Colleges rurtlel|>ating Twelve colleges and universities from throughout Oregon will par ticlatp in the convention. Plenary sessions for the conven tion will begin at 10 a m. followed by caucuses at 1:30 p.m. A banquet will be held at 5:30 p.m. and the nominating session will get under way at 7:30 p m. The nominating procedings will be broadcast by radio station KGW of Portland. Oregon will represent Wiscon sin, with 30 votes; Michigan, with 40 votes; and Illinois, with 00 votes. I o Students \11<*n, and are available at the registration desk during the religious confer ences. An informal discussion on Hindu philosophy, and presentation of Indian music and art and a show ing of Indian films will follow the the dinner. Sir Hamaswami will be the guest speaker at the 9:30 and 11 a m. DST services at the Eugene Congregational Church. His topic will be "India's Religious Philo sophy." Confab Topic Is US Religion Professors from four western HtatcH will attend the fifth annual Northwest conference on religion in higher education to be held on the Oregon campus Friday and to day. Held jointly with a philosophy of religion session ,thr conference will feature the Rev. Donald MacT’her son Baillle and Danidl Summer Robinson as key speakers. Reverend Baillic is from the Uni versity of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland, where he is professor of systematic theology. Robinson is professor of philoso phy and director of the school of philosophy at the University of Southern California at Los An geles. Reverend Baillic will speak on "What is Dead and What is Liv ing in Christianity” at the main address of the conference Friday night. He will also speak Satur day on "Christianity in Education Today.” Robinson will speak Friday aft ernoon and Saturday morning on the same topics. Other participants in the confer ence will he President Morgan S. Odell, John Lang Anderson and Hideo Hashimoto, all of Lewis and Claik college; Edwin Garlan, Reed college; Edward Kollman, Willam ette university; Jame L. Martin. College of Idaho; John Magee. Col lege of Puget Sound; William Jones, dean of administration, Uni versity of Oregon; Roy McCall, head of the department of speech in the University; and Oregon State Senator Philip Hitchcock of Klamath Falls. Night Staff -Night Editor: Paul Keefr. Staff: Marge Floren, N'oreen Johnson. THE ERB MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION will open at 9:30 a.m. DST Sunday May 11th and will close at 11 p.m. DST ERB MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION Serenade Will End Weekend I iif.* final Junior Weekend event, ; the Sunlight Serenade, will be heir) I Sunday in the music school’s am phitheater. The University band, directed by Robert Vagner, will play proceeding the processional of the Junior Weekend Queen and her court at 3 p.m. Janis Evans and Walter Martin will sing Gershwin's "Bess, You Is My Woman" and Romberg's "One Kiss followed by the women all campus sing winners. Gordon Howard is next on the program singing "Mah Curly Headed Baby" by Critsom and Gershwin's "I Got Plenty of No thin' ", — ___ A combo composer! of Kaa e Sandegrcn at the piano, Ear y Burr on the drum", Boh Wheele: s, string bass, and Dick Doir, saxo phone will play. Jams Evans w i) reappear to sing "A Heart That is Free" by Robin and Bailey ar d “Romance” from the "Student Prince" by Romberg. A string trio consisting of Mar gory Carlson, cello: Sally Lichty, violin; and Dorothy Peterson, pi ano. will play. Audrey Mistret a will sing "Oh Solo Mio” by Edi Capua and Herbert's "Thine Alone” and the program will conclude with the men's all-campus sing winners. MOTHER REMEMBERED ! You when you were young. It's your turn to remember her now. Show Mother a good time when -lie i- lure on the campus thi- week-end and" bring her’down to Seymour’s . Cafe for a good meal and a family get-together. Students who have not picked up their copy of the 1952 OREGANA may do so today (Saturday) in the SU administration office Mezzanine level 8 a.rri. to 12 nocn ERB MEMORIAL STUDENT UNION